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Don't feel like the shite that's getting you down doesn't count just cause other folk might be dealing with objectively worse things. If it's bothering you then it's worth looking at. That thought held me and still holds me back.

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I really don't want to sound as cunty as possible but thi thread really does put things in perspective whenever I'm feeling sorry for myself.

Really hope everything ends up alright for you all. I'm not sure what use I'd be but I have literally nothing else to do most of the time so I'm always open for a PM.

Don't beat yourself out. The weird thing is that there are probably a few people you come across on a daily basis (e.g your postie, your manager, a siblings partner etc..) who are suffering, but feel the need to put on a facade because of the stigma (which is still prevalent despite what the media tells you).

We could all try and be compassionate and gentler to one another. We're all human, and can instinctively judge ourselves based on our intent, whilst judging everyone else on their actions.

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I've been feeling much better but have started arguing with my girlfriend about how I've been. Previously I've had big blow outs or felt down I've just kind of ridden over it and got back to normal. Because of what happened I can't really do that this time, but I feel like my girlfriend is using this to be controlling. She has basically said that she doesn't want me to go out until I've 'got this sorted out' and we had a huge argument when she wanted me to go to the doctor and ask for anti-depressants. I don't want to never be able to see my mates, go out, have a drink again. I feel fine now, I know that if I went out for a pint it'd be fine and I'd be OK. Whenever I go out for a night out or a beer my girlfriend always made me feel bad, constantly asking when I was due home, guilt-tripping me for leaving her alone. I think that might contribute to the way I drink recklessly and that if we just agreed that I'm going out, I'll be back later, if I'm going to be late I'll phone I'd be better. I don't think she can do it though. I spoke to one of my close friends (the only one who knows about me trying to off myself) and she said that maybe my gf needs to reset her expectations when I'm going out.

I asked my GP about anti-depressants and he said that it wasn't a good idea as I was feeling better, if I'd been down for the entire time then it'd be a more realistic option. I explained this to my girlfriend but she didn't seem to accept it. She's used to hearing what she wants, to be honest I just tell her what she wants to hear most of the time and what happened makes me feel that I shouldn't, I should be honest and try to be happy with it. I'm worried that if I try to be honest I'll just end up back where I was.

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Thought i would add to this thread.

I have recently been diagnosed with depression after fighting it for the last 12/16 months, mainly started with issues with Dad and only seeing him twice in 10 years after he left and being neglected again has got to me alot this time. I can be quite a loud and hapy person at times but when it came to socialising and meeting new people or being around people i didnt take to well then i would hide away and do eveything i could to not go or find an excuse not to go.

I finally got myself to my GP and explained as much as i could and he advised me to go and get counselling and i have done so via FDMHA which is based next to Falkirk retail park. He said it could take up to 3 months but 2 weeks later and i had my counselling sorted and they supply 8, 50 minute session for free and this has been a big help to me through a hard time. I was also signed off work for 6 weeks near enough as my medication wasnt working ( citalpram 20mg) this was upped to 40mg recently as still not feeling any effects. I am now back at work ( which is still shit) and getting back to being more like myself now and its onwards and upwards.

My advice to anyone who thinks they may be depressed, get to your GP, speak to loved ones around you and make sure they understand.

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I've been feeling much better but have started arguing with my girlfriend about how I've been. Previously I've had big blow outs or felt down I've just kind of ridden over it and got back to normal. Because of what happened I can't really do that this time, but I feel like my girlfriend is using this to be controlling. She has basically said that she doesn't want me to go out until I've 'got this sorted out' and we had a huge argument when she wanted me to go to the doctor and ask for anti-depressants. I don't want to never be able to see my mates, go out, have a drink again. I feel fine now, I know that if I went out for a pint it'd be fine and I'd be OK. Whenever I go out for a night out or a beer my girlfriend always made me feel bad, constantly asking when I was due home, guilt-tripping me for leaving her alone. I think that might contribute to the way I drink recklessly and that if we just agreed that I'm going out, I'll be back later, if I'm going to be late I'll phone I'd be better. I don't think she can do it though. I spoke to one of my close friends (the only one who knows about me trying to off myself) and she said that maybe my gf needs to reset her expectations when I'm going out.

Have you considered inviting your gf to join you on a night out? Engage her in some of the group chatter and I'm sure she won't complain about being left out or something. Or go out one night with your mates, then treat your partner to a weekend away/fancy meal in/spa day or something?

It's probably quite emotionally taxing for a partner (I know how much it must be for yourself personally), as I'm sure she's probably supportive during your down-times?

(I hate being a contrarian because I probably sound really snooty, but hopefully a differing view-point helps).

My advice to anyone who thinks they may be depressed, get to your GP, speak to loved ones around you and make sure they understand.

Wise words!

Good to hear something is working out for you. I too am on citalopram (40mg) and it seems to be helping! Carry on the fine work.

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Finally found out why I'm feeling like shit, I have stomach cancer.

I just want to run away

Jesus, so sorry to hear that.

Hopefully you can find the strength to fight through this.

I don't want to speak on behalf of others but I'm sure most will agree that our thoughts are with you and we wish you all the very best.

Sorry to hear that, mate - feel free to PM, if you want to get it off your chest.

I dunno like, once I start I won't stop & some of it is pretty grim reading. Even anonymously I feel like I couldn't say. I'll keep it in mind though thanks mate.

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