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Thatcher deid

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How true this report has proved to be, nine years before the event!!!

Tuesday, 25 May 2004

Dead: How the old sow looked in her heyday.

TWO-FACED celebrities were coming out of the woodwork today, after the news that Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher has died of syphilis.
Scores of shameless TV personalities were clambering over each other to sell their souls on ITV news and sing the praises of the leather-faced old demon.
Former funnyman turned piss-poor playwrite, Ben Elton was quick to jump on the bandwagon.
"It's a great loss to the British public, especially after all the good work she did for the working classes," lied the speccy twat.
"Although most of my entire comedy routine during the 1980s was actually based on taking potshots at her, I always had the greatest of respect for our beloved former PM."
Within seconds of Elton's turncoat statement, TV chef Jamie Oliver stopped filming another fucking advert for Sainsbury's just long enough to tell the Spoof: "Yeah, she was a great lady.
"Now I imagine all those worms will be making their way through the walls of her coffin to feast on her remains - I'd reccomend they eat her with a hint of garlic and lemon, bang in some Basil, and Bob's your uncle, Puckah!"

Former US President Ronald Reagan was unavailable for comment on the news that his former spunk-bin had died, but reportedly bombed a small country to console himself of the loss.
North of the border, however, the celebration is expected to continue well into next year, as previously reported in The Spoof.

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All this "don't speak ill of the dead" stuff is just guff.

When a powerful political figure dies its downright dangerous to only allow praise. You cannot allow history to be whitewashed because of some ill-founded idea that the dead are immune from criticism. Those people who say we should show respect for Thatcher should maybe try showing a little respect for the people whose communities and lives were destroyed by Thatcher and her policies.

You can criticise Thatcher and her policies without being a total cunt about it though. You can "not mourn" people without being a tasteless disrespectful twat of a human being with gifs and grave dancing.

People talk of hating her for the inhumanity of her premiership. What kind of greater humanity does celebrating the death of an elderly woman afford? Surely we're better than that? Surely the best riposte to inhumanity is to behave like we'd expect the compassionate and caring society to do so.

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To me what she did to heavy industry was not what bothered me most. It was her policies which caused the gulf between rich and poor. Bobby Murdoch summons it up nicely.

She encouraged greed; get rich quick;short termism and a winner takes all society. It was inevitbale we were going to end up where we are today. The media and general population always try to blame it on foreigners during bad times when really its the really unhealthy gap between rich and poor.

Sums it up perfectly imo!

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This does pose the question of how a decent and respectful society should react when such a divisive person dies; a person who in life had neither decency or respect and who didn't beleive in society.

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She did undoutedly damage the working classes by closing down old industries but she also greatly enriched many of them giving them right to buy council housing. Let's not paint Thatch as a one way street with the working class. I'm not a massive fan but a lot of froth directed at her is hypocritical and I'd sooner take Thatch than Derek Hatton, Sheridan or any other champagne socialist.

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You can criticise Thatcher and her policies without being a total c**t about it though. You can "not mourn" people without being a tasteless disrespectful twat of a human being with gifs and grave dancing.

People talk of hating her for the inhumanity of her premiership. What kind of greater humanity does celebrating the death of an elderly woman afford? Surely we're better than that? Surely the best riposte to inhumanity is to behave like we'd expect the compassionate and caring society to do so.


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Can I just show my complete lack of surprise at Ad Lib white knighting for Thatcher?

Lib Dem my fucking arse.

That's right, because to recommend not reducing oneself to basest levels is obviously to support the Conservatives.

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19-year-old student Stephen Malley said: “The worst thing about Mrs Thatcher was her lack of humanity, empathy or emotion.

“That’s why it’s great that she’s succumbed to dementia after what would have been a long, frustrating and humiliating illness of the type commonly affecting elderly people. The fucking old cow.”


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