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I would think that a reasonable timescale

You been to see anyone about the foot? My knee being knackered really got me down tbh but it’s on the mend (kind of, lot of physio to do but at least the ball is rolling) has helped be less annoyed with it
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Spoke to a doctor at work who advised a few things which are helping. Biggest issue that's affecting it is my weight. Need to get that sorted.
You should get a plan together on that, I can still help if you want if you think it'd be beneficial.
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I’m struggling to keep my mind occupied, in as much that unless I’m playing football, working, or out socialising, I’m completely devoid of any sort of positive emotion. It’s been a relatively hectic year so far, and I think it’s down to the fact that I can’t really seem to appreciate down-time like I used to. I need to be constantly stimulated by music if I’m out and about, otherwise I just get bored of existing. This has an impact on others around me because from the outside looking in I must look like an unapproachable, miserable c**t who just looks “done” with other people and just listens to music.

It’s definitely down, in some part, of just not being comfortable in my own head anymore, and that’s a red-flag for me if there ever was one.

All in all, I feel like I’m stuck in a loop whereby I need to be doing something (which isn’t always possible) to feel happy with existing.

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The latter. Have been cutting it out for the most part but have succumbed on occasion

Totally understand, if you enjoy the occasional beer, nothing wrong with that at all. I was in a similar situation as you around 10 years ago, new city etc. I ended up becoming quite insular & took to drinking in the house, alone. Never vast quantities, but enough for it to be a depressant. My sister suggested going to the pub once a week instead of drinking in the house twice a week. The social interaction with even the bar staff helped a lot, I ended up joining the quiz nights & watching their Sunday league pub team. Even went to a couple of Partick games with a couple of the regulars. Certainly helped widen my social circle. Might be worth a try?
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1 hour ago, Stellaboz said:

Don't think of it as a slip. Just something that happened. Also, maybe some PnBrs might be up to meet for the pub quiz instead of going alone?

Also, I'm the fucking king of pub quizzes. Especially team names.

Pish. You were shite that time at Legends. You just chucked stools around

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22 hours ago, SweeperDee said:

I’m struggling to keep my mind occupied, in as much that unless I’m playing football, working, or out socialising, I’m completely devoid of any sort of positive emotion. It’s been a relatively hectic year so far, and I think it’s down to the fact that I can’t really seem to appreciate down-time like I used to. I need to be constantly stimulated by music if I’m out and about, otherwise I just get bored of existing. This has an impact on others around me because from the outside looking in I must look like an unapproachable, miserable c**t who just looks “done” with other people and just listens to music.

It’s definitely down, in some part, of just not being comfortable in my own head anymore, and that’s a red-flag for me if there ever was one.

All in all, I feel like I’m stuck in a loop whereby I need to be doing something (which isn’t always possible) to feel happy with existing.

Sounds similar to what I was like. Just doing stuff to avoid thinking or having to have meaningful conversations. 

Started going running without headphones now, or when walking the dog and making an effort just to have little interactions with folk helps me feel more connected to the world. 


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I struggle with opening up even as i type this, more recently i feel like breaking into tears for no reason.  I try to keep myself as occupied as i can but when i got home last time if it wasnt for deciding to decorate my kitchen i was struggling as i keep questioning my existence and  thinking wouldn't anyone care if i wasn't here.  I dont have much family and try to keep as close contacts with friends as i can but at the same time i have that inner part of me that wants to be alone and push people away but the same time i know thats the worst thing for me.  I had counselling a few years back and brought myself back from where i was then.

Feel most at ease with things when i am hillwalking but i go on my own just to get away from everything and one tbh,  My biggest battle day to day is trying not to break down in tears for no reason.

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On 07/10/2018 at 08:56, AL-FFC said:

I struggle with opening up even as i type this, more recently i feel like breaking into tears for no reason.  I try to keep myself as occupied as i can but when i got home last time if it wasnt for deciding to decorate my kitchen i was struggling as i keep questioning my existence and  thinking wouldn't anyone care if i wasn't here.  I dont have much family and try to keep as close contacts with friends as i can but at the same time i have that inner part of me that wants to be alone and push people away but the same time i know thats the worst thing for me.  I had counselling a few years back and brought myself back from where i was then.

Feel most at ease with things when i am hillwalking but i go on my own just to get away from everything and one tbh,  My biggest battle day to day is trying not to break down in tears for no reason.

Drop me a pm anytime.

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On 21/03/2018 at 17:20, gav-ffc said:


Follow up to this I’ve now been put on Sertaline 50mg for the foreseeable future. 4-6 weeks to take effect so will see how that goes and the fight goes on.



On 21/03/2018 at 20:30, johnnydun said:

Be careful with Sertraline mate, its a proper c**t to come off of. Really bad withdrawal.


Finally off it, had been put up to 100mg but i just could not deal with the headaches through the day and have decided to come off them slowly, the 100mg tablets allowed me to take one every 3 days or so and have now came off them all together. Can`t even mind when my last appointment was with the docs but I will wait and see if they phone about it. 

Noticed some other behaviours that I would rather not go into full details about on here (PM ME BBZ etc) but I have also reached out to an organisation to deal with this and trying to arrange a Spa day for me and the wife as we have not had much time to ourselves at all between my work and her college/work never mind never getting a break with the bairn but now her maw stays across the road we are hoping she will help us out a bit more (doubtful)

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I think the black dog has a kennel in the garden. I'm back to work on Monday but my anxiety is on overload. I can see the faces, and the "banter"... "How was your extended holiday" "enjoy your skive" the foreman being in the huff because he had to work 2 Saturdays in a row. . They don't know the dark days. I feel like dropping my colleague off on Monday, turning the car, heading home, shutting the curtains and pulling the duvet over my head.

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