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Lets All Laugh At Rangers Thread

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You will have to show me where I am getting mega excited, I clearly said this is dire news.

But with impending doom, why are the share not being offloaded in a mad panic, surely if you know a company is about to go bust then you get out while you can?

I mean if even you are admitting that buying or owning share is 'unwise' then surely these city boys who are in the know must be falling over themselves to get rid?

You fundamentally misunderstand the nature of the company who's shares are being traded. They are a holding company who wholly own the the loss-making TRFC Ltd. The loss making subsidiary can be separated from the parent PLC who would wholly assume ownership of the land assets (most likely transferred in lieu of the £30m odd that TRFC Ltd owe the RIFC PLC)

The PLC could then choose to rent them out to the newly divorced 'sick pup' limited company or else be disposed of in other ways.

There are many other options for your "city boys" who don't give two hoots about the sick pup. They can hold-out for an offer of takeover without panicking. Their other option is to 'double-down' - plough-in more funds to dilute the cost of each share they own and speculate on they will be able to offload at a later date.

Administration and the demise of 'the club' need mean little to them - indeed an admin would allow them to break the existing contracts that are strangling the sick pup.

You wanted separation of club and company..............you better get a grasp of what that means - they can walk off with the land assets anytime they want - the sporting club is the part of the business that is an anchor round their neck at the moment. I'm sure they'd be happy to be shot of that lemon. Maybe SoS would be so kind as to take the sick pup off their hands in a fan buyout?????

Edited by NotfromFifehonest
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Right, according to Phil we have not paid HMRC despite being on real time PAYE, how does that work? Our CEO was/is going to walk on Monday Tuesday Wednesday Soon, we are about to go into admin, we are not going to pay anymore wages, did I miss anything?

All dire news I agree.

Now how the hell does all this shite hitting the fan cause our share price to go up?!!!!!!

Does this have something to do with the £28m worth of shares we sold?

Where is the QC to explain it all?

The share is what's known as a " falling knife " - as traders say " don't try and catch one "

The shares are practically at a standstill - something like six trades today... Nobody knows where it's going ? Are they going bust ? If so then the shares are worth hee haw... Are they likely to continue ? The shares might actually rise in the future ? ( If all the negative speculation is not true ) But a less than 1% "rise" is nothing - nobody is buying or selling for that..... But Mr Market has to try and create a market for the share ( as that's how he gets paid ) so all they do is muck about with the spread / lift it a bit / drop it a bit but no volume = no real meaningful movement. No mass demand - no mass supply...

A 1% rise could be a short closing ? It means pretty much nothing... The sp is " relatively " stable due to ( a ) people being locked in and not wanting to sell at a loss ( b ) any II's that are involved ( I don't know ? ) that are holding for the longer term and so not flooding the market with panic sells.... ( c ) Football clubs don't always have investors - they have fans who are emotionally attached to the club and see everything through rose tinted glasses....

As they say though - the trend is your friend - and the trend is down with RFC...

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Ok so market cap is currently worth £16.76M with the holding company wholly owning a Football club, and several assets which are currently used by the football club.

Are you suggesting that if the club (loss making part) is 'disposed' of, then the remaining assets can be sold to generate more than the £16.76M without the club?, after all you are saying the club is going to be disposed of.

How could this be done?

I expanded upon my comments, but....

Essentially TRFC Ltd (the club) have been making huge losses which the parent company (RIFC PLC) have been covering. The parent company can at any time 'divorce' it's loss making subsidiary and assume full control of the land and property assets in lieu of the debt the Ltd owes. There is no 'sale' - quite simply the PLC now owns Murray Park and Ibroke - they can rent those facilities back to whatever football team plays there or do whatever else they wanted with the assets.

The Ltd can be sold/given away to whoever will take them - those how holding the assets don't have to give to hoots about the albatross around their necks

In essense, they would have taken the assets and dropped the toxic part of the business (the loss-making 'club'). someone from South Africa could come riding in from the sunset and takeover the toxic club......but that someone would have to rent Ibrox and Murray Park/Albion Car Park from RIFC PLC.

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They can rent them back to a club that is already losing a million a month? where in the world are they going to get even more money to pay rent?????

Not from the fans, everyone is predicting the fans will walk away because the club can no longer afford to pay daft wages?

Look you were the one that stated it would be 'unwise' to buy shares, therefore its safe to assume that it would also be 'unwise' to own any, which means the share price should be falling like a rock.

It isn't, something in your theory does not add up.

If that is the case then 'the club' goes out of existence. The PLC would dispose of the assets as it saw fit - maybe another sporting team would rent them.

That is the strong position which those who hold the assets have - they can put a gun to your head and if you choose to pull the trigger then that was your call as fans/Rangers men.

And go back and read my post properly - I said that it had been unwise for those who bought this week to pay the price they did this week - they paid over the odds........your reading comprehension has failed you

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LOL Bunnett - I gave you a negative as knew the depths of your insincerity!

I was being sincere, shares and property are not my thing really and you put it in laymans terms, unlike a lot of people on here.

Sorry if you got the wrong end of the stick.

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Then why are the current shareholders holding onto something that is going to (by your assumption) drop?

Why not sell now and buy them back when they are going cheap? waiting about on them dropping (hence losing money) does not seem the way of these city slickers.

Because selling and buying costs money - doh.......you would be selling at a low-end of market just now, only to be buying at the high-end of market next week or month (and significant trades in themselves would move market)...........all the strategy posts I made refer to the major 'players' who have a goal of assuming contol of assets

It is a whole different game for different for individuals looking to acquire or increase - paying over the odds this week was just stupid.

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True my broker charges me £7.50 to buy or sell, has to be taken into consideration I guess when you are talking about millions of pounds of shares.

Wait a minute.

Its 'unwise' to buy shares this week, but next week they are going to be at the high end of the market?

Thanks for the tip.

Do you not understand shares can fall as well as plummet?

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True my broker charges me £7.50 to buy or sell, has to be taken into consideration I guess when you are talking about millions of pounds of shares.

Wait a minute.

Its 'unwise' to buy shares this week, but next week they are going to be at the high end of the market?

Thanks for the tip

Oh Tedi - you're not coping well here with this shares malarky. Let's assume a price of 10p - if I want to offload 1million shares I probably have to sell at 8p. Next week if the price is 8p I might have to offer 11p to acquare a million shares back............now has it gotten thru to you why major players are not piddling around on these margins?......especially if their loner-term goal is to acquire a tangible asset or else sell-out in a pleasing takeover?

I referred above to people being unwise this week.......continuing our analogy, at a price of 10p, a few thousand shares have been bought above this price (piddling amounts by stupid individuals who could easily have bought for the straight 10p). It is doubly stupid in our analogy when the market expectation is that the price will be 8p next week

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But Phil says admin is imminent, Rangers are as he put it 'fucked' are you saying he could be wrong then? this would make holding onto shares that would otherwise be worthless a sound idea.

The fans own less than 15% as was clearly demonstrated at the recent AGM, as investors they are not really having any effect.

Tedi - I buy and sell shares practically every day - I don't pay that much attention to RFC but I did post it was a slam dunk short at 80 odd p ( I post as mikeboy on LSE ) - You can check that if you can be arsed bud...... ;) Believe me, If I thought I could make a few £ from the rise OR fall of RFC I would be happy to do so.... For me - one is football - the other is far more important - making money !!!

But there's too much smoke and mirrors for me - I don't know if, as Phil so eloquently puts it " they are fucked " or not - nobody does..... But the share might rise or fall a bit - even a dead cat bounces if you drop it off a sky scrapper !!

As I said though, a lot of people will be " locked in " - that's to say there is not much point in selling - The value of their investment is gone ( some need a 300% rise just to break even ) so they might as well sit on a major paper loss in the " hope " that things improve rather than sell out and actually realise that loss..... If you bought 1000 shares at 0.75 you still have 1000 shares - who knows where the sp might be next week / year ( if the club still exists ) ?

The fact that nobody is buying them doesn't suggest " the market " has confidence they will rise ? And for reasons outlined above - there is fair reason ( ie people being locked in ) that people aren't selling.... Also, as I already mentioned - football clubs aren't like other businesses - " fans" want to own part of the club, regardless of sp - as they actually have an emotional attachment to them - so are not looking so much to trade for profits.... Most " traders / investors " I know, couldn't give a fk about what a company does or is - only if they can make a profit.....

Buying and selling shares is all about betting whether the market is giving fair value at the time you buy or sell surely ? Not many people seem confident that the value of RFC is "under valued " and worth a punt...... Tells you something ;)

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