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Strange dreams

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On 27/11/2023 at 12:07, BFTD said:

Mind the days when nightmares were about werewolves or family dying, but apparently the real horror of middle age is having to spend relatively small amounts of money.

That was me last night.

Dreamt I was putting my trailcam out in my grandmother's garden so we could see if she had any wildlife visiting through the night.

Had just set it down when a fox (which was blue for some reason) came in through the fence and started sniffing around. I picked up the camera to film as much of this weird fox as possible when it started to grow and gradually moved from walking on four legs to two. I watched it stalk around the garden, too terrified to move, until it leapt onto the neighbours first floor windowsill and started eating bread crusts they'd put out for the birds. I filmed it for a bit and then went inside only for it to batter the door just as I closed it then it peered in the window and took off. 

I'd managed to get footage of it when it was perched on the window ledge looking back down at me, it was utterly terrifying. 

I showed the footage to my mum who told me it was just a normal fox.

Didn't help that I woke up facing the bedroom window.

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  • 2 months later...

I've recently awoken from a dream in which that I accidentally sent a link to a funny 200+ greenied P&B post to absolutely everybody with an Aberdeen Uni email domain.

I also went for a walk with my hairy lurcher and encountered a woman walking about half a dozen which looked exactly the same (I've yet to see another like him in real life).

I then saw a Labrador getting run over by a lorry, and then wondered why there were four moons in the sky.  A space shuttle was trying to dock inside of one, and I climbed up a lamp post to try and get a picture to prove I wasn't making it up.

That's all from the same dream. 

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Had a lot going on recently with Mrs B and as a result, have been eating late at night most nights. And have had several dreams recently of people wanting to murder me or just beat me up for no reason. Also, last night i had the second dream in a matter of weeks that someone kidnapped me. 
They bundled me in a minibus and were taking me to Germany. I looked up and my kidnappers were one of my brothers pals, that i have always got on well with. John Collins and Jorg Albertz. 

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1 hour ago, buchan30 said:

Had a lot going on recently with Mrs B and as a result, have been eating late at night most nights. And have had several dreams recently of people wanting to murder me or just beat me up for no reason. Also, last night i had the second dream in a matter of weeks that someone kidnapped me. 
They bundled me in a minibus and were taking me to Germany. I looked up and my kidnappers were one of my brothers pals, that i have always got on well with. John Collins and Jorg Albertz. 

Worst Euros commentary team ever.

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7 hours ago, Hedgecutter said:

I've recently awoken from a dream in which that I accidentally sent a link to a funny 200+ greenied P&B post to absolutely everybody with an Aberdeen Uni email domain.

I also went for a walk with my hairy lurcher and encountered a woman walking about half a dozen which looked exactly the same (I've yet to see another like him in real life).

I then saw a Labrador getting run over by a lorry, and then wondered why there were four moons in the sky.  A space shuttle was trying to dock inside of one, and I climbed up a lamp post to try and get a picture to prove I wasn't making it up.

That's all from the same dream. 

A Grand day out 

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8 hours ago, Hedgecutter said:

I've recently awoken from a dream in which that I accidentally sent a link to a funny 200+ greenied P&B post to absolutely everybody with an Aberdeen Uni email domain.

I also went for a walk with my hairy lurcher and encountered a woman walking about half a dozen which looked exactly the same (I've yet to see another like him in real life).

I then saw a Labrador getting run over by a lorry, and then wondered why there were four moons in the sky.  A space shuttle was trying to dock inside of one, and I climbed up a lamp post to try and get a picture to prove I wasn't making it up.

That's all from the same dream. 

Have you been at the 'Dreamy Sleepy Nighty Snoozy Snooze' again ?

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Really vivid, scary dreams the past two nights after a few days of smoking hash at the end of last week. Why does this happen? 

Anyway, the first one I was in pedal boat in the sea with some random person. All of a sudden he got popped in the head by a sniper somewhere. I pedalled to shore with only a bucket to protect me, and was met by Cartel members with the dismembered corpse of the YouTuber Callum Abroad. They sliced off his nipple threateningly and suggestively, then I woke up. 2nd one wasn't scary, but humiliating, naked at a party dream getting dogs abuse and bullied. Probably the worst part about all of this was when I "awoke" from these dreams I was still in a different dream, like it was Inception, probably why it all felt so real. 

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Truly complex dream involving travel, Donald Trump, lower league football and weird place names. Takeaway was Trump is an evil, self-serving git and most people associated with small football clubs are solid people.

Edited by TxRover
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Had a really frustrating one last night that had me feeling quite down this morning.

In the dream I felt totally worthless due to my weight and some friends were treating me poorly due to it, as if I was nothing and not worth anyone's time because of my weight issues. There was some guy I used to know (not a friend) who kept calling me 'Yokozuna' (as in the wrestler). I was going to fight him because he kept being a dick but everyone else was making out that I was in the wrong.

An unpleasant subconscious set of messages there.

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My 29-year-old daughter has just told me that she had a night terror episode last night. Someone came into her room, leant over the bed and whispered in her ear.  She was terrified of what ominous message the entity would share. 

It said, 'You'll never be a dermatologist'.

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On 13/02/2024 at 14:56, TxRover said:

Truly complex dream involving travel, Donald Trump, lower league football and weird place names. Takeaway was Trump is a evil, self-serving got and most people associated with small football clubs are solid people.

Was he taking over a club? Which one? Make Clyde Great Again has a ring to it.. 

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7 minutes ago, tamthebam said:

Was he taking over a club? Which one? Make Clyde Great Again has a ring to it.. 

Yes. A small community club that was named “Liverpool”, run in the shadow of a factory run by Sir Topham Hatt. Apparently in this league you could allow parents to have their kids play along side them as long as they were U-8. It was so bizarre I actually searched Liverpool after I woke up to see if there was a small place named Liverpool anywhere else in the UK.

Trump and Sir Topham Hatt seemed to get on quite well, but they insisted I fly out with them on their private jet and I had a problem with my rental car, which it turned out was a boat…you get the idea.

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Had a threesome with one of Mrs Mathematics’ friends and her girlfriend, then had to run into the garden to “turn on the gravestones” without being seen, before running back into the house to console a mate whilst his cleaner searched my kitchen for paper towels. Then two guys I know a little ruined an excellent game of warhammer with another two friends by being loud and obnoxious.

Started off well, then got a little fucked up.

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2 minutes ago, mathematics said:

Had a threesome with one of Mrs Mathematics’ friends and her girlfriend, then had to run into the garden to “turn on the gravestones” without being seen, before running back into the house to console a mate whilst his cleaner searched my kitchen for paper towels. Then two guys I know a little ruined an excellent game of warhammer with another two friends by being loud and obnoxious.

Started off well, then got a little fucked up.

Knowing your missus, you might want to keep this bit to yourself when recounting the dream in bed tonight.

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1 hour ago, The DA said:

My 29-year-old daughter has just told me that she had a night terror episode last night. Someone came into her room, leant over the bed and whispered in her ear.  She was terrified of what ominous message the entity would share. 

It said, 'You'll never be a dermatologist'.

Acne understand it.

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2 hours ago, mathematics said:

I’m not even stupid enough to divulge on here exactly what went on in the threesome.

Do you/Mrs Mathematics' mate/her girlfriend have some signature move or something?

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