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Strange dreams

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2 hours ago, Melanius Mullarkay said:

Last night I was on the Peppa Pig Express, a train filled with women and their screaming brats. It was going through a tunnel when one of them tried to get off, got caught in the door and was in danger of getting crushed between the train and tunnel wall. I did the heroic thing of pulling the emergency stop chord which transported me to be travelling down a big grassy hill on a beautiful sunny day in a bakers bread tray with a Pakistani lassie.  Got to the bottom which was outside Queen Street station. Went into a rough looking boozer with the lassie who turned into 3 policewomen who accused a boy at the bar of pishing on police documents. 

Brilliant dream and I can remember every detail.


2 hours ago, broon-loon said:

^^ Watched Indiana Jones before bedtime.

Ate a 1.5kg chunk of mature cheddar before bedtime mair like.............................................

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Had a mad 'night terror'.

Thought a succubus was throttling me.

Also had a mad dream wherby I turned into Wolverine but could fly...

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Not really strange, but I had a dream last night that someone had stolen my car. A moment of panic and confusing ensued when I looked out the window this morning and couldn't see the car, only to be reminded by the wife that I'd parked round the other side of the houses 😂

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9 hours ago, philpy said:

Not really strange, but I had a dream last night that someone had stolen my car. A moment of panic and confusing ensued when I looked out the window this morning and couldn't see the car, only to be reminded by the wife that I'd parked round the other side of the houses 😂

Always with the parking Philpy.

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Think I'd probably rather get abducted by aliens than have sleep paralysis.

'Woke up' there was a shadow figure floating around my bedroom saying "Now it's time to die"

Pure soaking with sweat when I actually awoke.

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Unfortunately I'm far more prone to nightmares than I would like, even as a supposed adult.

There's a few that pop up more than others, but often they tend to be random. For example, a couple of weeks ago I was killed by a train when trying to get out of a car parked on the tracks. For some reason I accidentally put the car in to reverse and, speeding up my demise (I can't drive in real life, although do often in dreams) and in the dream it wasn't even my car and I wasn't trying to drive it.

Anyway, a delightful new twist on various nightmares is that, sometimes (too often), I wake up from them in a bit of a panic and pretty terrified, and grasp for the button to turn on my bedside light. This doesn't work and my panic and terror increase, so I jump out of bed to turn on the big light. This doesn't work either and my terror and panic rapidly increase even more. It's at this point I then wake up for real, heart absolutely pounding and shitting myself, and turn on the bedside light. Like a fucking child I need to keep it on to be able to get back to sleep.

Cheers brain, you total dick.

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Had a dream last night @Genuine Hibs Fan cooked me dinner. After reaching out to get it from the brown paper bag he'd put it in on the edge of the fully opened window I got it to a plate and sat down with it. Aside from it being cold the first forkful I took immediately fell off and went on the table, and me, and the chair, and the floor, and I was so angry by this point I started screaming. Actually screaming, I woke myself up at 20 past 6 in the morning yelling at the top of my voice.

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  • 3 months later...

The other night I basically bumped off an orphan looking for a home by lying to him saying I already had a Ukrainian family of refugees staying with me. 


Last night I dreamt that Andy Tod scored the winner for us against Sevco in what was essentially a public park with a last minute header. I ran along the touchline in flipflops to bump in amongst the players and by the time I got there, Andy was lying on the ground laughing as he broke his arm during the goal. 

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On 17/03/2022 at 18:27, Miguel Sanchez said:

Had a dream last night @Genuine Hibs Fan cooked me dinner. After reaching out to get it from the brown paper bag he'd put it in on the edge of the fully opened window I got it to a plate and sat down with it. Aside from it being cold the first forkful I took immediately fell off and went on the table, and me, and the chair, and the floor, and I was so angry by this point I started screaming. Actually screaming, I woke myself up at 20 past 6 in the morning yelling at the top of my voice.

20 past 6, I'd been up for half an hour by then.

You don't know you're born, your generation!

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Keep getting lucid dreams where I'm 'Superman' can fly about etc.

Can pass through windows/doors, yet come to brick walls. Every 'baddie' catches up when I'm stuck.

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1 hour ago, Venti said:

Keep getting lucid dreams where I'm 'Superman' can fly about etc.

Can pass through windows/doors, yet come to brick walls. Every 'baddie' catches up when I'm stuck.

Why are you flying away if you're that good?

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1 hour ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

Why are you flying away if you're that good?

Been trying to think (probably too much) about it.

My 'enemies' in the dream are my school friends & I had the best mates ever at school.

Guess that's what makes it disturbing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Was being stalked by not 1 but fucking 3 of the flying Gremlins from Germlins 2.  Was hiding in some giant skyscraper but they kept on seeing me from the windows.  One of the buggers smashed the window and I battered the shit out it and the other 2 flew away.


True story.

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  • 1 month later...

Had a dream last night a flying purple car was outside my house ready to take me to be on Big Brother. When I realised it was outside I was desperately regretting applying to go on it. The car got lost somewhere along the banks of the Clyde or it got stuck in some heavy grass. I woke up at this point.

After going back to sleep I was in Turkey and in a city doing some shopping. Turkey ended up very closely resembling Sauchiehall Street and the St. Enoch Centre but it was definitely Turkey. Some sort of religious-based civil war seemed to be breaking out and there were mobs of men in black robes and white robes charging down the streets as I was trying to run up hills and climb fences to get away from them.

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Had a dream last night a flying purple car was outside my house ready to take me to be on Big Brother. When I realised it was outside I was desperately regretting applying to go on it. The car got lost somewhere along the banks of the Clyde or it got stuck in some heavy grass. I woke up at this point.
After going back to sleep I was in Turkey and in a city doing some shopping. Turkey ended up very closely resembling Sauchiehall Street and the St. Enoch Centre but it was definitely Turkey. Some sort of religious-based civil war seemed to be breaking out and there were mobs of men in black robes and white robes charging down the streets as I was trying to run up hills and climb fences to get away from them.
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