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Dunno if it gets the rest of you but this is what gets my blood boiling to f**k:

- throw ins, ball goes out right beside the player, player then sprints 10 yards away to where ballboy has thrown replacement ball.

- advantage, opposition player gets 30 seconds, I get 1

- keeper winning every single ball in the air, even if you've got Lacina Traore in your side

- kick offs, pass to centre midfielder then lump it long, striker receives ball, goal

- cutscenes at corners, pressing A to let your player proceed to take the corner only for the other boy to press it just after you meaning you pass it to the defender closest to the camera

- strikers like Suarez, Eto'o, Negredo etc missing a simple 1 on 1 in the box yet opposition with the likes of Ramires, Lucas, Sandro etc can go right up the park and leather one in from 30 yards.

- players who watch the full celebration and every single fucking replay. I've you've scored a decent goal, by all means watch the first one but not the whole episode

- players who just fill their teams with pace and go down the wings/chipped through ball

- Mertesacker/Terry/Vidic outpacing Suarez, Navas, Hazard etc.

This game really riles me at times :lol:

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Dunno if it gets the rest of you but this is what gets my blood boiling to f**k:

- throw ins, ball goes out right beside the player, player then sprints 10 yards away to where ballboy has thrown replacement ball.

- advantage, opposition player gets 30 seconds, I get 1

- keeper winning every single ball in the air, even if you've got Lacina Traore in your side

- kick offs, pass to centre midfielder then lump it long, striker receives ball, goal

- cutscenes at corners, pressing A to let your player proceed to take the corner only for the other boy to press it just after you meaning you pass it to the defender closest to the camera

- strikers like Suarez, Eto'o, Negredo etc missing a simple 1 on 1 in the box yet opposition with the likes of Ramires, Lucas, Sandro etc can go right up the park and leather one in from 30 yards.

- players who watch the full celebration and every single fucking replay. I've you've scored a decent goal, by all means watch the first one but not the whole episode

- players who just fill their teams with pace and go down the wings/chipped through ball

- Mertesacker/Terry/Vidic outpacing Suarez, Navas, Hazard etc.

This game really riles me at times :lol:


passes going in different direction or being overpowered when you barely tap A and only move about 3 feet when you max the power bar

Opposition having immediate reactions whilst yours take ages to react

Double-tap crosses (happens to me anyway) going to the other side of the box instead of near post

Horrible first touch, player basically stops for a second, that enables opposition to easily catch up

AI teammates simply watching the ball roll past them from a foot away

Opposition AI defending like pack of wolves (immediate crowding & tight marking) whilst AI teammates defend like they've been lobotomised

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If there's one thing that gets me seething it's the 'shhhhhh' celebration with the earcup at the end.

Imagine Suarez doing that five times after scoring from a through ball chip then watching the replay three times.

Other celebrations included the run to the half way line then doing gangnam style dancing.

I just said out loud I fucking hate this game....

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Can't be fucked with FIFA. Honestly, there's about 7 games in a row where everything breaks for me, get all the luck, win all the headers and 50/50s followed by 4 games where I get f**k all. Stupid. Hate the fucking thing. Servers are shite as well, anyone noticed that when you're searching for something below a certain BIN price, it never searches properly? Bollocks. f**k off EA. Hope you all get AIDS.

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The replay thing annoys me more than the celebrations. I'll usually just hit A from the time the goal goes in until the restart so the game can keep going unless it's a particularly weird goal then I'll maybe watch it once. There's a direct correlation between people with all EPL teams and this watching every replay behaviour.

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Celebrations don't bother me at all. In fact one guy had me in stitches with them. He beat me 3 or 4-0 and every goal he made the player run round and round my goalie, doing the twisty-hand-to-ear celebration.

I cant understand how these people can remember what to press for certain celebrations, I just press a mish-mash of buttons until something happens and then try to get the thing to finish early. I also dont think ive ever watched goal replays, only when its some twat that has gone in front watching all replays only for me to end up winning by a decent margin.
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For the running celebrations - shhh is right on the analogue and ear cup is left on the analogue.

To finish standing with your hand to your ear it's L2 and right on the analogue.

I usually leg it to the corner flag giving it shh/ear cup then finish with the shoulder fall!

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Got to agree with We Are Pars Fans, I hate playing matches when it's raining. The game always ends up being absolute pish.

Another thing that annoys me is some of the leagues appear to be really boring, notably the Ekstraklassa and Serie B.

The last thing that really does my nut in is penalties and free kicks. I miss around 75% of penalties by kicking it right down the middle, even though I've tried to direct it. EA should bring back the free kick system that they had around a decade ago, the one where there was a picture of the ball and you could decide which part of the ball to kick. That was far better than the current hit and hope!

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Can't believe I forgot that it seems the computer decides how good and bad your AI teammates will be, no matter what their OVR rating is

Doing player career, at Bayern Munich with the likes of Robben, Gotze, Ribery & Rooney. Yesterday they were all amazing in every game (I only control myself in matches), sublime passing & running. Today it's like someone swapped them with Highland League players, utter dross; shite passing, barely any runs.

Yesterday the Bayern defence was locked up tighter than a drum, no one getting near goal, only conceded from a penalty in the 10 games I played, today it's looser than Cheryl Timmons and everyone is getting in & scoring

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Noticed this happen to me in multiple player careers; go on loan to a team but they refuse to play you, every game comes up with Sim Match instead of Play Match.... what's the point?

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In the 2nd division with Corinthians who are 3.5*, down to the last game to get promoted and FIFA picks a game against Porto, a whole star better than me, guy just destroyed me, beyond livid.

The only other things that annoy me are:

1. Offsides, when ever you try and play a quick ball if say you win possession your wee guy feels the need to be running back from an offside position, infuriating.

2. Corners, it's far too easy to concede / score from corners, every time you get one you know you have a 70/30 chance of hitting the target or going close with header.

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Some of the footballs that you can choose to use on UT. In particular, the black and red one. I've got a decent sized HD TV and I can barely see the ball. They really need to sack this, or at least let you see which ball your opponent is using before the game starts.

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Some of the footballs that you can choose to use on UT. In particular, the black and red one. I've got a decent sized HD TV and I can barely see the ball. They really need to sack this, or at least let you see which ball your opponent is using before the game starts.

Yeah this can get to f**k! Some guys I think purposely choose balls that are nearly impossible to actually see.

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