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Feel like I'm falling into the depression spiral again.

I'm starting to think that staying on at uni to do my honours year has been a waste as my dissertation is going nowhere fast as my supervisor is completely useless, I had to get a replacement supervisor as my original one fell really badly ill. I have seen this other one twice and it takes her weeks to return work even though she says she'll get it back to me that night, event management isn't her specialist subject and I think she's down south more that she is in the uni. She has also claimed to have given me a work plan but she has done no such thing and any time I receive e-mails from her she's going nuts at me for being miles behind, my progress report was before Christmas was mostly unsatisfactory whereas most people I have spoken to are around the same stage.

I have also fucked up a turnitin submission for another module and only less than half a report ended up submitted and I received a shite mark of 10/100. I spoke to my tutor and he asked me to e-mail him the full thing as the appeal board meet later. I fully expect any kind of appeal to be rejected and have to do some kind of resit as I should have ensured the full thing had submitted. I felt it was some of my best work but it looks to have been in vain.

I should be sleeping as I have a class tomorrow at 9 but I'm starting to think "What's the point ?".

I also stopped drinking at the start of the year because my stomach was getting really painful again, I haven't fallen off the wagon yet but I'm sorely tempted...

Do you have a senior lecturer who is the 'head of honours' or something (we did at my uni)? If so go and speak to them.

I don't know what your personal problems are but I had a combo of bereavement and medical shit that went down in the summer of my honours year, I fell behind, started to panic a bit, went to see this guy who I had never spoken to before. This honours head was sound and talked me round to sticking it out, pulled some strings with deadlines and I reckon gave my dissertation supervisor a polite wee kick up the arse.

Don't be afraid to email him and tell him you need to speak with him.

I hadn't started my dissertation properly at this time of the year. Got through it in the end. Good luck man.

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He isn't a very funny comic anyway

It's reasonably likely someone reading this thread, particularly a younger guy at school, will be having real issues thinking about who to tell about their depression for fear of being ridiculed.

Your comments make you look like a dick, but they could also have far worse implications. Put a fucking sock in it.

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Not even sure I should post this here to be honest. But don't know where else is suitable.

My dads cousin died last week through illnesses, my great uncle died 2 years previously. It's never really upset me with family members dying until tonight. I haven't really thought about it but my grans been frail recently and after being told she took ill again I'm now scared she won't be around much longer. I've actually got myself worked up about this as she's been ill for so long and in and out of hospital for the past 6 years. I'm now scared because I'm completely unprepared for this happening and I don't know what to do. I plan on going later this week to see my grandparents but I've now got this thought in my head that's upsetting me.

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Not even sure I should post this here to be honest. But don't know where else is suitable.

My dads cousin died last week through illnesses, my great uncle died 2 years previously. It's never really upset me with family members dying until tonight. I haven't really thought about it but my grans been frail recently and after being told she took ill again I'm now scared she won't be around much longer. I've actually got myself worked up about this as she's been ill for so long and in and out of hospital for the past 6 years. I'm now scared because I'm completely unprepared for this happening and I don't know what to do. I plan on going later this week to see my grandparents but I've now got this thought in my head that's upsetting me.

Spend as much time with her as possible. You may get upset if she's visibly frail and not doing too well, but at least you can be comforted in the knowledge that you're spending time with her, and that's the best you can do.

Do this for every loved one you have btw. Regardless if they are ill or fit and healthy, the length of your life can be cut short at any second; it's all very random. Live your life so that at the eventual end of it, you'll know you've spent most of it surrounded by the people that you love, and those who love you in return; no doubt you'll probably lead a happy life if that is the case. Hope all goes well buddy.

Edited by KeeperDee
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Really feeling like shit again :(

Had nothing to eat or drink all day :(

Been there, quite recently in fact, and ended up in hospital for 3 days. Just talking to the doctor and a psych helped a hell of a lot, I actually broke down and was in tears, but I feel a hell of a lot better now.

Please talk to someone, tell them how you feel, even if it's not a "professional" it helps. I finally told my two oldest girls what was going on with me and they've been incredibly supportive and helpful and non-judgemental.

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Been there, quite recently in fact, and ended up in hospital for 3 days. Just talking to the doctor and a psych helped a hell of a lot, I actually broke down and was in tears, but I feel a hell of a lot better now.

Please talk to someone, tell them how you feel, even if it's not a "professional" it helps. I finally told my two oldest girls what was going on with me and they've been incredibly supportive and helpful and non-judgemental.

That is good to hear your family are being supportive. One of the worst things about depression is the fear over how people close to you will react.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Agreed. It's always harder opening up to someone close to you than a complete stranger mainly because they only know the facts you give them nothing else. Main thing is to speak to someone tho, I had a mate who used to self harm open up to me before, it was heart breaking to listen to but id like to think i helped

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Is it wrong to feel bad about my parents splitting up? I'm 21, my mother 45 and father 52 but it feels strange. Not sure if the house will be sold or what will happen. I do need to get off my arse, find a job and move out anyway but I heard something along the lines of getting a small percentage if the house is sold so I can find somewhere. We don't communicate, at all, so I really have no idea what's going on - and no one is talking either.

It isn't a messy break up which I suppose is a plus but it's a really strange/sad feeling that after 26 years, they're chucking it.

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My best mate died two weeks ago tonight and its breaking me. Ive spent the last 3 months getting help and this has completely knocked me for 6. Had his funeral on Saturday and i got through it but its like a delayed reaction to it. Went to see my Dr today and it helped a bit but as the nights went on I'm back to where I was yesterday. He was only 32 abd leaves a wife and three kids and i can only imagine what they're going through. I'm in regular contact with them which is helping but the reality of not seeing him again is really starting to hurt

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Is it wrong to feel bad about my parents splitting up? I'm 21, my mother 45 and father 52 but it feels strange. Not sure if the house will be sold or what will happen. I do need to get off my arse, find a job and move out anyway but I heard something along the lines of getting a small percentage if the house is sold so I can find somewhere. We don't communicate, at all, so I really have no idea what's going on - and no one is talking either.

It isn't a messy break up which I suppose is a plus but it's a really strange/sad feeling that after 26 years, they're chucking it.

Not at all mate, its a change and don't think their is anything wrong with feeling sad about it

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