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Let's All Laugh At Celtic Thread

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4 minutes ago, Merkland Red said:

'Joking' you have a boner after reading about Catholics being thrown out of a window is self deprecating?

I don't think you understand the meaning of the phrase.

Yes, have a think about it. It's really not that hard. I was playing with stereotypes in particular a stereotype about Rangers fans. 

If you genuinely believe I was making an anti-Catholic joke then you must seriously examine your own biases. It can't be good for your mental health to harbour such bigoted assumptions.


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2 minutes ago, DMCs said:

Yes, have a think about it. It's really not that hard. I was playing with stereotypes in particular a stereotype about Rangers fans. 

If you genuinely believe I was making an anti-Catholic joke then you must seriously examine your own biases. It can't be good for your mental health to harbour such bigoted assumptions.


Maybe you should just post funnier jokes.

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Just now, DMCs said:

Have you done crying yet?

Not crying. Just felt someone should dig you out for your bigoted shite.

I'll give you points for originality in your defence though. "You are the bigot because you thought my bigoted joke was bigoted when I was really making fun of myself because people think fans like myself are bigots."

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2 minutes ago, Merkland Red said:

Not crying. Just felt someone should dig you out for your bigoted shite.

I'll give you points for originality in your defence though. "You are the bigot because you thought my bigoted joke was bigoted when I was really making fun of myself because people think fans like myself are bigots."

The state of you 778035174_Bidenlol.gif.76c5ea3f5457ff2d728de127e20c5506.gif

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1 hour ago, gannonball said:

Between one *** laughing about bigotry and Bennet posting every terrible thought he has plus sticking  literally anything he finds on social media this thread has gone south of late. Was quite amusing when it was kick started a few weeks back though. 


Complains about bigotry while using a bigoted word.


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5 hours ago, Archie McSquackle said:

What does Tommy actually do work-wise these days? Is he still in the politics or is he retired and devoting his time to these mental videos?

Being a heads gone Celtic da's a full time job these days.

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6 hours ago, SouthLanarkshireWhite said:

Brothers and Sisters - solidarity man!


He's right, though! They've done 9IAR and could still complete a quadruple treble. Their dominance wasn't going to last forever, and frankly if it had it would have ruined the Scottish game...

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On 09/12/2020 at 15:46, AJF said:

Glorious, glorious reading. I was wondering how long it would take for Celtic fans to shift away from their 'Shoot the Board' mentality to one of 'Rangers have financially doped - we're the victims' and Phil has certainly got that ball rolling.

I'd also like to make a few more comments:

  1. He claims Rangers currently have a team which they cannot afford. Celtic are in the exact same position in the sense that the level of their operating costs will result in a loss without a marquee player sale or a Champions League windfall, as demonstrated by their most recent accounts.
  2. He claims Rangers currently owe HMRC millions. HMRC have allowed a deferral of tax payments, something which Celtic have also taken advantage of, as demonstrated by their most recent accounts. This does not fit his narrative however.
  3. Long may your hurt and anguish continue.

I haven’t even read a word that Phil has said, but I am certain it will be absolute batshit mentalness from the first word to the last. I remember he managed to gain some sort of cult following from non Celtic fans during Rangers demise, where he would publish novel length articles scrutinising Rangers accounts with the confidence of a professional time-served tax expert, when in reality he is as thick as shite in the neck of a bottle who believes any and every attack upon Celtic or their fans is driven by sectarianism and bigotry. He’s a genuinely dangerous character who holds the sort of opinions that should see his every word mocked, but to this day there is Celtic fans out there who treat his words as gospel. 

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8 hours ago, Szamo's_Ammo said:

If Tommy ever had the plot, he lost it a long time ago.


I feel so bad for him, he obviously has no idea how pathetic he looks making these party political broadcasts to other Celtic fans. I just cannot imagine having my life so intertwined with the success of a football team that I would ever contemplate making a video such as that, it really does sadden me that other people do. 

With regards to Tommy Sheridan, I had the pleasure of watching a bunch of neds tear down his SSP posters that he was tie-wrapping to lamp posts on Paisley Road West about 12 odd years ago. I was in a pub in Cardonald waiting on a bus coming to pick me and a few others up on the way to a wedding I was attending, when one of the regulars from the pub came in to tell us Tommy Sheridan had a set of ladders out and was making his way up the road being followed by a group of neds who were pulling his signs down as quick as he was putting them up. We all went outside to watch as it seemed like quite the once in a lifetime opportunity that couldn’t be missed.

To everyone’s delight what the guy said was spot on, and Tommy traipsed past the door of the pub muttering away to himself angrily with a step ladder under his arm, as a bunch of 16 year old bams in Ajax and Inter Milan tracksuits booted his Scottish Socialist Party signs all over the street. Genuinely one of the best things I’ve ever seen and I’m so grateful that fate put me in a position to be able to witness it with my own eyes. 

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