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Strange dreams

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2 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

Sort of - I was very aware this was a dream and this wasn't my actual car, but I also felt I really had to go along with it all.

I seem to have two types of dreams.

'Film dreams' which seem to run a course/story. Or 'Play dreams' which are lucid.

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41 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

I had a really vivid one last night that had me giggling when I woke up. I was supposed to pick up my missus from some house in the countryside and I was driving like a 10% scale VW beetle, feet and hands through the sunroof, rest of me outside. I was driving on these dark country lanes and ended up in a dead end. A full sized car was behind me and the driver got out and asked me what I was doing at his house. I said I was lost and supposed to be picking my wife up, and he said "oh no she's not here, she's over the sea. You need to go and get a ship over there" and gave me directions to this sort of Suez canal type place, but there's no roads so I have to go off-road. There's me driving my comedy sized beetle around trees and over bumps in the ground, until I reach the water and met a bunch of people in kayaks and told them I needed to get through the straits to my wife, could I borrow a kayak - they all laughed and said "kayak? look at that tanker trying to get through and tell me if you want a kayak". Then they pointed to this big ship trying to go through the straits and getting flung back out like it was a feather every time it tried. They said "the way through is up over the hills, we'll climb up and then kayak down the river rapids." so off I go with them up these hills to the start of some river rapids - but to actually get in the water you have to buy a ticket in this mad ricketty building. I go inside and it's a jumble of rooms with chairs and tables but nobody can tell me how I can get to the start of the rapids. I run about up and down the stairs for ages until I finally pop out of a door that leads into a big lake that the rapids are rushing out of. I fall into the lake (holding my tiny car above my head to keep it dry), and get pulled over the waterfall. Before I land I wake up.

Do you resemble either of these people?

Image result for simpsons tall man

Image result for fitzcarraldo

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  • 1 month later...

was woken up at 4 barely able to breath. me and my mate were in a play park, one i used to take the kids to, sniffing these massive lines of coke and swallowing e's. suddenly we had to hide as we could sense something hunting us but couldnt see it. we split up and i hid behind a large bush. next thing there was a massive ride on lawn mower behind me that was spitting all the grass cuttings over me but the clippings were really heavy. they completely covered me and it went so dark. slowly my chest was crushing and i could feel my ribs snapping one by one.

was horrible when i woke and took me ages to get my breath back.

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On 16/12/2018 at 07:08, throbber said:


I have a drawn that I’m laying bricks using a spoon. Also have a dream that I’m using just my hands to do rendering. Think it’s down to performance related anxiety!


Do you ever dream your shagging a close with a cocktail sausage?

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Went to the diggers pub at gorgie for a few pints and decided to walk down past tynecastle as my bus had been diverted. John Hughes grabbed me and told me to get in the stadium lounge quickly, as there was free drink and entertainment. Grant stott was on stage wearing hearts pyjamas with rod petrie, singing sings about Wallace mercer, while mercer watched on from a balcony.

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Most of my dreams involve falling from a great height, endlessly falling until I awaken.

I do recall once, being chased by a huge can of WD40, the wee red plastic straw attachment that's used for oiling crevices was a sort of evil probe. Terrifying at the time.



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2 hours ago, Silverton End said:

Most of my dreams involve falling from a great height, endlessly falling until I awaken.

I do recall once, being chased by a huge can of WD40, the wee red plastic straw attachment that's used for oiling crevices was a sort of evil probe. Terrifying at the time.





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Woken from this by the alarm this morning - it was World Cup time at some point way in the future, and it was being hosted in Scotland. Spent the dream dotting about the country going between stadiums, watching all the games. We hadn't qualified, of course, but Brechin and Forfar were in the same group. The intergalactic press were going nuts about this amazing derby match. Alicante had qualified for the knockout stage after one game because everybody liked them, I think.

Oh, and I missed out on getting my hole from a bizarre alien creature because I let her hamsters out of their cage. Not a euphemism. Still feel a bit guilty.

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20 minutes ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:

Oh, and I missed out on getting my hole from a bizarre alien creature because I let her hamsters out of their cage. Not a euphemism. Still feel a bit guilty.

Did this happen during the World Cup?

I also sometimes have a dream where I appear to be walking down the street, but I am actually gliding about a foot above the pavement. f**k knows what that means (apart from the fact I’m a weirdo) :lol: 

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20 hours ago, IainMorton said:

Did this happen during the World Cup?

During one of the games, in a booth down at pitchside. Must have been one hell of a match.

20 hours ago, IainMorton said:

I also sometimes have a dream where I appear to be walking down the street, but I am actually gliding about a foot above the pavement. f**k knows what that means (apart from the fact I’m a weirdo) :lol: 

I used to have that all the time, although it was more that I could jump and remain just above the floor by adjusting my balance, like when you stand on one leg and start to get wobbly after a while.

This post may be proof that you're also a weirdo. Sorry.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Should never read p&b before bed.


Just before the wee one hollered on me I was dreaming I was sitting with the wife and out of nowhere I picked up that days paper and the front page was David silva of Man City with the headline ‘I love it when she shits on my face’


The twitter thread will help you get this one!



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I was having quite the time with an ex colleague of mine until I woke up. Was shiting it as I thought I'd said her name in my sleep but apparently not, I'm still alive.

Not that I'd ever be such a p***k but if it's a dream and I can't help it, well may as well enjoy it.

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