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How would the password work?

Would members need to present a med cert to Div?

Possibly. :lol:

Nah, I don't know how it could be enforced, and like I said it would prevent non members from viewing the thread which isn't a good thing.

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Has Keeper Dee done something to offend people? Or is he just one of the people who others think it's acceptable to rip into for no apparent reason?

Thanks again for ruining the thread by the way.

Stop being so melodramatic, the thread is fine.

With all due respect to the guy, KeeperDee was trying so hard to stick up for the thread being derailed argument he didn't realise he was doing it himself.

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Stop being so melodramatic, the thread is fine.

With all due respect to the guy, KeeperDee was trying so hard to stick up for the thread being derailed argument he didn't realise he was doing it himself.

I can only reply to what I'm given, if you wish to raise points for discussion but want to keep them private, please send them by pm in future. I'll gladly discuss things with you. This goes for everyone btw. Here to help.

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I can only reply to what I'm given, if you wish to raise points for discussion but want to keep them private, please send them by pm in future. I'll gladly discuss things with you. This goes for everyone btw. Here to help.

I'm fine mate.

But for what its worth, these "edgy wee fan dans" might have more experience of living with people with depression than you'd imagine, just because they give a differing opinion it doesn't mean they are uneducated about the illness.

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I'm fine mate.

But for what its worth, these "edgy wee fan dans" might have more experience of living with people with depression than you'd imagine, just because they give a differing opinion it doesn't mean they are uneducated about the illness.

Don't know why you're quoting someone else and replying to me. I never said that.

If they had experience, then they should know not to act so uneducated.

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I'm fine mate.

But for what its worth, these "edgy wee fan dans" might have more experience of living with people with depression than you'd imagine, just because they give a differing opinion it doesn't mean they are uneducated about the illness.

That's another consideration- can make others intolerant of those they perceive to be 'swinging the lead'.

Not a criticism of you BTW Bobby.

I saw elsewhere on this site that Standfree03's family had been touched by tragedy related to this subject.

ETA spelling again!.

Edited by Theo Snelders
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Id say as well with all the arguing back and forward on what constitutes a valid post in this forum regardless what it is may be stopping people from speaking out and sharing. The thread is meant to be here as a means of support and reassurance that people who are having difficult times can see that others also have problems]

We can argue all day about what does and does not meet the "guidelines" for being depressed but providing they aren't just here to fish then they should feel comfortable to post

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Has anyone had counselling before and would they recommend it? I'm coming to the end of the first dose of citalopram and I've been offered that as well if I want it. I'm going to stick with the meds at the moment as I think I'd feel weird talking to someone I didn't know but I'm sort of open to the idea.

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Has anyone had counselling before and would they recommend it? I'm coming to the end of the first dose of citalopram and I've been offered that as well if I want it. I'm going to stick with the meds at the moment as I think I'd feel weird talking to someone I didn't know but I'm sort of open to the idea.

Absolutely pal, go for it. I found, for myself anyway, that I got a massive lift from talking to a stranger, which I find easier to do for some reason or another. To begin with I just had a vent about all my frustrations and personal shortfalls which led to me recognising and, then beginning to, tackle some deep lying issues I have.

Go for it and good luck.

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Has anyone had counselling before and would they recommend it? I'm coming to the end of the first dose of citalopram and I've been offered that as well if I want it. I'm going to stick with the meds at the moment as I think I'd feel weird talking to someone I didn't know but I'm sort of open to the idea.

It was the best thing I ever done. I was the same and refused it for while, mainly due to an apprehension with speaking to a stranger. After a couple weeks I was fine and glad to be able to talk to someone openly. Everyone's obviously different but I for one would say give it a go and f its not for you then you tried it.

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Id say as well with all the arguing back and forward on what constitutes a valid post in this forum regardless what it is may be stopping people from speaking out and sharing. The thread is meant to be here as a means of support and reassurance that people who are having difficult times can see that others also have problems]

We can argue all day about what does and does not meet the "guidelines" for being depressed but providing they aren't just here to fish then they should feel comfortable to post

I agree. I'm not sure attacking people for 'not being depressed enough' (for want of a better phrase) is helpful. I think that could discourage other people from posting. The feeling can be triggered by anything or nothing.
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Has anyone had counselling before and would they recommend it? I'm coming to the end of the first dose of citalopram and I've been offered that as well if I want it. I'm going to stick with the meds at the moment as I think I'd feel weird talking to someone I didn't know but I'm sort of open to the idea.

The Doc didn't want to medicate me so I had counseling, worked wonders for me, my counselor was brilliant

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Cheers, lads. The major problem is that during the days I find that I'm usually fairly positive or at the very least closed off whereas once it hits the evening or nights I'm usually more open or aware of what I'm feeling. I'll have a look into it though and maybe just take notes or something.

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If this thread is still getting used in the right way just wanted to say a few things.

Firstly for what's its worth putting what I've felt over the last few years into text and reading it back and seeing others replying with helpful advice has been really cathartic. Yes this is a football forum but I genuinely feel that it has helped people. You'll always get one or two idiots looking for attention. I hope it hasn't turned people away.

Anyway through putting stuff into context and trying to move on I feel a whole lot better and have started to realise that not living my life to the fullest because of several idiots who were probably just intimidated or jealous and acted this out on me is extremely foolish and crazy.

At no point have I ever felt like I was going crazy, but through the way I've studied human behaviour online I can now spot an arsehole or narcissist a mile away. When I was younger I used to always trust people who I thought were friends and now realise that you should always be guarded about personal stuff until you are sure about someone.

Until you realise that people only attack others because they are broken people themselves you are stuck in a dark place.

I just wish I could have known this years ago and not taken things personally, it certainly felt personal but now I actually feel sorry for people who act in this way and for the people around them who are too scared to call out their behaviour.

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