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Been a while since I posted, just getting by at the moment. Have really closed up and put my defenses up, I don't really like to talk anymore. I stopped going to my one on one sessions because I got fed up of talking and feeling like it wasn't getting me anywhere, had to switch meds as I had built a tolerance and they weren't having the desired effect.

Got a kitten 4 months ago to give me some companionship, Have started going to the gym on a weekly basis to see if it helps. 

No idea when I will go back to work tho, I need to change careers as working in call centers really stresses me out and makes me worse. No idea what I'd do instead, not trained for anything else. 

Still having trouble sleeping at night

Edited by EdgarusQPFC
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23 hours ago, EdgarusQPFC said:

No idea when I will go back to work tho, I need to change careers as working in call centers really stresses me out and makes me worse. No idea what I'd do instead, not trained for anything else. 

Have you used your ILA yet? You could use that to get a bar licence or something and help you towards a new career.

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Been a while since I posted, just getting by at the moment. Have really closed up and put my defenses up, I don't really like to talk anymore. I stopped going to my one on one sessions because I got fed up of talking and feeling like it wasn't getting me anywhere, had to switch meds as I had built a tolerance and they weren't having the desired effect.

Got a kitten 4 months ago to give me some companionship, Have started going to the gym on a weekly basis to see if it helps. 

No idea when I will go back to work tho, I need to change careers as working in call centers really stresses me out and makes me worse. No idea what I'd do instead, not trained for anything else. 

Still having trouble sleeping at night

It's a shame you've stopped the one to one sessions but if they're just adding to frustrations best to can it. How you getting on with new meds?
The kitten sounds class, if it's anything like the ones I had it'll be a wee shite but you'll love it more for it.
Good there's been suggestions for alternate work, my works getting to me just now (not the actual job, it's fine, more the company and being unappreciated).
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  • 1 month later...

Yesterday was my first day back at work after a two month absence due to depression. Two months ago I nearly jumped in front of a train but was talked out of it by the Samaritans.

Looking back I'm ashamed and mortified to have been so close to traumatising a train driver because at the time I didn't even think about that. It sounds really selfish when you think about it like that.

Anyway, I was warmly welcomed back to work and the day itself was alright. It was good to be back.

I've been on Sertraline for two months now and feel a million times better.

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I feel the same as other posters, I enjoy the work at my job but as has happened before because I stay away from gossip and politics I get isolated and then just focus intensely on my job and work really hard to get my mind off it.

I tried to explain my feelings to someone in private and it was a mistake, a confidential meeting was now public knowledge which was totally out of order. It seems this person pushes out anyone who disagrees with anyone who stands up and two others got moved departments because of it. They were both hard workers like me who try to do things properly and are nice people.

Been absolutely shitting myself for months thinking I'm going to get fired for some trivial matter that others get away with. The person in the meeting plays on it. They regularly turn people against each other and say whatever to try and impress people.

Have started to just ignore it and try to focus on my work. I was really angry about it for a while as I was going through stuff with family illness that was quite serious. 

Has anyone else found fighting back or trying to find their weak points works? I'm not wired that way to attack or find issues with others and I think people pick up on this.

From what I've read online it's like someone throwing a ball to you if you catch it and throw it back it's playing the game. If I drop it and just laugh or say whatever etc it will work better perhaps?

Having a good supportive work environment makes such a difference, why does it have to be so difficult sometimes? Some people are just dicks.

Edited by D.A.F.C
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7 hours ago, D.A.F.C said:

I feel the same as other posters, I enjoy the work at my job but as has happened before because I stay away from gossip and politics I get isolated and then just focus intensely on my job and work really hard to get my mind off it.

I tried to explain my feelings to someone in private and it was a mistake, a confidential meeting was now public knowledge which was totally out of order. It seems this person pushes out anyone who disagrees with anyone who stands up and two others got moved departments because of it. They were both hard workers like me who try to do things properly and are nice people.

Been absolutely shitting myself for months thinking I'm going to get fired for some trivial matter that others get away with. The person in the meeting plays on it. They regularly turn people against each other and say whatever to try and impress people.

Have started to just ignore it and try to focus on my work. I was really angry about it for a while as I was going through stuff with family illness that was quite serious. 

Has anyone else found fighting back or trying to find their weak points works? I'm not wired that way to attack or find issues with others and I think people pick up on this.

From what I've read online it's like someone throwing a ball to you if you catch it and throw it back it's playing the game. If I drop it and just laugh or say whatever etc it will work better perhaps?

Having a good supportive work environment makes such a difference, why does it have to be so difficult sometimes? Some people are just dicks.

Keep a log, mate.  Seriously.  written records, even if they're just your opinion, scare the shit out of officialdom.  

I know - I've been on the other side.

And, if goes to a tribunal, you're one step ahead of the man.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been struggling for months with stress and had been told to take time off by the doctor but didn't listen,i collapsed on the 13th of October and since then went back to work but not driving as the doctor told me not to.I have had my driving licence revoked till they find out what is wrong and when I told my boss he just told  me took look for alternative employment.I broke down and went to HR.

I have been signed off by the doctor and my boss has not been supportive,i have the cardiologist on Monday to see if they have found anything,i will not let this beat me though.

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5 minutes ago, keithgy said:

I have been struggling for months with stress and had been told to take time off by the doctor but didn't listen,i collapsed on the 13th of October and since then went back to work but not driving as the doctor told me not to.I have had my driving licence revoked till they find out what is wrong and when I told my boss he just told  me took look for alternative employment.I broke down and went to HR.

I have been signed off by the doctor and my boss has not been supportive,i have the cardiologist on Monday to see if they have found anything,i will not let this beat me though.

That's the spirit, keithgy!

Hope they find out what's up, and that it's easy fixed.

Does your boss not have a duty of care - most places do these days.

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1 minute ago, paranoid android said:

That's the spirit, keithgy!

Hope they find out what's up, and that it's easy fixed.

Does your boss not have a duty of care - most places do these days.

He has no man management skills and when I told HR what he said she just shook her head,the worst case is I will get licence back on 13th April as long as nothing else happens.But I feel fine and want to get back to work asap.I am bored out my nut but at least I get to spend time with my grandson which is a brilliant.

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3 minutes ago, keithgy said:

He has no man management skills and when I told HR what he said she just shook her head,the worst case is I will get licence back on 13th April as long as nothing else happens.But I feel fine and want to get back to work asap.I am bored out my nut but at least I get to spend time with my grandson which is a brilliant.

Is it Ian Cathro? ;)

Mind, though - if the doctors tell you to take time off, you might need the time off.

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On 03/12/2016 at 20:03, The DA said:

Keep a log, mate.  Seriously.  written records, even if they're just your opinion, scare the shit out of officialdom.  

I know - I've been on the other side.

And, if goes to a tribunal, you're one step ahead of the man.


I told one of them today if it continues next year I'm keeping a log and going to HR. Of course they denied and said they were not that type of person while at the same time standing and trying to destroy a piece of equipment. There's been half a dozen people openly talk about me getting sacked or got rid of as some sort of second coming and as if it's going to fix everything and that I'm such a problem. Today I had two colleagues openly discuss me getting punted saying SURPRISE and that they wondered if party hats and beers will be handed out and why can't everyone be put out of their misery sooner.

Ive barely said boo to anyone or been obnoxious and others have been outrageously non PC or abusive towards others yet nothing gets said? I tried the nice and professional approach only for it to be denied then continued. I've actually helped the abusive people, tried to ignore them, tried to be friendly nothing works. I just feel absolutely hated by quite a few people. Yes I keep myself to myself and don't play politics and have discussed the above with a few 'friendlier' colleagues but I get treated as if I'm a piece of dirt. 

I don't know why I'm typing this up here but it does help as I'm on my own. It's effecting my confidence and quality of life and turning me into a bit of an anxiety ridden mess at times. Which I'm sure is enjoyable to see for some of these morons.

Really trying hard to find another suitable role but maybe it's just time to take something to tide me over for while?

The crazy thing is that I have it in writing in an email that my boss has never had any complaints about me plus I get good reviews. 

At the same time the same person can be abusive at the flip of a coin and give others the green light to do the same. It's now the second workplace where I've had issues with this and I'm sick of it. The thing that hurts the most is seeing close friends or family get upset when I tell them about it, I'm also totally obsessed with it. It's a living hell TBH.

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1 hour ago, keithgy said:

He has no man management skills and when I told HR what he said she just shook her head,the worst case is I will get licence back on 13th April as long as nothing else happens.But I feel fine and want to get back to work asap.I am bored out my nut but at least I get to spend time with my grandson which is a brilliant.

I think long term I'd look for another job, I don't see how constantly working under someone who shows you such scant regard can be healthy for you going forward.

I'm not suggesting you do anything stupid like telling them to ram it or anything like that but I certainly feel that loyalty has to be a reciprocal arrangement in any workplace.

Hope you get to the bottom of your health issues.

Edited by ayrmad
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1 hour ago, keithgy said:

I have been struggling for months with stress and had been told to take time off by the doctor but didn't listen,i collapsed on the 13th of October and since then went back to work but not driving as the doctor told me not to.I have had my driving licence revoked till they find out what is wrong and when I told my boss he just told  me took look for alternative employment.I broke down and went to HR.

I have been signed off by the doctor and my boss has not been supportive,i have the cardiologist on Monday to see if they have found anything,i will not let this beat me though.


Have a read of this if you want. Advises both employers and employees who are involved in employment disputes. It's incredibly useful.

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Only just noticed this thread, glad it is here.

I'm not long back from time off work with depression.  It took me years to get to that point.  Probably took me a year to realise and go to the doctors, another year to admit it to my girlfriend (now wife) and another 4 years to admit that I really needed help.

I got to such a bad point that I went straight to a psychologist without a referral, just paid the £150 up front.  She was unequivocal that I needed to take time off.

It took me another few weeks after that to admit to work what was going on.  It's disappointing to read that some have had bad experiences with their employers on such an issue, I have to say mine were absolutely brilliant for me.  I was told to take as much time as I needed and not once through the 3 months I had off was there any pressure on me to come back.  My team around me basically divvied up my responsibilities between them and since coming back I've only been given back what I can initially cope with.

I would urge anyone who is like me and felt too ashamed to admit it for years that finally owning up is the best thing I've done and now I am on the road to recovery although still suffer.

My last major hurdle is to shift this weight I've put on over the last few years, tried and failed many times but ready for it now.  In the new year I'll be taking 3 months off booze and eating shit and getting to gym 5 times a week.  

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Back on medication following my dad's cancer diagnosis. I am finding things very hard to cope with at the moment. But my medication is knocking me a bit side ways. So far I have put fresh carrots in the freezer and the kettle in the fridge. I am bk to my GP on Tues. Driving is difficult and it is my living. Times are very hard.

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