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NFL General Discussion

Mr. Brightside

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I'd agree with that, catching and returning the kick off is supposed to be a skill like any other part of the game. I wonder what the percentage of kick offs that end up as touchbacks is?

In sure I read that Prater only had 2 returned in Denver this year

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The game has become offence driven, not just at the excuse of protecting the QB, but also sponsors WANT to see high scoring games (preferably competitive) and no games that are played by 2 great defenses resulting in 10 - 3 or 9-6 games. I'd also blame the videoage games a small part as well. Kids play Madden and get "exciting" high scoring game, so that's what they expect the NFL to be.

We're never going to return to the great games of the 70's 80's that were "blood and snotters and played on a ploughed field" (sadly in some ways but I have to be realistic" but if you don't let kicks have a decent chance of return, don't let defenses tackle, don't let the QB get hit we're only going to see more offensive records broken.

At this rate Superbowl 50 will be a yawnfest of scoring on every drive finishing 65-55

Edited for this crappy oldstyle keyboard at work.

Edited by Raidernation
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There is plenty wrong with it. The problem is that the areas where the improvements are needed are the areas where he has already made changes. f**k this precious QB nonsense, let them get hit. lets bring back touchdown celebrations and customised facemasks. kick off should be made from the goal line, not the 35 yard line nor the 20 yard line.

The ever increasing number of offensive records being broken is what needs to be fixed with the defence allowed to play.


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Think he was kidding about the first bit. The second though is a fairly valid point, there are far too many penalties called that shouldnt be penalties.

The disciplinary procedure is my top priority to be changed. Too many players are being fined and punished for things that they have little control over with no right to appeal. I think we mentioned it in here before but guys with a reputation tend to be fined more and more often for lesser offences than their peers. There has to be some consistency to the process and it should be an independent panel who decide, maybe ex refs or a mix of refs, players, coaches and physios.

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The game has become offence driven, not just at the excuse of protecting the QB, but also sponsors WANT to see high scoring games (preferably competitive) and no games that are played by 2 great defenses resulting in 10 - 3 or 9-6 games. I'd also blame the videoage games a small part as well. Kids play Madden and get "exciting" high scoring game, so that's what they expect the NFL to be.

We're never going to return to the great games of the 70's 80's that were "blood and snotters and played on a ploughed field" (sadly in some ways but I have to be realistic" but if you don't let kicks have a decent chance of return, don't let defenses tackle, don't let the QB get hit we're only going to see more offensive records broken.

At this rate Superbowl 50 will be a yawnfest of scoring on every drive finishing 65-55

Edited for this crappy oldstyle keyboard at work.

Everything you say is correct as to why they're desperate for high scoring games, but you need to add the vacuous fantasy football into that as well. That's a prism through which a massive number of people watch the league and it doesn't work with stalemated games.

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I don't know what to think of Sherman. I usually don't really care about off field things and gossip in any sport.

He's done really well to come from where he did to become such a talented player. In fact any player who makes the league, even a practice squad has beaten incredible odds. However, there is the quite famous story about Sherman's parent's both pulling double jobs and both of them going to speak with the local chapter of the bloods or crips or whichever and asking them to stay away from their boys.

You would think a guy who had people like that bringing him up would have a bit more class about them and you can kind of imagine his parents, proud though they would be of him getting to where he is, thinking 'this is how you repay us'?

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Didn't Sherman play at Stanford?

If so that makes him a pretty clever boy. You don't get in there for being a dumbass

He did and came away with honours in his degree, I actually think people are looking at this all wrong. Remember when Chad Ochocinco used to wind opponents up and taunt them or fans and just be a really over the top media presence? That was all gamesmanship, trying to draw negative exposure away from the rest of the team and positive exposure away from the other team.

I think Sherman has done the same thing, maybe the attitude in the immediate post match interview was too much but if I'd just made the play that won the game to take my team to the superbowl I'd be a bit fired up too so I think that's been way overblown. The press conference comments though I think were pure gamesmanship and its worked. Whats everybody talking about this week? Not how close the game was or the bad calls from the refs, they're all talking about Sherman.

For what it's worth I think he's right about Crabtree, there are a tonne of guys more dangerous than him, he's reliable but not outstanding

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I understand what your saying Stewbo and completely understand why he was so pumped up. But he shouldn't have said what he said about Crabtree. I do t mind him calling himself the best because I don't think any of us could disagree with him but just leave the slagging off of opponents out of it

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I understand what your saying Stewbo and completely understand why he was so pumped up. But he shouldn't have said what he said about Crabtree. I do t mind him calling himself the best because I don't think any of us could disagree with him but just leave the slagging off of opponents out of it

Honestly, do you think Crabtree is any better than mediocre? Lets say top 16/20 is a 'top receiver', there are easily that many players at the position better than him. Even if it wasn't true, I think he achieved what he set out to do, he's not an idiot so he wouldn't just say those things without knowing what would happen, I fully believe this was a tactic by him, and probably the rest of the team, to manipulate the media coverage.

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Agree with Stewbo.

Sherman knows exactly what he's doing. Means for at least the first of the 2 weeks all the focus is on him, not the team, not the fact they've only been to the Superbowl once before and lost (unlike the donkeys) and keeps focus, most importantly, off a young QB

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