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Thatcher deid

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aye, poor folk have bank accounts and debit cards. Stick your head back up and contemplate your own shit as if it's the big wide world.

Lib dems are like a cheap escort, they'll pretend to be whatever you want, but they're never that convincing

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seething at capitalism making vast swathes of retail goods cheaper for the poor

I believe that if a company operates in this country and makes profits as a result of its activities then it should pay corporation tax. I assume from your comments you disagree with this.

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Another forum I peruse (a student forum might I add!!) is full of Thatcher apologists who keep posting up this link. I was just wondering what people make of it? I also keep hearing that Wilson was responsible for more mine closures than Thatcher, any truth in this?

Also, apologies for my ignorance but why was Thatcher elected three times? What was politics like in Scotland and rUK back then and why wasn't she immediately outed after the first reign?

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Also, apologies for my ignorance but why was Thatcher elected three times? What was politics like in Scotland and rUK back then and why wasn't she immediately outed after the first reign?

Thatcher cuts didn't really have any effect on the comfortable middle England, they only saw her as someone who didn't like foreigners and northerners so kept voting her in.

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^^^^ ignoring the misery in the factories where said retail goods are made by the even poorer

The last time I checked UK taxes don't pay the wages of low skilled and unskilled labourers in China. Unlucky for you.

I believe that if a company operates in this country and makes profits as a result of its activities then it should pay corporation tax. I assume from your comments you disagree with this.

Amazon's main avoidance techniques are VAT based, rather than corporation tax, no? That's why they're based in Jersey. Either way, I'm not remotely fussed by their activities.

I don't actually agree with the principle of corporation tax because it's just a stealth tax on eventual income of shareholders, who are then taxed again on the income as a dividend. I think profits should be taxed at the point when it becomes income or an emolument of a natural person. For related reasons, I think capital gains tax and income tax should be merged again at income tax rate levels. The distinctions are artificial.

In so far as corporation tax is a thing, I think companies should be allowed to do anything they like within the letter of the law to arrange their revenue and profits within their corporation and connected companies so as to reduce their tax liability to the greatest extent possible. I don't think the United Kingdom has any more of a moral right to the corporate profits of Amazon's retail business with individual consumers living in the UK than it does to Amazon's retail business with individual consumers living in Australia. In so far as companies use UK services or infrastructure to deliver goods and services to their customers, by all means, levy taxes on the use of those services and infrastructure (things like business rates, road tolls/VED, employers' NICs for anyone working out of a UK base like an Amazon warehouse etc). But profits? Nope.

Thatcher cuts didn't really have any effect on the comfortable middle England, they only saw her as someone who didn't like foreigners and northerners so kept voting her in.

Talk about oversimplification.

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Not a fan of old Maggie but I desperately would like to smack this creature in the dish:


Franco Di Santo sneaking around in the back there as well. Should know better.

Edited by JamboMikey
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I was interested in how Thatcher did in Scotland so did a little research and found the map below. Obviously I knew they used to win Perth quite often but I genuinely had no idea the Tories used to win so many constituencies in Scotland (roughly 20 seats in the 80s). Quite surprising.


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Obviously that's a decent Tory result in Scotland compared to their miserable presence now, but actually that itself marked the next stage on a slow decline for the party; in the '55 General Election they won half the seats available in Scotland.

I think the simple answer is that the vast majority of their support from the 80s has either died or given up. The quality in the Scottish Tory ranks now really is pisspoor, with only a small minority capable of grasping the fix they are in, let alone facing up to the changes necessary to try and halt their terminal decline (disaffiliating from the UK party, re branding and coming up with a new right-of-centre narrative focused on Scotland). The candidate who was actually going to roll that programme out lost the last leadership election in favour of a box ticking hologram close to Cameron, which tells you all you need to know about the remaining membership.

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looking at the results of the 1993 GE in Scotland, the Tory highwatermark in the last thirty or so years, these were their seats won, and the current party in charge. Not all these seats still exist but broadly they conform to modern boundaries.

Aberdeen South

Argyll & Bute (Lab)

Banff & Buchan (Salmond's own backyard, SNP)

Angus East (SNP)

Ayr (Lab, though it has also been Tory in the SP. Lots of Tory blue rinses still wheeled out to vote from the towns many geriatric retirement homes)

Cunnighame North (Lab)

Dumfries (reliably Tory until the retirement of Sir Hector Monro. Been Labour ever since. Lab)

Eastwood (Lab- Skeletaur won this in '97 and the Tory vote has been falling there ever since)

Edinburgh Central

Edinburgh Pentlands

Edinburgh S (Edinburgh Westminster constituencies have changed a lot since this election, but today they are largely Labour with a little bit of Liberal acne)

Fife North East (Ming Campbell's personal fiefdom, Lib Dem)

Galloway and Upper Nithsdale (the last Tory redoubt in Scotland. with a Tory MSP in the parliament, also returned the morbidly obese Peter Duncan to a term in Westminster from 2001-5. Now part of a wider Labour held Dumfries and Galloway constituency in Westminster).

Moray (SNP)

Perth & Kinross (SNP. The Tories put up a young pisspoor extra from Brideshead Revisited in the last GE here and were routed.)

Renfrew West & Inverclyde (astonishing one, this. I can only assume that Reynard and Captain Sensible led the Tory charge here having failed to gain any traction in solidly Labour-Unionist Paisley. Labour now.)

Stirling (SNP but traditionally volatile 4-way marginal)

Tayside North (the vile Bill Walker, a beetroot-faced permanently-raging ultra right winger, with a ludicrous Heseltine-style barnet, was somehow MP here for over a decade, in spite of only ever uttering coherent sentences by accident. Now Swinney's stomping ground).

The Tories dropped to ten seats in '87, more or less held their ground in the surprising Major election five years later, then faced total meltdown in '97, with only Reynard, Stuart Dickson and Captain Sensible actually voting for them in Scotland that time around. The seats actually divide largely between SNP and Labour today.

Edited by Ivo den Bieman
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Perth & Kinross (SNP. The Tories put up a young pisspoor extra from Brideshead Revisited in the last GE here and were routed.)

:lol: greenie.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Pie & Bovril mobile app

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looking at the results of the 1993 GE in Scotland, the Tory highwatermark in the last thirty or so years, these were their seats won, and the current party in charge. Not all these seats still exist but broadly they conform to modern boundaries.

Aberdeen South

Argyll & Bute (Lab)

Banff & Buchan (Salmond's own backyard, SNP)

Angus East (SNP)

Ayr (Lab, though it has also been Tory in the SP. Lots of Tory blue rinses still wheeled out to vote from the towns many geriatric retirement homes)

Cunnighame North (Lab)

Dumfries (reliably Tory until the retirement of Sir Hector Monro. Been Labour ever since. Lab)

Eastwood (Lab- Skeletaur won this in '97 and the Tory vote has been falling there ever since)

Edinburgh Central

Edinburgh Pentlands

Edinburgh S (Edinburgh Westminster constituencies have changed a lot since this election, but today they are largely Labour with a little bit of Liberal acne)

Fife North East (Ming Campbell's personal fiefdom, Lib Dem)

Galloway and Upper Nithsdale (the last Tory redoubt in Scotland. with a Tory MSP in the parliament, also returned the morbidly obese Peter Duncan to a term in Westminster from 2001-5. Now part of a wider Labour held Dumfries and Galloway constituency in Westminster).

Moray (SNP)

Perth & Kinross (SNP. The Tories put up a young pisspoor extra from Brideshead Revisited in the last GE here and were routed.)

Renfrew West & Inverclyde (astonishing one, this. I can only assume that Reynard and Captain Sensible led the Tory charge here having failed to gain any traction in solidly Labour-Unionist Paisley. Labour now.)

Stirling (SNP but traditionally volatile 4-way marginal)

Tayside North (the vile Bill Walker, a beetroot-faced permanently-raging ultra right winger, with a ludicrous Heseltine-style barnet, was somehow MP here for over a decade, in spite of only ever uttering coherent sentences by accident. Now Swinney's stomping ground).

The Tories dropped to ten seats in '87, more or less held their ground in the surprising Major election five years later, then faced total meltdown in '97, with only Reynard, Stuart Dickson and Captain Sensible actually voting for them in Scotland that time around. The seats actually divide largely between SNP and Labour today.

Have you ever had a look at the Ayr constituency boundaries compared to how it used to be?

Talk about gerrymandered!! The town is actually split in half and part of it ( the nice leafy middle class solidly Tory bit) was lumped in with the down at heel disgusting, working class ex pit villages riddled with Labour voting track suit clad neds, who are all on benefits.

If Ayr went back to the old pre Labour gerrymandered boundaries, it would still be solidly Tory as it always was.

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