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Lets All Laugh At Rangers Thread

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12 hours ago, Monkey Tennis said:

Too easy.

They'll support them for all manner of reasons.  I think a great many in far flung corners of the country do so because they win most of the time, and  doing so acquires them a stake in the prevailing media narrative about what our game is apparently for. 

I do think it's possible to find things distasteful about who you support but remain on board.  

Parhaps up to a point. However I believe that the pandering to secterian sentiment from Rangers for financial gain - orange tops etc - is so overt that you simply cannot be against secterian bigotry and religious tribalism and support them.  Rather than sweep this garbage away Rangers seem to have doubled down on it in recent years. 

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18 minutes ago, LIVIFOREVER said:

Discussing sectarianism on a The Rangers thread, nope nothing to see here.

NBN critics 'like climate deniers', says Budde | Delimiter

There is everything to see here about Rangers and sectarianism - it is undeniably a plague in our club that just does not go away.

My comment was about the frothing hyperbole of @VincentGuerin that actually does nothing other than mark him out as a seething mess incapable of rational discussion. Either that or yesterday he was extremely refreshed.

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29 minutes ago, alta-pete said:

There is everything to see here about Rangers and sectarianism - it is undeniably a plague in our club that just does not go away.

My comment was about the frothing hyperbole of @VincentGuerin that actually does nothing other than mark him out as a seething mess incapable of rational discussion. Either that or yesterday he was extremely refreshed.

The fact that you think someone would need to be bevvied to hold my views about Rangers is very instructive.

Posted sober and every word stood by.

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2 hours ago, alta-pete said:

There is everything to see here about Rangers and sectarianism - it is undeniably a plague in our club that just does not go away.

My comment was about the frothing hyperbole of @VincentGuerin that actually does nothing other than mark him out as a seething mess incapable of rational discussion. Either that or yesterday he was extremely refreshed.

As you get older you must be very much aware of the sectarianism that goes along with supporting your club, but I'd find it a particularly uncomfortable experience when you get to a certain age having started a family, carrying on supporting The Rangers when taking your kids to football games. Why inflict that sort of unpleasantness on them when they can have a much more enjoyable sectarian free experience supporting other teams, with you taking them along to games. My next door neighbour was a Rangers fan and stopped going to their games for exactly that reason, and took his son to Livi games instead, and they're now both ST holders at Livi. 


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7 minutes ago, LIVIFOREVER said:

As you get older you must be very much aware of the sectarianism that goes along with supporting your club, but I'd find it a particularly uncomfortable experience when you get to a certain age having started a family, carrying on supporting The Rangers when taking your kids to football games. Why inflict that sort of unpleasantness on them when they can have a much more enjoyable sectarian free experience supporting other teams, with you taking them along to games. My next door neighbour was a Rangers fan and stopped going to their games for exactly that reason, and took his son to Livi games instead, and they're now both ST holders at Livi. 


...and my son goes to see Stirling Albion. Funny old world, eh?

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20 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

This is all a bit toxic now tbh, but the biggest issue with comparisons to other fanbases, which does need to be aired here, is that in Rangers case, it is 100% NOT a minority. That's a problem however yoy want to cut this

I think it probably is a minority amongst people across the country who identify as a Rangers fan. However, this includes a sizeable amount of people who, when it boils down to it, aren’t really that arsed about football or the club and will only watch derbies, cup finals or European games.


Amongst the regular match going fans (the kind of people who invest a lot of time and money into following the club home and away and make Rangers an integral part of their personality) it absolutely is not a minority, and I think anyone with eyes/ears knows this.

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7 hours ago, Derry Alli said:

Whoah, Whoah, Tinchy never leaves ya.

Still number 1.

I am completely unashamed to say I went to see N-Dubz with Tinchy as the support and he performed that song before it was actually number 1. 

I kinda forget this happened and its perhaps the worst song in existence but I'm reminding people anyway. 

Man said gonna go for the champions league...

Edited by RuMoore
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11 hours ago, Mr Meeker said:

Can't believe I'm getting involved,  but can't avoid it. I support Dundee United.  My wife supports Rangers. My eldest son is a United fan. My youngest likes Rangers. Are my Rangers supporting family bigots? No.

You should stop supporting your son and leave your wife then going by a certain moon howlers logic. Some things in life don't have a black and white answer.

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17 minutes ago, gannonball said:

You should stop supporting your son and leave your wife then going by a certain moon howlers logic. Some things in life don't have a black and white answer.

Funnily enough, I posed a similar question to said moon howler in a previous conversation on the matter. Surprisingly (or not), when I asked if they cut off family members and friends/colleagues from their life because they supported Rangers (and they were therefore bigots), the answer was no. "But that's different" was the response IIRC.

Edited by AJF
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9 minutes ago, gannonball said:

You should stop supporting your son and leave your wife then going by a certain moon howlers logic. Some things in life don't have a black and white answer.

The only 'moon howling' I see on these pages are from those who would accept, appease, tolerate and accommodate sectarianism, bigotry and religious tribalism. Some things don't have a black and white , or orange and green, answer but some do and zero tolerance to racism, bigotry and sectarianism is one of them. If anyone I was close to developed a fondness for Glasgow Rangers I'd be concerned as to why. 

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9 minutes ago, kennie makevin said:

If anyone I was close to developed a fondness for Glasgow Rangers I'd be concerned as to why. 

Maybe because you don't realise that for many, the unsavoury and shameful aspects of the club that are no doubt there are not what initially attracts or influences them to support the club.

As an example, I wasn't a regular match going fan until I was around 12 or 13. My experience of Rangers up until that point was watching them predominantly on TV with my dad who has no religious persuasion. I was naïve to many of the issues that are there, but by the time I fully understood them I'd say I was too much in love with football and Rangers to even consider not being a Rangers fan.

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On 06/09/2023 at 15:06, TheScarf said:

And 99% of them are gloryhunters who ignore their local SPFL club and support Rangers because it makes them feel better about their own shite lives when they win 80% plus of their domestic games.

Imagine basing your whole personality, your whole mood, whether you're delighted or raging, on how your football team did at the weekend. 

When The Caley lose, which is a lot at the moment as we're fucking dogshit, I'm annoyed for about 6 minutes then I forget about it.

Might be in the minority here but when Kilmarnock lose, even after all these years of losing, it ruins my weekend. Don’t want to do anything on the Saturday night and then on the Sunday it’s one of the first things that comes into your head when you wake up.  We lost.  Horrible.

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21 minutes ago, AJF said:

Maybe because you don't realise that for many, the unsavoury and shameful aspects of the club that are no doubt there are not what initially attracts or influences them to support the club.

As an example, I wasn't a regular match going fan until I was around 12 or 13. My experience of Rangers up until that point was watching them predominantly on TV with my dad who has no religious persuasion. I was naïve to many of the issues that are there, but by the time I fully understood them I'd say I was too much in love with football and Rangers to even consider not being a Rangers fan.

Good explanation and I mean that genuinely.

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4 minutes ago, Sortmeout said:

Might be in the minority here but when Kilmarnock lose, even after all these years of losing, it ruins my weekend. Don’t want to do anything on the Saturday night and then on the Sunday it’s one of the first things that comes into your head when you wake up.  We lost.  Horrible.

Nah fuck that, I don't let something so trivial affect my whole day/weekend/week. 

I can't let a bunch of absolute jobbers, who dont even know I exist, affect my state of mind. It's just a football club to me, if they had never existed my life wouldn't be any different. 

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