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Thatcher deid

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People greatly overestimate the impact of Thatcher. The industrial centres of Britain would have crumbled regardless, they weren't competitive enough and had significant labour problems.

nah, not really. you can argue long and hard about how the industires affected should have done more to modernise, more to realise that rationalisation was inevitable, more to future proof their own industries. No one is saying that Arthur Scargill wasn't an idiot who doomed his own industry to a fight they couldn't win. The salient point though is, that for whatever problems the industries had, Thatcher's solutions were worse.

If she was a doctor, and you had a problem with an ingrown toenail, her solution would be to amputate at the ankle.

... and that's before you get onto the whole poltiical ideology and culture she helped advance in this country, the one we are living with today.

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I would find it hilarious if they tried a minute's silence at the fitba games on Saturday all round the country. In reality it would be the whole ground screaming F**k off Thatcher F**k off Thatcher for the whole minute

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One way or another, I don't care but I am enjoying watching the moral police out in force, just because people are happy there is one less predominantly hated political figure in the world.

Take your hypocritical virtues and ram them.

Edited by the jambo-rocker
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Anyone remember British Leyland? Huge changes were required to many of our industries which was uncompetitive. Riddled with ineffiencties and had unions who and still largely are too powerful. I know people who privately thought it was great, but wouldn't dare admit it openly. If she died 6-7 years ago she probably would have been remembered much more soundly, but we now know how trualy destructive many of our policies were in terms of aggressively offloading public assets. No doubt the media with their south coast bias will try to portray how great and glorious her reign was. Like everyone else in this thread I have to say good ridance. Lets move on with our lives.

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I would find it hilarious if they tried a minute's silence at the fitba games on Saturday all round the country. In reality it would be the whole ground screaming F**k off Thatcher F**k off Thatcher for the whole minute

Two choruses of "Ding Dong The Wicked Witch Is Dead"! takes approx 1 minute :thumsup2

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Remarkable the seethe at Thatcher on here on the day she passed when our current leaders are outdoing her.

There may be more employment but the wages have not been increasing to match inflation. If wages had increased unemployment would be as bad or worse now.

Savings have lost 20% of their value in the last few years because interest rates are being held at a false low while prices are shooting up.

Correct. Let's kill them now! Why wait for the Grim Reaper?

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I'm just saying out of respect. Wouldn't wish death on my worst enemy...seems people on here are far too bitter.

We're not wishing death on anyone, its already happened. We're celebrating it! Plus, out of respect? She's dead!
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