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Sons' sorrow

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Totally agree, there's nothing wrong with our home support.

Apart from the likes of the folk that left as soon as the Dundee goal went in, that is; nothing worse than not staying to applaud the team off when they've given everything.

Our home support is dull and boring and I believe at times counter productive. A pathetic version of "Dumbarton clap clap clap" is all anyone can muster as "support" and the rest of the time it's spent berating Gilhaney or Grindlay or the ref for being shite. I can't wait for the Swiss boys to be back over, those guys ken the score.

The daft, big bint who lets out the ear-piercing screech whenever the opposition Goalie kicks the ball out is the limit. She does it when the opposing team names are being read out too.

At first I thought that was some sort of wounded animal crying for help. I prefer the "woooooaaaaah you're shite aaaaahhhhhh" to be honest.

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Our home support is dull and boring and I believe at times counter productive. A pathetic version of "Dumbarton clap clap clap" is all anyone can muster as "support" and the rest of the time it's spent berating Gilhaney or Grindlay or the ref for being shite. I can't wait for the Swiss boys to be back over, those guys ken the score.

At first I thought that was some sort of wounded animal crying for help. I prefer the "woooooaaaaah you're shite aaaaahhhhhh" to be honest.

Indeed. Agree on both points.

We could at least raise a couple of songs at home matches surely.

Hang the big flags up on the fence behind the Goal.

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Our home support is dull and boring and I believe at times counter productive. A pathetic version of "Dumbarton clap clap clap" is all anyone can muster as "support" and the rest of the time it's spent berating Gilhaney or Grindlay or the ref for being shite. I can't wait for the Swiss boys to be back over, those guys ken the score.

I actually don't like home games due to the support: Dumbarton (clap,clap,clap) followed by 89 minutes of constant negative comments directed at everyone from the officials, to the players to Ian Murray. The atmosphere at away games is always much better as that's where the real fans tend to be- the ones who don't get on everybodys backs immediately and are actually there to support the team.

We should buy the Swiss sons houses over here and move them over, what a great bunch of guys they are!

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The daft, big bint who lets out the ear-piercing screech whenever the opposition Goalie kicks the ball out is the limit. She does it when the opposing team names are being read out too.

Perhaps a case of someone who is more to be pitied, than scolded? She clearly finds it hilarious. A shame for her that nobody else does!

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I actually don't like home games due to the support: Dumbarton (clap,clap,clap) followed by 89 minutes of constant negative comments directed at everyone from the officials, to the players to Ian Murray. The atmosphere at away games is always much better as that's where the real fans tend to be- the ones who don't get on everybodys backs immediately and are actually there to support the team.

We should buy the Swiss sons houses over here and move them over, what a great bunch of guys they are!

Back over for the Hamilton game I believe? I also believe it coincides with untitled00's birthday, if the board haven't bulldozed the ground by then I'm sure we'll give it a good try that day.

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Right I'm starting up the ultra section. We'll be housed in the Charlie Gibson Upper behind the goals, sing songs about Andy Graham's steel torso, fire flares at the castle and wave big flags sporting the face of Ian Murray.

Who's with me?

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Right I'm starting up the ultra section. We'll be housed in the Charlie Gibson Upper behind the goals, sing songs about Andy Graham's steel torso, fire flares at the castle and wave big flags sporting the face of Ian Murray.

Who's with me?

Aye I'll be there as long as we can have a Garry Fleming tifo displayed before a game next season.

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Guys like Fraser are no big deal and are part of the light and shade of supporting the Sons. Aye of course what he shouts is generally ridiculous but it's no big deal. I think we're all guilty of berating officials sometimes. Fraser is just on the militant wing of that.

I agree that the away support is better and that's probably because at away games the singing section can congregate in the same place, whereas at home games they are more spread out.

The home crowd definitely get on the team's back too much and it is counter productive.

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I agree, but equally why should anyone else change something about themselves just because you don't like it?

Well in this case it would save the individual from further public ridicule, not to mention mild humiliation.

But you have a point Ranter; should we ever meet I'll look forward to belching or farting profusely in your company. Deal or no deal ?

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Well in this case it would save the individual from further public ridicule, not to mention mild humiliation.

But you have a point Ranter; should we ever meet I'll look forward to belching or farting profusely in your company. Deal or no deal ?

Deal. It's your choice to do that. Depending on how bad your gas is, i have the choice to go elsewhere. But I still defend your right to belch and fart as you wish, as you're not doing anything illegal. Neither are you doing any damage to someone important to me. I assume you would have the grace to say pardon.

Edited by Boghead ranter
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Back over for the Hamilton game I believe? I also believe it coincides with untitled00's birthday, if the board haven't bulldozed the ground by then I'm sure we'll give it a good try that day.

They are indeed across in time for my birthday weekend. I've got the entire day off work as well, plus a rare free Sunday. I've already pre-ordered a new liver off eBay...

In regards to the home crowd, can't we all just agree to get more drunk? That should raise the atmosphere a bit.

Edited by untitled00
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The daft, big bint who lets out the ear-piercing screech whenever the opposition Goalie kicks the ball out is the limit. She does it when the opposing team names are being read out too.

This is far worse than anything the old guy does.

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Our home support is dull and boring and I believe at times counter productive. A pathetic version of "Dumbarton clap clap clap" is all anyone can muster as "support" and the rest of the time it's spent berating Gilhaney or Grindlay or the ref for being shite. I can't wait for the Swiss boys to be back over, those guys ken the score.

At first I thought that was some sort of wounded animal crying for help. I prefer the "woooooaaaaah you're shite aaaaahhhhhh" to be honest.

To be honest, the atmosphere would be ten times better if we were allowed to stand at games.

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Fraser's patter is repetive, but at least it's something apart from the silence only broken by abuse of our players.

His son on the other hand constantly abuses Mark Gilhaney, it's ridiculous how often he does it.

Last Saturday Gils has a pretty good game, despite this every time he touched the ball he was abuse - "You're shite Gil", "You've done nothing apart from put the ball in the net", when McDougall came on - "Can't be be worse than Gil, he was terrible"

He's so blinded by hatred for Gils, it's ridiculous.

Lots of people on here complimented Gils for a good performance after the game.

It's literally only abuse that gets spouted by him toward Gilhaney, what does that do to motivate the player? Also Gilhaney's family sit not far from where the abuse is spouted from.

He used to do the same towards Andy Graham.

I'm so glad people like this don't go to away games.

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Guys like Fraser are no big deal and are part of the light and shade of supporting the Sons. Aye of course what he shouts is generally ridiculous but it's no big deal. I think we're all guilty of berating officials sometimes. Fraser is just on the militant wing of that.

I agree that the away support is better and that's probably because at away games the singing section can congregate in the same place, whereas at home games they are more spread out.

The home crowd definitely get on the team's back too much and it is counter productive.

maybe time for a "singing" section at home games?....theres surely enough spare seats that everyone who wants to go and make some noise and atmosphere can get together

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The daft, big bint who lets out the ear-piercing screech whenever the opposition Goalie kicks the ball out is the limit. She does it when the opposing team names are being read out too.

Actually sounds like someone's stood on a dog or something. Edited by Thommo90
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No it's not, it's a tedious bore. Sure, away from the fitba the guy is a very nice chap but his inability to recognise that there are two teams on the park and the ritual shouting at officials from start to finish is tiresome in the extreme. The hallmark of an oddball.

And never trust a man who doesn't fucking swear.

You're havering pish, mon. Fraser called the Gretna team A "Shower of cheating b*****ds " once in a midweek 2-0 defeat at the Rock.

When berated for his indiscretion, he merely turned round to us and said "och, nae wonder" or something like that.

So, he does f@&£kin swear. On a rare occasion.

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