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4 hours ago, DFCTTFM said:

Tony Wallace leaving Annan, would you take him? I'd see him as a decent option especially if Kalvin is away

I know there was interest on both sides last season or the season before, so it wouldn’t surprise me to see him back at the rock next season. I think he’d suit Faz-ball.

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1 hour ago, THE CHOSEN SON said:

I know there was interest on both sides last season or the season before, so it wouldn’t surprise me to see him back at the rock next season. I think he’d suit Faz-ball.

Faz ball? *shudders*

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5 minutes ago, Clarko_son said:


Cognitive capital had appointed a new director last year but just forgot to mention it to anyone, until there was 2 threats of strike off and now here we are. 

That wouldn't be the Alan Andrew Martin who has been at a few of our games with a certain Mr Hosie, and happens to have been an absolutely superb goalkeeper for us. Would it? 

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5 minutes ago, Clarko_son said:


Cognitive capital had appointed a new director last year but just forgot to mention it to anyone, until there was 2 threats of strike off and now here we are. 

This boys middle name is Andrew. 


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59 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

Well that's a plot twist I did not see coming. What the f**k is going on. 

Some of us have suspected it for weeks, so it's hardly come as a surprise.  I'd advise everyone to forget any fanboy patter, instead remember the old adage about judging someone by the company they keep.  Major fail.

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Alan Martin ffs...

Pretending for a moment that this appointment is anything more than a pathetic front, I'd call upon  Martin to expand on his "vision" for the football club, with close reference to all the undelivered promises contained within Cognitive's initial statement of May 2021.

I won't hold my breath 🙄

Edited by George Parr
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2 hours ago, squeezebox-son said:

Despite being a decent enough goalkeeper, I never liked him. Bit of an arsehole.

One thing is for certain, he always chased the cash. 17 clubs across his career and he's had contracts ripped up so he can take more lucrative deals elsewhere. To think that Martin is here for anything other than the wad of cash that Hosie has no doubt promised him at the end is naive. 

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