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Yeah, I agree. Renaming it would have been fine. People can forget that mental health patients have more than likely had to deal with the idea or the accusation that they're dangerous or a threat to others. There's plenty of examples of television dramas and movies where the killer or the main antagonist is suffering from some sort of mental illness such as schizophrenia that suggests that people suffering from it ARE dangerous when this isn't the truth in many cases.


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OK we'll start selling African American costumes that portray them as slaves. We'll complete the look with some chicken and watermelon and a bag that they can put the cotton into.

Or how about a German costume complete with Nazi memorabilia

Or even a cancer patient costume, complete with bald skull cap just to complete the look.

All three above scenarios have been portrayed in movies in the past. Imagine the uproar

I've done all of them!

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What a ridiculous overreaction. I wouldn't even have considered making a connection between these costumes and people who suffer from mental illnesses like depression.

What mental illness would you link it to then, if not depression? :unsure:

Unsurprising to see sweeperdee has disappeared from this thread.

Nobody has had a bash at my question yet :(

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I wouldn't link it any real-life mental illness. I would link it to horror films' interpretations of mental patients/psychopaths.

Well, don't know if anyone looked at my link above, but it clearly links mental illness to violent crime. There's been a lot of stuff like that in the media down this neck of the woods recently.

This kind of thing gets spoon fed to the general public, and mental health stigma is almost one of our last taboos. That's why these costumes should never been named as they were. Stigma is a big deal.

Glad to note that the good people of Lancashire gave that article the big GTF thou



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Linking mental illness with Violent crime is okay if it's in a film and done stylishly though, eh?

You're more likely to be a victim of violent crime if you've a mental illness than vice versa.

Films- as long as folk keep in mind it's more likely not to be near real life.

No party pooper here, but stigma is a big problem.

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Found out two weeks ago that I lost a dear friend, due to staying in because of other BS and feeling depressed missed contact with him and his family and so missed his funeral. Feel unable to grieve properly but it feels like a kick up the arse and next year I'm determined to sort my life out and try to move on from and away from the situation I found myself in for over ten years.

Staying in and away from people is not the answer to overcoming narcissists and arseholes who fucked my life over.

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How are you? Sounds like you've been having a stressful time lately.

Fine mate. Starting training again tomorrow night. So hopefully that get's my confidence back up :) and cracking username btw ;)

Do you want to talk about it mate?

No really mate but thanks for asking mate :).

Starting tomorrow is a new start for me. Gonna finally get myself sorted :)

Edited by Isaiah Osbourne
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Anyone else get drastic mood swings? i can go from being in a smashing mood one moment to feeling like shit a few minutes later. It usually results in me being really dry towards people and just a horrible person to be around. It also makes me want to be alone but I just feel worse as a result. It seems to have intensified over the last year or so. Not good at all. Is this what bipolar is? Don't like jumping to conclusions however this just isn't normal.

Edited by latapythelegend
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Anyone else get drastic mood swings? i can go from being in a smashing mood one moment to feeling like shit  a few minutes later. It usually results in me being really dry towards people and just a horrible person to be around. It also makes me want to be alone but I just feel worse as a result.  It seems to have intensified over the last year or so. Not good at all. Is this what bipolar is? Don't like jumping to conclusions however this just isn't normal.

I tend to go a couple of weeks in a state of either a highly elevated mood or a crashing low. These cycles happen about 3/4 times in a year.

Many people can have instant switches of mood though, and I consider myself lucky that my cycles are quite spread out and far apart. I used to have a daily mood change which was just terrible.

It's all relative and you'd need to go to your doctor to get things started in regards to a diagnosis.

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Anyone else get drastic mood swings? i can go from being in a smashing mood one moment to feeling like shit a few minutes later. It usually results in me being really dry towards people and just a horrible person to be around. It seems to have intensified over the last year or so. Not good at all. Is this considered bipolar?

Bipolar tends towards 'episodes' of mania and depression. these episodes can last weeks or months. turning on sixpence from happy to depressed and back again wouldnt necessarily indicate you being bipolar.

It could be anxiety that is causing these attacks of depression.

Whether it is anxiety, depression or a personality disorder it is worth going and looking up coping mechanisms for how you deal with these episodes or attacks. Is there a trigger for any of these feelings of depression?

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Bipolar tends towards 'episodes' of mania and depression. these episodes can last weeks or months. turning on sixpence from happy to depressed and back again wouldnt necessarily indicate you being bipolar.

It could be anxiety that is causing these attacks of depression.

Whether it is anxiety, depression or a personality disorder it is worth going and looking up coping mechanisms for how you deal with these episodes or attacks. Is there a trigger for any of these feelings of depression?

Funnily enough, Usually near the end of the week my mood dips. Saturday nights are the worst. For example, I might plan on going out with frinds but I would cancel at the last moment because I get the feeling that I really can't be bothered but sitting in knowing everybody else is out enjoying themselves while I'm wasting away just makes it worse. It's pretty hard to explain clearly.

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Funnily enough, Usually near the end of the week my mood dips. Saturday nights are the worst. For example, I might plan on going out with frinds but I would cancel at the last moment because I get the feeling that I really can't be bothered but sitting in knowing everybody else is out enjoying themselves while I'm wasting away just makes it worse. It's pretty hard to explain clearly.

That is quite a gutter.

How do you feel when you are in a "good mood"?

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