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Starting to think that there’s a way out of this, I can envisage myself doing things. With work I need to just realise that there’s a small group who I won’t get on with. As someone said on here you will always get arseholes. They probably think I’m an arsehole too. What matters is what they do officially and it’s all been good or excellent when it mattered. I can’t control what others think but I can control how I think.

I watched a joe rogan interview with someone who was miserable and is now transformed. Self help sounds a bit hit or miss but he mentioned a few good things about turning almost everything around into a positive and practising meditation as a constant mindset. Yes some things are terrible but they’re a learning experience. What I’ve been doing for nearly two decades is caring about other people externalising their faults or problems. Giving a f**k about the important stuff and giving your best to everything and ignoring the toxic stuff is the way forward. It might take months or years but I’m going to try it. I’m also reading the Goggins book and the accountability thing sounds good. I used to write down a weekly plan every Sunday and would try to follow, I felt a lot calmer and less stressed when I did it. 

It’s all about interpretation and how you see things, I need to stop focusing on the worst aspects and letting it destroy my mind and worth. 
Ive literally been living scared and shutdown for so long for no reason. 

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So I'm back today in Scotland first time since my dad's funeral last year.
So nervous about it though. Going to go to the crem gardens where I scattered them both (that's fucking weird to see written down) and I hope it helps with the random dreams I have where theyre alive and I get confused, then upset when I wake.

Good thing is seeing most of my pals Saturday with the missus, and a Stephens bridie.

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3 hours ago, Dosser-fae-the-shire said:
Scattered my dad’s ashes today and I’m a complete fuckin mess.


Understandable bud. There’s no correct way in dealing with the aftermath of a parents’ passing. There’s no set time on how long you grieve. It may sound cliche, but just try and surround yourself with friends and family; reminisce about your old man. On the flip side, you don’t need to do any of that; if you need space from everyone, if you need to cry, shout or scream, go for it. You’d have to have a heart of stone to judge someone for mourning the death of someone they care about. Do what you feel is correct.


Edited by SweeperDee
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So I'm back today in Scotland first time since my dad's funeral last year.
So nervous about it though. Going to go to the crem gardens where I scattered them both (that's fucking weird to see written down) and I hope it helps with the random dreams I have where theyre alive and I get confused, then upset when I wake.

Good thing is seeing most of my pals Saturday with the missus, and a Stephens bridie.
Through to Dundee game ? If so eh am out in town tomorrow. Yasss
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Understandable bud. There’s no correct way in dealing with the aftermath of a parents’ passing. There’s no set time on how long you grieve. It may sound cliche, but just try and surround yourself with friends and family; reminisce about your old man. On the flip side, you don’t need to do any of that; if you need space from everyone, if you need to cry, shout or scream, go for it. You’d have to have a heart of stone to judge someone for mourning the death of someone they care about. Do what you feel is correct.

Cheers. Don’t know how to deal with this. Never felt so low
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Made the total schoolboy error of scattering my mums and stepdads ashes in the grounds of their property and adjoining riverbank. House has since been sold so I now have no access to pay my respects on important, personal dates.

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6 hours ago, supermik said:

Made the total schoolboy error of scattering my mums and stepdads ashes in the grounds of their property and adjoining riverbank. House has since been sold so I now have no access to pay my respects on important, personal dates.

Tricky one. I know it might feel like a poor substitute, but is there somewhere you could go that you used to enjoy going with them?

Maybe a park you went to as a kid, or a restaurant or cafe? Somewhere for a walk?

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Regards ashes, when Mrs. RN#2 died I followed her spoken, unwritten request and they went in the Forth at South Queensferry.
Mrs RN#3 died there was a family plot in a cemetery here so that’s where her ashes went. Other than some to make some really nice and non creepy jewelery for her daughters.

I’m unlikely to be back in Scotland anytime soon to be able to visit graves there for parents/brother but I’ve never felt a huge need.

Maybe it’s me but I’m not going to fret over having somewhere tangible to “pay my respect” I think as long as I do remember them then that’s what counts

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On 13/12/2019 at 06:20, Stellaboz said:

So I'm back today in Scotland first time since my dad's funeral last year.
So nervous about it though. Going to go to the crem gardens where I scattered them both (that's fucking weird to see written down) and I hope it helps with the random dreams I have where theyre alive and I get confused, then upset when I wake.

Good thing is seeing most of my pals Saturday with the missus, and a Stephens bridie.

Welcome back hame, Stellaboz.

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Genuine best wishes to all those who have been brave enough to post on this thread with their very personal and otherwise private issues.  Hope that by sharing what's going on has helped to relieve any pressures and darkness in their lives.  I see from the many responses that there's a lot of good guys on here who have been offering sound and positive advice or suggestions.  Hope these have been taken on board by those who have felt the anguish the most.  There are lots of ways to kick start things when you feel the doors are all closed and loneliness in particular is the bugger that's holding you back or dragging you down.  Always remember, yer neebs are here on P & B.

To add a lighter note for the good people on P & B, here's a light-hearted best wishes for what's left of the year and hope that 2020 is a lot better for those who have struggled through 2019.   👍


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Welcome back hame, Stellaboz.

Ended up going to the site where they "are" and spilling out my heart over a lot of stuff. Think it's helped and already feel better for it.

I never had time to myself to do this and I think I can finally accept and move on properly.
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6 minutes ago, Stellaboz said:


Ended up going to the site where they "are" and spilling out my heart over a lot of stuff. Think it's helped and already feel better for it.

I never had time to myself to do this and I think I can finally accept and move on properly.

It definitely does help.

I would stand and have full on conversations with my Mum at the grave every year around this time. It really helped as I felt I could talk about the good things she is missing and how the kids are. It really highlighted how good things are in my own life and helped me to some realisation.

The death of a parent is never easy, but it is something that is most likely to happen to us all. I deal with it looking at my own kids and hoping they never get mentally ill due to my death, just like my mum wouldn't want me to over her's.


This time of year is a joyous time for a lot of people, get together with family and go to parties with friends, however this can also be the worst time of year for many; dark nights, Christmas debts, away from friends and family, first Christmas without loved ones.... 




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