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Sons' sorrow

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Wullie Gibson away according to the O/S. Very surprised and disappointed. More to it than meets the eye, or maybe related to his recent absence from the side due to his child being unwell?

I have a feeling it may be due to his sons health. Read somewhere he needed a ventilator to breathe, so can't imagine training and playing football are all that high on his priorities just now

Wish him all the best

Well, I'm absolutely gutted and shocked. He wasn't consistent, but what a player he can be when he's in the mood.

Thanks for the memories Willie, Stevie better have something good lined up here.

Edit: Just realised what my signature is. It was always bound to happen :( I'll never put another current Sons player I like in it.

On a separate note, does anyone want my to start the Steven Craig goal-o-meter?

Edited by Sonsteam of 08
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I have a feeling it may be due to his sons health. Read somewhere he needed a ventilator to breathe, so can't imagine training and playing football are all that high on his priorities just now

Wish him all the best


It's all speculation at the minute I suppose but I've gotten the impression from him he's not been best pleased with his (deserved) slot on the bench. If the wage he's supposedly on is indeed true then this is probably a good move from us. As far as I'm aware he has no other job outside of playing for us so it would be surprising if he had just given up that wage without having something lined up, especially when he's providing for a young family.

If this is down to his sons health then I'm gutted for the guy and I'd hope we'd been able to offer as much support as possible. It could even be a combination of both.

Either way all the best to the guy and I hope his wee man is on the mend and able to watch his dad ply his trade elsewhere as soon as possible.

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The last 6 players to appear in my signature:

Colin Nish - Integral part of the first team, fell out with Murray, left

Hugh Murray - Playing regularly, disappeared, left

Chris Duggan - Playing regularly, if not well, picked up injury, vanished

Darren Miller - Involved in a few friendlies, unused sub for the first league games, now spend his time on Twitter after leaving

Gordon Smith - Involved in the first few games, left the day after I put him in my signature on loan, unlikely to ever return

Willie Gibson - First team regular, started the season on fire, and produced some memorable moments, a mixture of personal problems and a loss of form see him drift out of the picture. Leaves in first transfer window after he arrived in my signature.

I feel like some sort of witch doctor

Edited by Sonsteam of 08
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It's a shame that Gibson has left. He's undoubtedly a cracking player, but on-field, there's no doubt that he's not fulfilled his potential or most of our expectations since he arrived.

If he's been unhappy with his place on the sidelines, then that's good. I wouldn't want someone here who was happy with that, but if there's been a fall-out from that, then it's best he moves on.

If it's a non-footballing decision and centres around the health of his baby son, then that's incredibly sad. Of course he's going to put his family first, and hopefully we've been as supportive as we could have been as a club, and it's probably the right decision to part ways at this stage. Hope his wee boy makes a full recovery and Gibson gets a gig elsewhere when the time is right.

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Gibson is a talented player who doesn't always show it and who has a history of inconsistency at all his clubs.

Right now we don't need a luxury player who shows it in fits and starts. We need players who will be fighting - and hopefully earning - first team starting slots.

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Agreed, and on reflection I think that Topfitter's recent posting was a portent of things to come.

That's now Ross, Smith, Brown and Gibson away and we now await some incomings.

Add Brophy to that last as well, our squad isn't looking particularly healthy at the moment.

Over to the two Stevie's, let's hope they have a few things up their sleeve.

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Add Brophy to that last as well, our squad isn't looking particularly healthy at the moment.

Over to the two Stevie's, let's hope they have a few things up their sleeve.

Not just a few things up their sleeve, but they better get a move on as I reckon we need a couple of bodies in for the weekend! Cawley doesn't work on the wing (especially on the left) for me and Gallacher is a tryer and everything but still hasn't convinced me - in any position. Then there's the (lack of) striker situation to be addressed...

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