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I wasn't speaking about posters on here - just the majority of facebookers who clog up my news feed, don't bite my head off 

Why did you feel you had to share your nonsensical views here then? Go post your shit on Facebook.

FWIW I'm probably in the best physical condition of my life. What triggers mine is stress.

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Coz its a fucking topic about depression so I shared what I had experienced on it - I never said all the people who get depression bring it on themselves im saying the people I have encountered don't do anything to stop themselves from feeling that way. I have good friends who claim to suffer from it and they do NOTHING to help themselves so I know there are others out there who do the same. A pal of mine drinks red bull 3 times a day then goes home to about 12 beers and then claims to be depressed - I was talking about him and people like him and not everyone on here so I am sorry if it sounded bad ok!?


I get stress and anxiety worse than most people I went to the doctors about it and got some mild relief pills that eased the pain somewhat but didn't make it go away, My problem came from being idle and not doing things that I actually wanted to do because it was too much hassle and it all boiled up for a whie and I was on course for mental breakdown so I know about how bad it can be when trapped inside your own insecurities

You do realise that being depressed; although predominantly a mental ailment, it can have a profound effect on your physical body?

If I was in the grips of a bipolar low in the moment and you told me to do something about it I'd probably make you a basketball.

People who are depressed usually can't face getting out of bed, so lambasting them for not doing anything about it is just stupid.

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You do realise that being depressed; although predominantly a mental ailment, it can have a profound effect on your physical body?

If I was in the grips of a bipolar low in the moment and you told me to do something about it I'd probably make you a basketball.

People who are depressed usually can't face getting out of bed, so lambasting them for not doing anything about it is just stupid.

At the moment *

Honestly f**k this swiftkey keyboard.

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I drank like a fish (6-8 pints a night). Got home from the pub at 12am. Got up for work at 5.30am. Worked. Went to the pub. That was my way of coping. The WRONG way of coping. It was not until I went for help that I'm feeling better. I've given up smoking. I only have about 3 half pints a week if any. We all deal with stress in different ways.

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At least im happy

Being bipolar has its benefits.

It brings along a cynical filter of the world and it usually means I can spot arseholes a mile off.

Guess who's the arsehole I've spotted? :D

And Fwiw, when I'm happy, I'm 10000000x happier than you'll ever be.

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Guest The Phoenix

If I was in the grips of a bipolar low at the moment and you told me to do something about it I'd probably make you a basketball.

That is my new favourite post of all time.

TBF to throbber, I don't think he meant to come across as an insensitive twat. Understanding depression, let alone dealing with it is impossible for anyone who hasn't / isn't suffered / suffering from it.

I've personally never been there, although probably like most folk, I've frequently used the expression "I'm depressed" when in reality I'm just a bit out of sorts and will snap out of it without any real effort.

Those that can't do that are the real sufferers and require expert help, not throw away lines of "encouragement" from P&B'ers!

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You cant exactly judge me over a couple of ill manner posts on a football forum when im named something as silly as throbber :lol:  If you want to take me up on that happiness bet how about you phone me on one of your good days - I will take along some red bull and some eccies and we can paint the town red?!

Eh.. Nah.

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A pal of mine drinks red bull 3 times a day then goes home to about 12 beers and then claims to be depressed - I was talking about him and people like him and not everyone on here so I am sorry if it sounded bad ok!?

D'you not think that this is a coping method? Using the red bull to get through the day then getting blootered at night to either blot something out or put himself to sleep?

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Naw he's just a bell end

I used to drink 2 big red bulls a day at work and to get over the effects when I got in I would have a couple drinks aswell just like him although he did it on a grander scale. I had to give it up tho its fucking toxic stuff, think It has given me heart burn for life :(

Point missed entirely.

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To be fair to throbber, it is quite hard for someone who has never been depressed to understand it. I have never been depressed. I actually used to probably think the same as him but it Was after reading this thread that my view on it changed. There are so many different elements it.

Anytime I think I am feeling a bit down then I sort of think that there is usually someone a lot worse off than me. This is easier for me at the moment due to stuff that is happening within my family. If only it was as easy for everyone.

Although, yer man throbber didn't put it particularly well.

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