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Just wondering, has anyone suffered with depression and anxiety issues due to work related stuff?? This may sound daft, but work has been affecting my sleep patterns of late. I've a habit of worrying too much about not getting things done on time or going through scenarios or things that I've done wrong over and over in my head. I had a holiday on Friday and I spent Thursday night worrying that I'd fucked up with the orders for Friday, then I spent Friday night worrying that I would get a row about something when I went in on Saturday. This happened a few times at my previous job, so much so that I went AWOL for 3 Days, getting the bus so far in then waiting till I knew my wife was away to her work then going home to lie In bed and stare at the ceiling. I'm a bit worried that it might happen again, but I'm unsure how to take the first steps towards dealing with this strange fear and anxiety.

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Very nice of an ITV report to stress the final line "many will ask why somebody who had previously had suicidal thoughts was ever allowed near a cockpit".

Great. Highlight that if you mention it to a GP then your life can be limited even if you recover from it. Personally, things like that prevent me from discussing anything like this 'just in case' it affects my future career.

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Felt pretty bad yesterday and today, so much so that I couldn't go in to work.

Not sure what brought it on. I've been feeling that my life is absolutely empty. I despise my job but feel I'm stuck in that sort of pish, boring 9-5 office type of role and stuggle to see a way out. I'm absolutely lonely in all senses (single for over 4 years now and have no friends in Dundee) and slipped back in to some old dangerous habits recently. As per my last post I don't know where to turn. Just feel fucking lost.

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Really sorry to hear that, with regards to the job is there any chance of some time off (even a week or two) to give yourself some space?

Maybe look into any training/distance learning stuff if you want to do something else?

With regards to the loneliness, is inviting friends from your last place an option - for a night out etc What about doing a night class or something to get you meeting new folk? Easier said than done I know, but just my tuppence worth :)

Hope things get better for you soon x

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  • 2 weeks later...

Feeling pretty bad today.

Found out some stuff and i can't even trust anyone in my life anymore. I feel like my life is empty.

All i want to do right now is go for a nap and cry. :(

Drop me a pm chief.

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Suffered from depression on and off for years. Decades really. Got seriously bad when I had a major break down (not my first) about 8 years ago. Living alone and being long-term unemployed exaggerated it. It's like living without any emotional connection to anything at all. Total numbness. Blank. Refused drugs to treat it and found that CBT just made me even more paranoid - it doesn't seem to work if you're naturally very introspective. Several breakdowns have come and gone. Putting the pieces back together one more time. No more P&B for me though - need more face-to-face contact. Good luck to you all!

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Feeling pretty bad today.

Found out some stuff and i can't even trust anyone in my life anymore. I feel like my life is empty.

All i want to do right now is go for a nap and cry. :(

Hi, hope life improves for you, glad to see you have some friends on here you can talk with. Love and regards.

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Been trying to be really positive and look forward to things lately. Spent too long worrying about what people think and feel and not just being more selfish. Most people are so self absorbed these days and this is why I hate facebook so much. It's a total oxymoron and completely the opposite to being sociable. It annoys me to see people who were so two faced and full of shit pretending to be empaths for the sake of likes and false popularity.

Whatever happened to being liked for merit and being reliable or sincere?

I think I will always have a bad feeling or hatred to a few people or struggle to overcome this, but after years of excluding myself socially it's hard to suddenly switch on and make new friends. Main reason is the feeling that another group might try the same thing and after being bullied in my last workplace through no fault of my own that really set me back too.

Starting to think I must give off some sort of signal, I'm pretty quiet until spoken to but once I can trust someone then I open up. This is another thing that annoys me about fake people, just pretending to like people to curry favour etc then stabbing them in the back as soon as they are gone. Especially in work situations.

I think I think too much about things but there's always the niggling voice at the back of my head keeping me back socially.

Bit of a rant but maybe others can identify with this?

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Been trying to be really positive and look forward to things lately. Spent too long worrying about what people think and feel and not just being more selfish. Most people are so self absorbed these days and this is why I hate facebook so much. It's a total oxymoron and completely the opposite to being sociable. It annoys me to see people who were so two faced and full of shit pretending to be empaths for the sake of likes and false popularity.

Whatever happened to being liked for merit and being reliable or sincere?

I think I will always have a bad feeling or hatred to a few people or struggle to overcome this, but after years of excluding myself socially it's hard to suddenly switch on and make new friends. Main reason is the feeling that another group might try the same thing and after being bullied in my last workplace through no fault of my own that really set me back too.

Starting to think I must give off some sort of signal, I'm pretty quiet until spoken to but once I can trust someone then I open up. This is another thing that annoys me about fake people, just pretending to like people to curry favour etc then stabbing them in the back as soon as they are gone. Especially in work situations.

I think I think too much about things but there's always the niggling voice at the back of my head keeping me back socially.

Bit of a rant but maybe others can identify with this?

Nah you're not alone with this at all. Going by what you've said before on here, it's understandable that you're past experiences have affected you. Sadly there's no easy answer. I know folk will say that you need to go out there and make pals, but I think people who say that fail to understand just how difficult it can be. It's not just a trust issue, but feeling that you might not 'accepted' in the first place. It's not like you can just go up to folk in a pub and start being their pal. I think most folk would consider you a bit of a wierdo if you did that.

Regarding your point about 'giving off a signal'; you might actually be doing so, albeit unconciously. What I mean is that your demeanour, eye contact and body language could be read incorrectly by others. It's happened to me before. When I first started my current job, I wasn't feeling so great. I didn't really talk to my colleagues at all. I now get on really well with them, but found out that they thought I might actually be a murderer when I first started because of how I was carrying myself.

I agree with your points about Facebook as well. It sounds like you'd just be better off without it. I still use it, but I've very carefully managed what/who I see on it.

Anyway, you know I'm talking talking pish and speak honestly going by our clashes on the Pars threads, but if you ever want to PM me just to speak to someone then please do. I promise I'm not a c**t (not too much).

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Been trying to be really positive and look forward to things lately. Spent too long worrying about what people think and feel and not just being more selfish. Most people are so self absorbed these days and this is why I hate facebook so much. It's a total oxymoron and completely the opposite to being sociable. It annoys me to see people who were so two faced and full of shit pretending to be empaths for the sake of likes and false popularity.

Whatever happened to being liked for merit and being reliable or sincere?

I think I will always have a bad feeling or hatred to a few people or struggle to overcome this, but after years of excluding myself socially it's hard to suddenly switch on and make new friends. Main reason is the feeling that another group might try the same thing and after being bullied in my last workplace through no fault of my own that really set me back too.

Starting to think I must give off some sort of signal, I'm pretty quiet until spoken to but once I can trust someone then I open up. This is another thing that annoys me about fake people, just pretending to like people to curry favour etc then stabbing them in the back as soon as they are gone. Especially in work situations.

I think I think too much about things but there's always the niggling voice at the back of my head keeping me back socially.

Bit of a rant but maybe others can identify with this?

Been through similar to you mate. All I did was just ignored them and moved on.

If you want a chat just send me a pm.

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Just wondering, has anyone suffered with depression and anxiety issues due to work related stuff?? This may sound daft, but work has been affecting my sleep patterns of late. I've a habit of worrying too much about not getting things done on time or going through scenarios or things that I've done wrong over and over in my head. I had a holiday on Friday and I spent Thursday night worrying that I'd fucked up with the orders for Friday, then I spent Friday night worrying that I would get a row about something when I went in on Saturday. This happened a few times at my previous job, so much so that I went AWOL for 3 Days, getting the bus so far in then waiting till I knew my wife was away to her work then going home to lie In bed and stare at the ceiling. I'm a bit worried that it might happen again, but I'm unsure how to take the first steps towards dealing with this strange fear and anxiety.

I think most folk have anxiety issues related to their work chief - it's pretty normal for people (those who aren't totally conceited anyway).

I find the best way to deal with my anxiety issues is to really just focus down on the job that I'm doing, paying attention to the nuts and bolts of the thing and not letting my mind wonder too much. My mantra is: pay attention to what you're doing, when you're doing it. Then, when you've done the job, you can recall that you've done it, and it puts your mind at rest for your down-time. If you never really switch off from work, you'll never really be switched on at work! Or something like that! :)

When you talk about going AWOL from work - i've been there. I had a really bad panic attack at work years ago and simply stopped going. It precipitated all sorts of periods of depression and a long-term social anxiety disorder and has left a huge scar on my life. My advice is to go in to work (or whatever situation you are afraid of) and really, literally, just take it piece by piece and day by day until you've strung some weeks together and proved to yourself that you can do it. Stopping going in to work really is the thin end of the wedge.

Keep yourself involved in things. Everything takes practice, you're allowed to make mistakes - everyone does!

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I'm having a shite day

I really should be back in the UK today, one of my best friends, someone I've been best friends with since '82, been through a lot and he's getting married today.

I can't be there, I feel sick

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I'm pathetically lonely. I've never had a real "best friend" who is of a like mind to me and with whom I can speak to openly and honestly. I've never had a proper girlfriend. I cry to myself regularly about how much of my teenage years have been utterly wasted and that memories and contacts normally formed by people my age just aren't developing, and that it's quickly becoming too late and my best and most productive years are evaporating before me as I stand helplessly by. It's tragic just how many basic relationships are completely absent from my life.

I guess these are just standard life problems, but melancholy has always plagued me, particularly recently as things start to change drastically for me. It's weird because it's not as if things have been better in the past. I've always been a very introverted person, but as I get older more and more stigma seems to be associated with being a loner and relationships with other people become more important.

God loneliness is a killer. :(

Edited by Geronimo
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