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Don't start that pish. I for one wouldn't accuse people of attention seeking on this thread. And as paranoid android said, finding a new job ain't easy, especi

Are you struggling to spell again? Must be the stress

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I know I'm trying, but trying to find something along the lines of what I'm doing just now (building supplies) isn't easy. I'm worried about my parents as well, my dad has virtually no work at the moment, and my mum only works part time and has suffered from ill health over the last few years.

Edited by philpy
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I had to go and see the psychiatric doctor on Friday there. Just seem to get asked the same questions by everyone I see and then told to just keep taking these horrible medicines I get prescribed. Also see the CPN regularly and that really is no help at all.

Honestly just spend most of my days now trying to kill time before I can go back to bed. Fucking horrible trying to get out of bed for work in the morning.

philpy, my old man suffered from depression from very similar circumstances a few years ago. Getting stressed about different factors like work/money is a very common cause of depression and you're absolutely not in the wrong to be feeling the way you are. Go along to the Doc as even a good talk about it can ease the pressure a bit. Some of the posts above are insensitive in the extreme and show why there is still such a stigma around mental health problems.

Edited by JamboMikey
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Ignore that utter c**t StandFree03.

The boys has the highest cheek saying get another job when the zoomer doesn't have a job himself.

Does your work have a counsellor?

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Pie & Bovril mobile app

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Cheers Mikey. I've been putting off speaking to my GP, purely because i feel like I'd be moaning about nothing, especially when there are folk with more to deal with than me.

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Ignore that utter c**t StandFree03.

The boys has the highest cheek saying get another job when the zoomer doesn't have a job himself.

Does your work have a counsellor?

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Pie & Bovril mobile app

Nope. Head office (based in Dundee) are utter c***s. My boss wants an extra worker in, even if Its just "seasonal" but they won't fork out for it. Basically, if me or the other lad are on our own, we Dont get a lunch break. Against the working time law surely?? When my boss mentions it to head office He is told "if you don't like it, you know where the door is". I clock up a shitload of overtime, handy you might think, but not when the hours and workload takes its toll both mentally and physically.

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Cheers Mikey. I've been putting off speaking to my GP, purely because i feel like I'd be moaning about nothing, especially when there are folk with more to deal with than me.

I suffered for literally years because of the same thing. A lot of men do.

Just see the GP and maybe tell you wife/mum/dad. Anyone close to you that you can get a bit off of your chest to.

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Cheers Mikey. I've been putting off speaking to my GP, purely because i feel like I'd be moaning about nothing, especially when there are folk with more to deal with than me.

Your GP will probably refer you to someone who gets paid to listen to moans "about nothing". Get it done, it will be good to get it off your chest.

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Insensitive? If something is making you unhappy then you change it. It's just a job at the end of the day, get another one or try something completely different.

The thing that pisses me off about some people with depression is that anytime you are straight with them they get defensive and it's the "you don't know" card. Well aye, I know more than you think I do and unless you're wiling to make changes in your life then nobody can really help.

If you knew half as much as you think you did you wouldn't be spouting the drivel you have been in this thread.

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Magee zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Anyway i was more referring to the guy clearly suffering from depression related to a lot of things in his life, its plainly more than just his job yet your expert solution is to rap it and find another one despite having no idea of his personal circumstances as to why jacking it in may not be an option just now.

But im glad you found the job of your dreams SF which reminds me, pump number 4 thanks and can i have 20 Silk Cut, a bottle of 7up and a Bounty please.

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I've been looking on jobsites everyday, and have registered my CV with numerous companies, but as I've already stated, getting a job in Edinburgh or east Lothian Isn't just that easy.

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How about telling me the Henrik Larsson story as you have twice referred to this now.

And if the guy is in a job which he needs to pay a mortgage, car loan, support a family and more then he may well have to stick with it till he finds a better one, i was in a job i hated last year but stuck at it till i found a better one, going on jobseekers at £150 a fucking fortnight would certainly not make me feel better about myself.

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