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Whats the borderline part all about? Does it mean you nearly have a personality disorder but not quite? Like a borderline alcoholic?


I'm not actually familiar with the disorder as such but I know that the symptoms often include a vast self-image problem, alongside great emotional instability.

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It's sometimes refered to as emotional instability disorder.

Characteristics include:

Self harm

Difficulty with inter personal relationships

Fast and sometime inexplicable changes in mood

Black and white thinking, inability to see shades of grey.

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Sounds like a lot of people i know tbh

Obviously what I mentioned isn't the concrete criteria. I'm sure there's a defining feature of Borderline personality disorder. I'm sure Rowan can educate you.

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I suppose its one of those things that everyone feels somewhere inside their heads but some minds know how to control these feelings on a day to day basis and some don't .


Strange thing the old brain eh?

It's often a result of chemical imbalances brought about by external influences or genetics. Nothing to do with not knowing how to control feelings.

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Though some disorders may be brought about by the under development of the brain for whatever reason. But like I said, not being able to control feelings is not really a part of it. I'm sure if there was a way to learn to control personality disorders and mental disorders in general, a lot of people would be trying to learn.

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I can't actually describe it all that well. I can tell you the diagnostic criteria. But to actually explain how I feel, well I'm yet to be able to articulate it.

I have a contract of safety in place, I have worked on and off with a fabulous therapist and if I cut or take another od she and I are over. She made it clear she was playing on my abandonment fear.

I've take 3 overdoses since the summer, probably around a 15 since I was 15. I've currently got over 100 scars healing on my legs.

But to look at you wouldn't know I was actually very ill, In fact I look better than I have done in years.

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31. I was in the priory when I was 23. Had a good spell between 26 and 30 with varying degrees of medication and psychological support. Had three kids. But I relapsed in the summer. Probably triggered by traumatic birth of third.

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And for every bit of bad advice on this thread, there is a lot more good advice. It's a genuinely sombre and humbling thread.

Reynard has a point here. Only one bit of bad advice could have a very poor outcome if it was acted on. By all means listen, but advice is taking it a step to far.

Anyway, it seems Reynard and SF have come in and taken all your dinner money.

ETA, throbber is trying to lumber Rowan.

Edited by Sergeant Wilson
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I can feel the initial symptoms coming at me with a vengeance, think i may double up on the Cipralex and maybe a double dose of zopiclone because 7.5mg isn't eliminating the insomia in the slightest,

With the medical concerns with the wifes pregnancy, i really don't want to be moaning about at her about how i feel, (if you can call it moaning)

I just hope the double dose of cipralex starts improving my mood pdq!! :(

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Reynard has a point here. Only one bit of bad advice could have a very poor outcome if it was acted on. By all means listen, but advice is taking it a step to far.

Anyway, it seems Reynard and SF have come in and taken all your dinner money.

ETA, throbber is trying to lumber Rowan.

I don't agree. The only bad advice I've seen is from trolls and WUMs. If they had the decency to avoid the thread then we wouldn't have an issue.

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Reynard has a point here. Only one bit of bad advice could have a very poor outcome if it was acted on. By all means listen, but advice is taking it a step to far.

Anyway, it seems Reynard and SF have come in and taken all your dinner money.

ETA, throbber is trying to lumber Rowan.

I don't really care of folk want to come in and take the piss they are easy ignored and I'm happy to take the piss in other threads.

Your point is Shite though. Far more damage is done to men in the 16-30 age group by not talking,sharing information and advising each other than will be done by one wee piece of bad advice.

From what I can see the advice in this thread pretty much seems to boil down to - chat about it,seek medical advice,try out some safe coping mechanisms.

All seems pretty reasonable to me.

GPs are increasingly turning to social prescribing as well as or instead of meds. That would include seeking out peer networks such as this.

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With the medical concerns with the wifes pregnancy, i really don't want to be moaning about at her about how i feel, (if you can call it moaning)

Must be a massive weight on your mind mate. Good luck with it. Dont worry about having a moan round here, lots of sympathetic ears.

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I don't really care of folk want to come in and take the piss they are easy ignored and I'm happy to take the piss in other threads.

Your point is Shite though. Far more damage is done to men in the 16-30 age group by not talking,sharing information and advising each other than will be done by one wee piece of bad advice.

From what I can see the advice in this thread pretty much seems to boil down to - chat about it,seek medical advice,try out some safe coping mechanisms.

All seems pretty reasonable to me.

GPs are increasingly turning to social prescribing as well as or instead of meds. That would include seeking out peer networks such as this.

It may surprise you to know this, but I have worked in this type of scenario. Advice by unqualified people should never go beyond who to contact for professional advice. Even a suicide shouldn't be advised not to. Communication should be in the form of questions to allow the person to arrive at their own conclusions, not what you think they should do.

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It may surprise you to know this, but I have worked in this type of scenario. Advice by unqualified people should never go beyond who to contact for professional advice. Even a suicide shouldn't be advised not to. Communication should be in the form of questions to allow the person to arrive at their own conclusions, not what you think they should do.

Have you operated a suicide hotline before? From what I've been reading, it seems like that's the sort of act they're trained to follow too.

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