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Lets All Laugh At Rangers Thread

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Do you guys think there'll ever come a time where it becomes so commonplace that it somehow becomes less funny to us all?

Personally, I can't see it. It gives me as much mirth and enjoyment today as it did three years ago and the hits are now too numerous to remember. All the years of them lording it up and claiming 'We arra peepul' and other meaningless verbal slogans, the unmitigated and uncensored bile, the angry hordes and the bitter superiority complex that came with them. It's fucking glorious to see those types reduced to whining little scrotes. In pubs and workplaces all over this country, there are tens of thousands of big mouthed fuckers who all of a sudden 'don't care about the fitba' nowadays.

And it's important as diddy fans, that we never let them forget the shit they used to spout. :lol:

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Do you guys think there'll ever come a time where it becomes so commonplace that it somehow becomes less funny to us all?

Personally, I can't see it. It gives me as much mirth and enjoyment today as it did three years ago and the hits are now too numerous to remember. All the years of them lording it up and claiming 'We arra peepul' and other meaningless verbal slogans, the unmitigated and uncensored bile, the angry hordes and the bitter superiority complex that came with them. It's fucking glorious to see those types reduced to whining little scrotes. In pubs and workplaces all over this country, there are tens of thousands of big mouthed fuckers who all of a sudden 'don't care about the fitba' nowadays.

And it's important as diddy fans, that we never let them forget the shit they used to spout. :lol:


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Do you guys think there'll ever come a time where it becomes so commonplace that it somehow becomes less funny to us all?

Personally, I can't see it. It gives me as much mirth and enjoyment today as it did three years ago and the hits are now too numerous to remember.

Hopefully, someone's been keeping track. Seems like there's been something new every few days so we must be well into the hundreds by now.

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Whilst the political and boardroom shenanigans now bore me to tears, seeing them getting humbled by yet another 'diddy team' will never go out of fashion.

For the so called "worlds most successful club" to lose to a club who's annual turnover is less than Fat Sally's wages whilst on garden leave is simply tremendous.

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