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House of Cards


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Just started watching season 1 on Netflix. Thoroughly enjoying it.


1 and 2 are fucking tremendous viewing, 3 drags the arse right out of it but looks like 4 is back to being good so persevere with it on season 3


but 1 and 2 are fucking engrossing viewing

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1 and 2 are fucking tremendous viewing, 3 drags the arse right out of it but looks like 4 is back to being good so persevere with it on season 3


but 1 and 2 are fucking engrossing viewing


Aye, I'm almost finished the first season and I'm loving it.

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Joel Kinnaman was a great addition to the cast.

Word. I'm a few episodes from the end but Conway as a character has almost stole the series for me. Most scenes involving him have been the best.

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Polished it off last night. Can only really echo what everyone else has said, a significant improvement on a forgettable third season. Hoping they tie it all up with a final one next.

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One of the gripes I have is that Series 3 was effectively pointless. Nothing that happened in that whole series had any effect on Series 4.

America Works? Not even mentioned.

Dunbar? Booted with about a quarter of the series gone.

The "divorce"? Turned in to a minor domestic disagreement.

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Season 3 was that bad I genuinely can't remember what happened during it or how it ended.

Can't be arsed watching it through again so il have to blag my way through the new season and hope I pick it up.


I gave up after the Pussy Riot episode.  It was so bad, I'm struggling to muster enthusiasm for season 4.  Talk about jumping the shark.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Finally got round to watching Season 4. Huge improvement on Season 3 even if some of the side issues are totally bamboozling. Doug Stamper pledging money to get into that wifey's pants surely must be leading somewhere. Having said that, the whole Freddy storyline has been utterly pointless as well, so who knows.


Claire was always going to be the story, glad to see it is finally going in that direction.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Season 4 was tremendous. The final scene was excellent, but the opening scene of the last episode with Frank on the call with the kidnappers was even better. So much tension.

Frank Underwood really is an excellent character. Going to war purely to bury a story on his rise to power is bawbaggery of the most ruthless kind.

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