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Got to agree with mrs m and ntp here, not every girl in the world is a c**t. Yes there are some, but theres just as many boys who are as well! If you go into a relationship expecting all girls to be shite then dont bother would be my advice. You will never get anything out of it, youll be a paranoid wreck.

Also rowan your husband seems like a top bloke going by some of your posts.

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Misogynistic bullshit.

Women not all get a kick out of treating men like dirt. We don't deliberately mess with your head. We're not all bitches and arseholes. People that behave like that are arseholes. Gender has f**k all to do with it. You think some men don't act like that?

You aren't helping anyone here with that nonsense. Leave it out.

My girlfriend certainly isn't i actually think she's quite a decent person so i thank myself lucky :wub:

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Sorry about that last night, just with my previous experience with females I have been completely abused and left as a wreck. I have been abused for money and used as a tool by them. It just seems every girl I meet wants nothing more than to string me along. Perhaps I just let my anger show last night. So I am sorry about any comments.

And Rowan I'm with Matty on that one. Keep going strong.

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And then BANG!


Phonecall this morning from Scotland, my brother is in hospital and unlikely to live much longer


Then I find out my oldest girl here has been in a car accident, as far as I know she's ok, but car is wrecked.


Gimme a fucking break FFS.

Have you got family up with your brother who are with him just now? How's your daughter doing?

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I can only echo the comments about women not being awful hoors. All except one of the girls I've been with have been lovely. My last girlfriend was brilliant and such a good and nice person (although she did take the break up very hard and, dare I say it, quite immaturely and that comes from someone who has the mind of a juvenile!).

The one who was shit was, to put it bluntly, a c**t. We moved in to a place together after about 4 months! I played the whole thing terribly and look back and cringe likr f**k. I also know I had a very lucky escape. She was getting wired into cock all over the placd when we were together it turns out. She got engaged two weeks after she broke up with me (via a note written on pink paper posted through our own letterbox). That didn't work out. She called md up a couple of months later wanting to get back together. Laughter was had by me. I see her around town every now and again pushing a pram looking miserable as f**k.

I got on really well with her old man and we still have a chat if we bump in to each other at the football or the pub. Oddly enough we've never once discussed his daughter!

The point here is to not let a rubbish bird taint your views

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Sorry about that last night, just with my previous experience with females I have been completely abused and left as a wreck. I have been abused for money and used as a tool by them. It just seems every girl I meet wants nothing more than to string me along. Perhaps I just let my anger show last night. So I am sorry about any comments.

And Rowan I'm with Matty on that one. Keep going strong.

It's sad that you've met some arseholes. I sympathize completely. I've known a few in my time too! You can't let it cloud your judgement of others. If your expectation is that women will treat you like dirt, that's likely what will happen. There are good ones and you'll find one when you realize they exist!

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Yeah, have to agree with the general tone of the thread regarding women. Some are arseholes, some aren't. Same with men, if I let some of my experiences with women colour my view of them then I would be one bitter fucker. I also find women easier to talk to when I'm down and a lot of my best friends are female.

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It's sad that you've met some arseholes. I sympathize completely. I've known a few in my time too! You can't let it cloud your judgement of others. If your expectation is that women will treat you like dirt, that's likely what will happen. There are good ones and you'll find one when you realize they exist!

Name one!

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And with respects to IO, I'm going against the grain here but don't listen to people who are generalising about women here and saying "they're" all 'bitches' or whatever. They're not. I don't doubt your girlfriend has acted pretty horribly towards you and it most definitely isn't something you can blame yourself for. If someone is a dick (male or female) then they're a dick. If you allow her to cloud your judgment on other women you meet then you're going to be going in any future relationship with an immediate handicap. As unlikely as it might seem, you'll move on and find someone a thousand times better. Just give it time.

Cheers mate.

Apologies to anyone who has taken offense of my posts. I was really upset last night ;(

Edited by Isaiah Osbourne
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Daughter is ok, just a bit sore. Just going to be carless for a while. I'll probably drive her about as needed.

My brother has an ex and a son (who's 17) that he sees regularly and they keep me updated

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