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Lets All Laugh At Rangers Thread

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2 hours ago, RuMoore said:

Either we need to judge people as individuals or we need to provide some nerdy xG statistic to determine what level of reprehensible behaviour is allowed before you can support certain clubs. 


Expected Bigotry

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Why do Rangers have military days and a picture of the Queen in the dressing room. Can't see any relevance to football with that. Clearly for the minority to enjoy.

Does any other football club in the UK do something similar?

And Ally McCoist. Joke figure. 

I occasionally go to Scotland games with two Ranger's supporting mates. But nothing club related gets discussed thankfully 😄

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8 hours ago, RuMoore said:

My issue with people being so absolute on the matter and saying things like every Rangers fan is a bigot or at least complicit doesn't give way for the fact abhorrent behaviour is clearly relative and exists within most football teams. 

What's the percentage of a fan base that means the non participants of poor behaviour are considered guilty?

I've seen people that refer to fanbases singing about historic battles being ridiculous yet they're happy singing Flower of Scotland with a passion like they fought in the battles themselves. We saw that abhorrent Harry Kane song get sung by a depressingly large percentage of people...

A lot of the larger fanbases have a big percentage of bams that engage in stupid offensive chants or hooliganism, are Hibs fans guilty of supporting a club where a massive proportion of fans sang anti-refugee songs or should Aberdeen fans that are sensible not disassociate with their club due to their fans exuberance when it comes to sectarian terms? 

I think most of the posters on here aren't inclined to engage in the behaviour I've listed above and I don't think they should be held accountable for others actions and words. 

Either we need to judge people as individuals or we need to provide some nerdy xG statistic to determine what level of reprehensible behaviour is allowed before you can support certain clubs. 

Rangers dont get a pass on this because other clubs have some radges associated with them who sing unsavoury songs.

Your example above, while meant as whataboutery, is actually useful -  

If you can tell me the last time you heard the Skacel song being belted out by all home stands at Easter Road I will happily step back. 

Edited by Leith Green
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I think the point I really stopped having any sympathy for the decent Rangers fans (not doubting that they existed, but having no sympathy with them) was going to an OF 4 years ago (Ibrox, end of the 18-19 season, rangers won).

A mate of mine had a spare ticket and I thought it's probably worth experiencing once. The bigotry never really stopped tbh. There were some horrible songs about Leigh Griffiths, but given the aforementioned songs Hibs fans have sung about Skacel I couldn't complain too much about that. But the songbook was out for the whole game, and around me it was a mixture of guys roaring out the most despicable parts and others mumbling along when it got dicey. To not complain about it was one thing but to have guys be such wee cowards as to pretend that by not annunciating the bad stuff that made it alright was really sickening tbh. 

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2 hours ago, Leith Green said:

Rangers dont get a pass on this because other clubs have some radges associated with them who sing unsavoury songs.

Your example above, while meant as whataboutery, is actually useful -  

If you can tell me the last time you heard the Skacel song being belted out by all home stands at Easter Road I will happily step back. 

For anyone to try to put Hibs on anything approaching the level of nastiness this thread is dicussing is ludicrous. That horrible chant about Skacel does not get sung and   it was only ever sung by a few pissed up bams mainly in pre match pubs. I never ever heard it at the stadium from my seat in the West Stand. It's vile and goes against everything or club stands for.

There did used to be IRA chanting and Republican songs at Easter Road. In the early to mid 1970s which was massively ironic considering the number of local lads serving in the Army in NI who would attend Hibs games. The Chairman Tom Hart ended this when he angrily got the fans reps in and told them they were embarrassing the club chanting this crap.  It had died out by the time of my first games in the 1979 cup final season.  

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Just now, AndyM said:

For anyone to try to put Hibs on anything approaching the level of nastiness this thread is dicussing is ludicrous. That horrible chant about Skacel does not get sung and   it was only ever sung by a few pissed up bams mainly in pre match pubs. I never ever heard it at the stadium from my seat in the West Stand. It's vile and goes against everything or club stands for.

There did used to be IRA chanting and Republican songs at Easter Road. In the early to mid 1970s which was massively ironic considering the number of local lads serving in the Army in NI who would attend Hibs games. The Chairman Tom Hart ended this when he angrily got the fans reps in and told them they were embarrassing the club chanting this crap.  It had died out by the time of my first games in the 1979 cup final season.  

It’s not about putting any club on a level, it’s about where these songs (and by these songs I mean anything sectarian or otherwise offensive) are heard no matter how small the numbers or how infrequently the clubs need taking to task. It’s the only way you wipe it from the stands from every club, in every part of the country. No levels required just a consistent no tolerance approach

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All clubs and the national team have mentally insignificant idiots among their support. The point I think is not that but how certain clubs deliberately market themselves as being representative of some perceived section of society, usually it's lowest common denominator, as a cynical money making exercise. Rangers do this. To a less odious degree do Celtic. I know of no other professional football clubs in Scotland who are guilty of this. If you are a fully functioning adult who supports Glasgow Rangers you must know what they, and by association you, are.


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While it’s fair to acknowledge that most clubs have a minority of neanderthal  fans, there’s a danger of conflating that matter with a football club actively encouraging sectarianism as a tool for increasing or maintaining commercial revenue. By falling into that trap, we're effectively letting Rangers* as a club off the hook by diluting its culpability. Orange kits and employing David Graham are just two recent examples of the club appealing to the bigots.

No other football club I know of deliberately operates a policy of pandering to bigots in order to retain their physical attendance and financial support. Limited progress has been made since the days when the old club employed a strict non-Catholic signing policy, but the current franchise playing out of Ibrox is still guilty of dragging its feet past the 17th century, despite the lip-service it occasionally feels obliged to pay.

Sectarianism and anti-Catholic/Irish bigotry is a money spinner for a club steeped in Protestant unionism, and as others have said, if the Catholic/Irish were instead black, Muslim, Jewish or homosexual, there would be serious consequences, including the threat of stadium closures, or even league expulsion.

AJF and bennet (and probably others) should rightly be commended for their condemnation of the behaviour of fellow fans and their club, but @VincentGuerin is absolutely right to question why any right-thinking person wouldn’t walk away from such a vile ‘institution,’ regardless of how much affinity that person might have built up purely from the on-field stuff. It’s a bit like admiring Hitler for his love of his pet dogs.

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There was a chance to make a serious dent in this issue when the old club died and the new entity were scrambling about in the seaside leagues.

Everyone shat it though. The lure of the bloo pound is too intoxicating.

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One of the biggest problems is that those in authority who have the power to force change are too shite feart to tackle the issue in any meaningful way. 

 There are far more bigots on both sides than either would care to admit, and both clubs are complicit and abhorrent in their continued weak acceptance of it all simply for money's sake. The removal of sectarianism combined with a drop off in success levels would see either of these 'institutions' reduced to half their size pretty fucking quickly. Sadly, there's not a single person in authority at either club or in charge of the league who has the balls to tackle it head on and force it out of our game. It's unfortunately an embarrassing and sad indictment on our society that is going nowhere anytime soon. 

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Just now, 'WellDel said:

One of the biggest problems is that those in authority who have the power to force change are too shite feart to tackle the issue in any meaningful way. 

 There are far more bigots on both sides than either would care to admit, and both clubs are complicit and abhorrent in their continued weak acceptance of it all simply for money's sake. The removal of sectarianism combined with a drop off in success levels would see either of these 'institutions' reduced to half their size pretty fucking quickly. Sadly, there's not a single person in authority at either club or in charge of the league who has the balls to tackle it head on and force it out of our game. It's unfortunately an embarrassing and sad indictment on our society that is going nowhere anytime soon. 

Feart but also no real desire to do so. 

There’s a commercial aspect here too, if there’s any interest in the old firm outside of direct fans of the clubs, it’s for the baggage that comes with it. In England they just think it’s a noisy, colourful novelty act and nobody really considers what all the flag waving and singing actually means. 

The league will never say it but they see it as a USP for the brand, and whilst there’s a line it can’t cross, they’d never want it removed completely. 

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1 hour ago, Dons_1988 said:

Amazing that on this issue some old firm fans are very passionate that all clubs be treated equally and operate on a level playing field. Very interesting. 

When it comes to dealing with intolerance, hatred and offensive singing absolutely, unless you feel differently? 

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16 minutes ago, Jinky67 said:

When it comes to dealing with intolerance, hatred and offensive singing absolutely, unless you feel differently? 

Oh no I agree, albeit your posts lack any detail of what it actually means but in principle we’re agreed. 

Im just less selective on when fair treatment is important I suppose. 

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25 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:

Oh no I agree, albeit your posts lack any detail of what it actually means but in principle we’re agreed. 

Im just less selective on when fair treatment is important I suppose. 

Tbf mate I think dealing with issues regarding offensive behaviour and sectarianism slightly supersede any gripes you have over the fair split of revenues and how competitive our league is. Just my opinion of course

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2 minutes ago, Jinky67 said:

Tbf mate I think dealing with issues regarding offensive behaviour and sectarianism slightly supersede any gripes you have over the fair split of revenues and how competitive our league is. Just my opinion of course

:lol: Nice try.

a few pages ago you were moaning that you wanted to get back to laughing at rangers, and the only opinion you’ve offered here is that your club and the other shouldn’t be singled out for punishment. 

So I will take your moral high ground with a large dollop of salt. 

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1 minute ago, Dons_1988 said:

:lol: Nice try.

a few pages ago you were moaning that you wanted to get back to laughing at rangers, and the only opinion you’ve offered here is that your club and the other shouldn’t be singled out for punishment. 

So I will take your moral high ground with a large dollop of salt. 

You haven’t read far enough back then as I’ve already said where this happens clubs should be docked points, forfeit their standing in cups or banned altogether along with fines that are severe but proportionate to their turnover so clubs where it happens more often or in bigger numbers then have a bigger reason to deal with it, quickly.

But if you honestly think this issue is equally as important as addressing the financial imbalances in the league then you need to give that head a wobble mate. 

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1 minute ago, Jinky67 said:

But if you honestly think this issue is equally as important as addressing the financial imbalances in the league then you need to give that head a wobble mate. 

You’re putting words in my mouth to deflect, I haven’t one said or implied this. But it’s a nice wee ploy. 

I merely pointed out the hypocrisy, which is very clear. 

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11 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:

You’re putting words in my mouth to deflect, I haven’t one said or implied this. But it’s a nice wee ploy. 

I merely pointed out the hypocrisy, which is very clear. 

You haven’t pointed out anything other than you being selective about what see as being fair and if you are hung up on me making a quip then yeah I did because I don’t think this is the correct thread for it to be debated in and it became a very clear and toxic attack on a few posters by people who also clearly have a significant blind spot. If you are keen to prolong that then fair enough but I’d rather take it somewhere where a real discussion and debate could happen.

I’ve already said what I think should happen and repeated it for your benefit alone so you should be very clear on my feelings on it. 



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3 minutes ago, Jinky67 said:

You haven’t pointed out anything other than you being selective about what see as being fair and if you are hung up on me making a quip then yeah I did because I don’t think this is the correct thread for it to be debated in and it became a very clear and toxic attack on a few posters by people who also clearly have a significant blind spot. If you are keen to prolong that then fair enough but I’d rather take it somewhere where a real discussion and debate could happen.

I’ve already said what I think should happen and repeated it for your benefit alone so you should be very clear on my feelings on it. 



You’re all over the place. Read the thread to get my actual views then calm down. 

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