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Sons' sorrow

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3 hours ago, Nowhereman said:

As late as the 1960s? It's fifty years ago. To put that in perspective fifty years before the 1960s the First World War was taking place. Would you have expected Dumbarton high street to look like it did during the first world war as you were growing up?

Well yes, to be quite honest.  Dumbarton High Street in 1964 would have looked pretty recognisable against the 1914 version, but both would have looked like Rodeo Drive compared to the 2014 version, both in terms of the retail spread, levels of economic activity and above all sense of community purpose.

Now there are a whole host of reasons for that decline, some of them unavoidable and some highly avoidable, but all I'm saying is that for those of us old enough to recall the High Street and it's denizens in much better nick pictures likes these are quite sad in a way.

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20 hours ago, Nowhereman said:

As late as the 1960s? It's fifty years ago. To put that in perspective fifty years before the 1960s the First World War was taking place. Would you have expected Dumbarton high street to look like it did during the first world war as you were growing up?

When you think of the rise in most peoples living standards, i.e. stratospheric compared to both 50 and 100 years ago, you'd expect today's High St and Town Centre to be unrecognisably better. The thing is that civic pride and spending on the common realm has travelled downwards in inverse proportion to peoples' private income. Planning policy has given no regard to protecting town centres and in Dumbarton's case a series of thicko councillors and council officers from the mid 60s onwards have thrown vast sums of public money at various regeneration projects which have served only to considerably hasten and embellish the decline.

Notwithstanding the rise in online shopping, growth of edge of town and out of town centres an the general decline of town centres, Dumbarton Town Centre is a testament to the hopeless diddies who presided over it - particularly in the 80s, 90s and 2000s.

It is a disgrace.

Edited by Howlin' Wilf
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When you think of the rise in most peoples living standards, i.e. stratospheric compared to both 50 and 100 years ago, you'd expect today's High St and Town Centre to be unrecognisably better. The thing is that civic pride and spending on the common realm has travelled downwards in inverse proportion to peoples' private income. Planning policy has given no regard to protecting town centres and in Dumbarton's case a series of thicko councillors and council officers from the mid 60s onwards have thrown vast sums of public money at various regeneration projects which have served only to considerably hasten and embellish the decline.

Notwithstanding the rise in online shopping, growth of edge of town and out of town centres an the general decline of town centres, Dumbarton Town Centre is a testament to the hopeless diddies who presided over it - particularly in the 80s, 90s and 2000s.

It is a disgrace.

Couldn't agree more Wilf. Especially your point about civic pride.
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3 minutes ago, cameron2000 said:

Can't really complain tbh because we do have a large number of fans that like to shout abuse after 1 shot doesn't go in although 90% of those people are fair weather fans who only go to home games.

I really wouldn't say we have a large number of fans who shout abuse to be honest. Especially compared to the likes of neighbours in Paisley and Greenock for example.

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No but there is definitely more that there should be considering we are overachieving right now.

To be honest I actually think our fans have been incredibly patient this season given how rancid our form has been.

1 win in 15 would see Stevie being hounded by the fans of almost every club, but as far a I can see the vast majority of fans have been extremely patient.

Just my opinion mind you
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To be honest I actually think our fans have been incredibly patient this season given how rancid our form has been.

1 win in 15 would see Stevie being hounded by the fans of almost every club, but as far a I can see the vast majority of fans have been extremely patient.

Just my opinion mind you

I agree that the record is unacceptable and some Criticism is deserved but when we were 1-0 up against st Mirren Daniel Harvey miss jumped a header and suddenly quite a few people were getting on his back. Then a few minutes later he nervously went up for a header again and missed it from which they scored. I'm my opinion shouting at the team is ok at times but singling out a player is not acceptable unless they clearly aren't trying.

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Missed the first two goals, but ayr looked to be a well coached, fit and energetic team.

harkins showed what an attacking midfielder should be producing and their full team performed well.

aitken and stevenson need to take a look at themselves.

Robbie thomson is working hard but is essentially doing the legwork of two forwards, he should have scored today from one of the second half chances.

i think we were on top for all of five minutes today; at home, against another team touted to be near the bottom, thats just not good enough.

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Aitken's time is up. @Bring Back Paddy Flannery has nailed it on today's match thread, but :

He has no idea how to play for a win. The 2 wins at home v Hibs last year, and this year's v D Utd have papered over the cracks. Those points should have been bonus points which supplemented the points we earned against teams that we have a more realistic chance of competing with and taking points from, whereas they were actually essential to make up for points lost/thrown away against those sides.

Our away form under him has been absolutely atrocious. Forgetting the fact that it's ten months since our last away win, we've always been honking under Aitken away, pre that last win. We were well beaten twice away this season, & made the score respectable with late rallies, but neither can be a positive for Aitken. Either Dunfermline and Raith bottled it, which is nothing to do with Aitken, or else our late pressure nearly paid off. If we can pressure teams and get goals, why don't we play that way for the entire 90 mins? Cos Aitken either can't or won't play that way, that's why.

Fans understandably won't go to away games, home games are becoming more unwatchable, and just when we try for some positive action in getting local youth teams to our games, we immediately negate some of that initiative by playing like absolute haddies, & discourage them from coming again.

Aitken is proving to be as out of his depth as Adamson(A). Thank god there is no SonsTV this week, we will be spared all the usual cack soundbites that he would say post-match.

We need to empty him now, before the situation is irretrievable.

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Similar pattern to around this time last season, but we got away with it largely due to the signing of Nade in January. Do we have the luck/budget to pull this off again? I doubt it and have a real fear that we are in a downward spiral that we will struggle to get out of. Big decision for the board to make in the coming weeks.

Edited by albundy
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It's simply not good enough, end of! Fair enough if we get beat 3-0 by a decent team. But ayr? Really? With no disrespect if we can't beat them at home we are doomed! If it wasn't for st Mirren being completely gash and even worse than us we would be stranded and drifting

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13 minutes ago, sonsanorak said:

Missed the first two goals, but ayr looked to be a well coached, fit and energetic team.

harkins showed what an attacking midfielder should be producing and their full team performed well.

aitken and stevenson need to take a look at themselves.

Robbie thomson is working hard but is essentially doing the legwork of two forwards, he should have scored today from one of the second half chances.

i think we were on top for all of five minutes today; at home, against another team touted to be near the bottom, thats just not good enough.

I don't disagree that Thommo works hard, but Jesus Christ I'd work hard, run about a lot and fail to trap a ball for ninety minutes. In fact I dare say every other poster on here would do likewise!*

I actually felt for him today. He looked miles off it and absolutely desperate to come off. Keeping him on and bringing Gaz on for J.Thomson in central midfield was mental.



*Apart from BBPF, he'd just run about charging into tackles and mouthing off imo

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21 minutes ago, Boghead ranter said:

Aitken's time is up. @Bring Back Paddy Flannery has nailed it on today's match thread, but :

He has no idea how to play for a win. The 2 wins at home v Hibs last year, and this year's v D Utd have papered over the cracks. Those points should have been bonus points which supplemented the points we earned against teams that we have a more realistic chance of competing with and taking points from, whereas they were actually essential to make up for points lost/thrown away against those sides.

Our away form under him has been absolutely atrocious. Forgetting the fact that it's ten months since our last away win, we've always been honking under Aitken away, pre that last win. We were well beaten twice away this season, & made the score respectable with late rallies, but neither can be a positive for Aitken. Either Dunfermline and Raith bottled it, which is nothing to do with Aitken, or else our late pressure nearly paid off. If we can pressure teams and get goals, why don't we play that way for the entire 90 mins? Cos Aitken either can't or won't play that way, that's why.

Fans understandably won't go to away games, home games are becoming more unwatchable, and just when we try for some positive action in getting local youth teams to our games, we immediately negate some of that initiative by playing like absolute haddies, & discourage them from coming again.

Aitken is proving to be as out of his depth as Adamson(A). Thank god there is no SonsTV this week, we will be spared all the usual cack soundbites that he would say post-match.

We need to empty him now, before the situation is irretrievable.

Don't fear

I've watched it now. He didn't show any hints of resigning. Dang. Cliched drivel.

Edited by Sonsteam of 08
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