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13 minutes ago, Jambomo said:

Just to say thanks to those who have been kind enough to comment and PM me. I am a lot calmer now and just wanted to say I appreciate your help.

Urgency is as much an enemy as it is an imposter.

I wish you a good night's sleep and a softer light in the morning.


If you are a friend then you have a friend's love.

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This thread has always been respected as a place where usual P&B nonsense doesn’t venture. Some times posting to a bunch strangers is easier than talking to nearest. 

Lots of us with a whole range of diagnosis and lived in experience and if that means we can help another when in easier times by sharing what maybe worked for us and someone else finds it effective, good. 


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4 hours ago, Jambomo said:

Sorry to post here but I don’t know where else to go. This has turned out to be the worst day ever.

I caught my partner last March/April cheating on me when he got pissed and I saw texts from him to a married woman. He said they ended it and we decided to try again.

We tonight I found some more so it’s still going on. He’s left the house. He’s really drunk (because we were at the pub earlier) and doesn’t have many clothes with him so I am stupidly worrying about him. I destroyed his phone when I found the texts so can’t even call him.

We were together 14 years. I just can’t take it. He was my best friend, we spent so much time together and I don’t find making friends easy so I am pretty much alone without him. I know it’s pathetic, I AM pathetic. I know it. I tried to cut my arm but the knives here aren’t even sharp enough.

I can’t stand it. I can’t stand myself for letting myself get to this. I can’t even hate him enough not to fucking worry about him. WTF is wrong with me?

Nothing is wrong with you mate, absolutely nothing. It's a fucking sledgehammer blow...things hit you in life that completely waylay you and sometimes you don't know how to cope. Please try to keep the head up, ride it out for a few days and you'll honestly get a bit of clarity of mind and hopefully you'll feel better.

There's nothing pathetic about you or the state of mind you feel, you give a f**k about him and can't switch that off in an instant after 14 years. So what? That is perfectly normal.

None of this is your fault.

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To add to my previous post, I log into here every day.

I'm not someone who is in anyway qualified to remedy any issues anyone may be having but I am willing and happy to lend a sympathetic and understanding ear to anyone on this thread (or who hasn't posted here or doesn't feel comfortable doing so) to just vent to. Honestly, please feel free to speak confidentially. I'm happy to listen, talk or anything.  :) 

Edited by djchapsticks
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On a scale of 1-10, how awful would I look if I went into his Facebook acciunt and told everyone about their affair? This would mean both her and her husband would see it. I do not know if her husband knows.


actually I know it’s a shit, petty, humiliating thing for me to do hence I am posting here and not actually on Facebook.

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52 minutes ago, HeWhoWalksBehindTheRows said:

It would be tempting to do that, but think about her husband.  Hes done nothing to deserve being humiliated online.

Would contacting him directly ve an option? 

No, I don’t have means of making contact with him.

i’m not going to, I would just took like a trashy arsehole. I’ll just sit on P & B and  talk about doing it. Would be nice though 😞

Edited by Jambomo
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Be dignified, don’t become the stereotyped psycho ex. That just give him ammo!

plus you’d be destroying the other guys life so you’d become the bad guy which you aren’t.

Hold you head high and let him see you flourish without him!

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On a scale of 1-10, how awful would I look if I went into his Facebook acciunt and told everyone about their affair? This would mean both her and her husband would see it. I do not know if her husband knows.
actually I know it’s a shit, petty, humiliating thing for me to do hence I am posting here and not actually on Facebook.
Yeah as tempting as this sort of thing can be, and would feel good for a nanosecond, the fallout/aftermath isnt worth it.

It doesn't help you move on, and it doesn't square with the fact that you deserve better treatment than you have received. I know you be feeling shame and humilated at being cheated on, thats natural but you just need to remember you did f**k all wrong. Carry on that way. Head high.
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Changed from citalopram to venlafaxine in the last month, feel worse than ever I feel the life being sucked from me. Relationship a mess feel like we should ge a divorce but scared of consequences kids financial etc

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Well, like I predicted new year came in alone.
After one stepdaughter left at around 6pm I didn’t actually speak to another person until she came back at around 11:30 this morning.
2 text messages but apart from that no human contact for near 18 hours.
I’m sad, but I’m not going to let it f**k me up

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On a scale of 1-10, how awful would I look if I went into his Facebook acciunt and told everyone about their affair? This would mean both her and her husband would see it. I do not know if her husband knows.
actually I know it’s a shit, petty, humiliating thing for me to do hence I am posting here and not actually on Facebook.
I don't think there's anything wrong in finding and telling him, especially if this affair has lasted since early last year.

That might actually do him a huge favour.

As others have said, and as you know yourself, public humiliation is not the right thing to do.

But becoming an amateur detective and finding him would not be unreasonable. This is not a one night thing that could be regarded as a mistake.
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