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4 minutes ago, BallochSonsFan said:

Or how about just accepting that it was a shite tackle, that Love deserves criticism for it and that we've been raging when opponents have tackled ours in a similar way. Just like you were after the Clyde game. What the player doesnt deserve is the lunatic fringe of Rangers fans going after him or his family. Same fans who'll say with a straight face that Roofe was unlucky and that it wasn't assault on the Slavia keeper. Most observers would suggest that anywhere other than a football pitch and Roofe was facing jail time.

If you want to apply a different standard to Love because he's a Sons player than to Kevin Nichol because he tackled a Sons player then wire in. I don't do double standards. A bad tackle is a bad tackle. Love was stupid and reckless and we could have no complaints if it had been a straight red. It's unlikely to be something that attracts further discipline at that level of competition, but it's not a good tackle and if it was a Rangers player on Finlay Gray then Sons fans would be raging. If there was to be further disciplinary action then we'd have little complaint and could be without Love for several games. 

We wouldn't go as far as to target the opponent for abuse and threats. We're better than that. But fan behaviour doesn't change the tackle. All it really does is highlight the extreme behaviour of a minority of absolute bellends.

In my opinion, Roofe was unlucky.  He was fully committed to the ball.  Obvious red card though.

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1 minute ago, Bring Back Paddy Flannery said:

Because it isn’t half as bad as the original shitty footage makes it out to be. I’m happy to admit it wasn’t a great tackle but me thinking Kevin Nicol is an arsehole for running around lunging into numerous tackles isn’t remotely comparible to us thinking Rangers fans are weirdos for wanting to know where Ally Love lives, calling him a tarrier and wanting our club and the authorites to take action against him because he tackled someone on a football pitch. 

If a Rangers player put that tackle in on Finlay Gray we’d probably discuss it on here and agree it was a poor tackle but absolutely none of us would be asking where he lives, giving him sectarian abuse or demanding his own club takes disciplinary action against him - because we aren’t fucking weirdos.

”lunatic fringe” LOL

You'll have read where I said that Sons fans wouldn't have reacted the way Rangers fans have. None of the reactions that have followed the tackle change the tackle. It was a shocker.

It's entirely possible to criticise Love for the tackle and to criticise the kind of nutter who thinks that targeting a player for abuse and threats is acceptable. And to point out the double standards football fans hold when the offender just happens to play for your team rather than the opposition.

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11 minutes ago, BallochSonsFan said:

You'll have read where I said that Sons fans wouldn't have reacted the way Rangers fans have. None of the reactions that have followed the tackle change the tackle. It was a shocker.

It's entirely possible to criticise Love for the tackle and to criticise the kind of nutter who thinks that targeting a player for abuse and threats is acceptable. And to point out the double standards football fans hold when the offender just happens to play for your team rather than the opposition.

At any point have I said it was a completely acceptable tackle? No I have not. I think it’s a poor tackle, I also don’t think it’s anywhere near as bad as you are making out nor does it warrant the personal abuse Ally Love is receiving.

It’s nothing to do with double standards, as much as you want it to be, it’s about me finding it absolutely fucking hilarious that we have grown ass men foaming at the mouth over a fairly bog standard bad tackle in a football match purely because it involves a semi promising talent who plays for their team. It’s a bad tackle but it really isn’t any worse than you see on a weekly basis in the lower leagues of Scotland and you strangely digging up posts I made over 3 months ago backs that up. Thankfully I didn’t seek out Kevin Nicol’s address, call him a daft Bankie b*****d or demand that the SPFL ban him for life.

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18 minutes ago, BallochSonsFan said:

You'll have read where I said that Sons fans wouldn't have reacted the way Rangers fans have. None of the reactions that have followed the tackle change the tackle. It was a shocker.

It's entirely possible to criticise Love for the tackle and to criticise the kind of nutter who thinks that targeting a player for abuse and threats is acceptable. And to point out the double standards football fans hold when the offender just happens to play for your team rather than the opposition.

You keep comparing this to either things which are completely different or things which never happened. There are often times where you just need to stop...

You are making out this is more than it is, for whatever reason. Nobody has argued it could/should have been red and nobody has suggested it wasn't a bad challenge. Why you feel the need to argue otherwise is beyond me.

Edited by squeezebox-son
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I don't think you are really getting it Ballochrangersfan. Nobody is excusing the tackle but it wa dealt with by the referee at the time.

It is not about the tackle, it is about the reaction of the mouth breathing orcs.

Death threats - is that in any way acceptable?

Calls for Ally Love to be jailed for assault - is that in any way acceptable?

Calls for him to be tracked down and "given a hiding" - is that in any way acceptable?

Calls for the law to be changed to jail Love - is that in any way acceptable?

Calls for his family to be tracked down and his father assaulted - is that in any way acceptable?

Calls for the referee and the linesman to be sacked and punished - is that in any way acceptable?

Calls for Dumbarton to be punished - is that in any way acceptable?

These are just some of the reactions of Rangers' supporters to a poor but routine tackle.

Get a grip, for heaven's sake.

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I’m sure there isn’t a sons fans who will say that wasn’t a red card but the abuse love is getting is disgusting. No way acceptable at all. The compliance officer apparently getting involved now too and I’m sure that’s partly due to the rangers fans reaction so we’ll see love banned for a few games I’m sure 

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Get the whole B team fiasco tae feck…an absolutely terrible tackle but no doubt that these league players either don’t give a f**k who are in these B teams or maybe want to teach them some sort of lesson. That’s the pay off when kidding on that B teams are good for Scottish football. Utter pish.

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Balloch Sons Fan's admission that he's a secret currant explains why he's always very fond of a massive statement and refusal to acknowledge alternative viewpoints. We should have realised earlier, frankly. Hiding in plain sight. 

Where are the deeds, Balloch Sons Fan? WHERE ARE THE DEEDS?!

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I was expecting a complete horror tackle after reading all the pish about it online. The actual tackle was nowhere near as bad as some folk are making out. Rash, yep, obviously, but it doesn't look like Love went out there to intentionally injure Lowry at all.

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