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The East Fife Thread

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Having been taken aback by the huge increase in Season Ticket prices and the fact there was no explanation from the Board for their reasons for doing so (although communication from the Club has been very poor for much of the season) I have taken time to look at it objectively. Yes it is a major increase, especially if you are buying for other family members as well as your own and maybe some sort of family discount could be offered even if it is two or more adult tickets (10% discount?)

Prices of Season Tickets and paying at the gate have stayed the same for a few seasons. We were promoted last season and there was no increase. Paying at the gate this season has seen us charge towards the lower end of the price scale. Livingston was £12 and Alloa & Airdrie charged £16. Indeed even Albion Rovers yesterday were dearer at £14 (must be paying for the view and celubrious surrounding !). Maybe we've had it too good for too long. Stirling Albion, & Arbroath have been charging £13 in the League below.

i realise that for some, the increase in St prices put it out of their reach to pay in one lump sum. The Club can't afford to lose loyal supporters so why not do what most Golf Clubs do and allow payment by Direct Debit either monthly or twice per year ? 

The costs of running the Club must be increasing as we are all finding in our day to day lives. An increase in cost of watching OUR team adds an extra financial burden we could do without but how many of the fans who are saying they won't purchase a season ticket and some saying they won't be back, have been at any away games this season ? Yes they give the players their support during these games which I'm sure is greatly appreciated but financially this does not help East Fife. What is the cost of travel, admission, programme food and drink for this day out ? £25-£35 depending on who we are playing ? I know a family who follow the Fife and went to Alloa to support the Fife and it cost them £48 entry. By the time transport costs and food was added they were £70-£75 for the trip. If they have to make choices financially, would they be better saving their money by not going and using the money to attend home games where they support the players on the park and support the Club financially ?

We all want the best possible team in an East Fife shirt and to do this they must have the finances to support the Manager and allow him as big a budget as possible to bring in the quality required to allow us to take the next step of reaching the Championship. Will there still be the same disgruntlement if we somehow go up this season through the play offs ? This season Gary decided to run with a small squad with the budget he had, which let's be honest at times has left us so short of players due to injuries that we have been unable to name a full squad. Would we not prefer to have a slightly bigger squad which this season may have seen us already qualified for the play offs ?

Whether a member of the Board, Season Ticket holder, regular supporter or can only make the occasional game, we all want the same thing - a successful team on the park. Everyone must do what they can to help the Club achieve this anthis means all pulling in the same direction. Yes things could be done better - communication from the Club, possible discounts for family members, Direct Debit scheme, fans making choices of having one less pint of beer per week to cover the extra cost of supporting East Fife, deciding to miss maybe two away games to watch every home game and support the Club financially. The list could go on. The Board have choices to make as well as the fans and they have to make sure that the choices they make do not alienate the fans as the Club can I'll afford to lose anyone who currently support the team.

Whilst I was surprised and disappointed at the large increase, instead of giving my thoughts in a knee jerk reaction, I have tried to look at things more objectively and decide whether to renew my season ticket or to even pick or choose my games next year. However I am East Fife through and through and anyone who knows me will know that I will not turn my back on the Club I love and have followed for 50 years. If it means making choices of how I can continue to follow East Fife, I think I will make the right choice to allow me to watch the team and support the Club. I fully expect other supporters to  disagree and have a go at my thought but the game is about opinions but at the end of the day we all want the best team possible on the park to bring success to OUR club. Mon the Fife !!!

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1 hour ago, monthefife said:

Likely to get pelters for this and people can disagree with me all they like, but I just don't understand how it's reasonable that 'troops' can obtain a season pass for a 25 quid donation?

Thoroughly agree with this. It was brought in during the horror show that was the Lee Murray era; classic virtue signalling from a Rangers supporter. They all love that stuff and attempting to show how much respect they give and how much better they are than others at doing it, so it's no wonder our Rangers die hard chairman at the time loved it. At the end of the day it's a career, nothing more.

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Having been taken aback by the huge increase in Season Ticket prices and the fact there was no explanation from the Board for their reasons for doing so (although communication from the Club has been very poor for much of the season) I have taken time to look at it objectively. Yes it is a major increase, especially if you are buying for other family members as well as your own and maybe some sort of family discount could be offered even if it is two or more adult tickets (10% discount?)
Prices of Season Tickets and paying at the gate have stayed the same for a few seasons. We were promoted last season and there was no increase. Paying at the gate this season has seen us charge towards the lower end of the price scale. Livingston was £12 and Alloa & Airdrie charged £16. Indeed even Albion Rovers yesterday were dearer at £14 (must be paying for the view and celubrious surrounding !). Maybe we've had it too good for too long. Stirling Albion, & Arbroath have been charging £13 in the League below.
i realise that for some, the increase in St prices put it out of their reach to pay in one lump sum. The Club can't afford to lose loyal supporters so why not do what most Golf Clubs do and allow payment by Direct Debit either monthly or twice per year ? 
The costs of running the Club must be increasing as we are all finding in our day to day lives. An increase in cost of watching OUR team adds an extra financial burden we could do without but how many of the fans who are saying they won't purchase a season ticket and some saying they won't be back, have been at any away games this season ? Yes they give the players their support during these games which I'm sure is greatly appreciated but financially this does not help East Fife. What is the cost of travel, admission, programme food and drink for this day out ? £25-£35 depending on who we are playing ? I know a family who follow the Fife and went to Alloa to support the Fife and it cost them £48 entry. By the time transport costs and food was added they were £70-£75 for the trip. If they have to make choices financially, would they be better saving their money by not going and using the money to attend home games where they support the players on the park and support the Club financially ?
We all want the best possible team in an East Fife shirt and to do this they must have the finances to support the Manager and allow him as big a budget as possible to bring in the quality required to allow us to take the next step of reaching the Championship. Will there still be the same disgruntlement if we somehow go up this season through the play offs ? This season Gary decided to run with a small squad with the budget he had, which let's be honest at times has left us so short of players due to injuries that we have been unable to name a full squad. Would we not prefer to have a slightly bigger squad which this season may have seen us already qualified for the play offs ?
Whether a member of the Board, Season Ticket holder, regular supporter or can only make the occasional game, we all want the same thing - a successful team on the park. Everyone must do what they can to help the Club achieve this anthis means all pulling in the same direction. Yes things could be done better - communication from the Club, possible discounts for family members, Direct Debit scheme, fans making choices of having one less pint of beer per week to cover the extra cost of supporting East Fife, deciding to miss maybe two away games to watch every home game and support the Club financially. The list could go on. The Board have choices to make as well as the fans and they have to make sure that the choices they make do not alienate the fans as the Club can I'll afford to lose anyone who currently support the team.
Whilst I was surprised and disappointed at the large increase, instead of giving my thoughts in a knee jerk reaction, I have tried to look at things more objectively and decide whether to renew my season ticket or to even pick or choose my games next year. However I am East Fife through and through and anyone who knows me will know that I will not turn my back on the Club I love and have followed for 50 years. If it means making choices of how I can continue to follow East Fife, I think I will make the right choice to allow me to watch the team and support the Club. I fully expect other supporters to  disagree and have a go at my thought but the game is about opinions but at the end of the day we all want the best team possible on the park to bring success to OUR club. Mon the Fife !!!

An excellent post but there's a part where you say
'The cost of running the club must be increasing '

This cost will be decreasing as the club will soon have no pitch maintenance & the club is also hooked up to a renewable energy scheme which cuts its overheads.
You hit the nail on the head when you spoke about the poor communication from the club
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I don't know if any service personnel even make use of the offer, but while very noble, the same principle could be applied to nurses, police, fire, paramedics, life boat crews etc. It is ludicrous that a fully waged soldier gets next to free entry, while a 75 year old pensioner is going to have to pay £13.

I understand the need to bring in more money to improve player budgets and meet increased running costs, but the increased season ticket and gate prices could drive all but die hards away, resulting in reduced income.

While it doesn't affect me, the concession increases are ridiculous, both for season tickets and walk up at £13. We are already the most expensive club in the division for this category, yet think a further 30% increase is justified???

They should be offering a season ticket package, that is attractive. Include the two sectional league cup home, offers on hospitality, a voucher to be used at pie stall. If fans aren't locked in with season tickets, they will end up sitting in the house when it's cold, wet or the season is not going well.

Once fans find something else to occupy their Saturday habit, they won't be rushing back.

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 I'm sorry but the 'they defend our country' claim is just a load of tosh. It's a false claim and propaganda statement manufactured by the government to justify the bombing countries abroad to shift the focus on real issues happening here. Nobody is forcing people to 'work' for the army, therefore they should be required to pay the same as the rest of us. Having said that, I know many ex-servicemen who would actually rather pay the full price. The club should scrap this.



You know many ex-servicemen who would rather pay £13 per game other than £25 per season? Bullshit! I doubt there's even loads of servicemen who follow East Fife! I'm fairness it wouldn't bother me if it was scrapped as after all it was a publicity stunt from that p***k Lee Murray to get brownie points from his Rangers pals.



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Agree with most of the above. I don't think raising the full match day ticket price to £15 is too bad. It's broadly in line with other teams in our league, hasn't increased in a few years and as someone said, if you went to every game, it is just a £1 a week increase or £18 over the year. £18 doesn't get you very far these days.

i think the hike in season ticket and concession prices is a mistake. It is ludicrous that soldiers can get in for little more than a quid a game but someone taking kids to the game is facing big increases. You go around every lower league club and 90%+ of supporters started going to games as a kid, usually taken along by an adult. If you don't encourage that, you'll lose out on the next generation of supporters.

We should absolutely ditch the soldiers discount. It's embarrassing. It was completely a big Lee Murray 'look how much of a massive Rangers fan I am' vanity project. Whatever you think of the military, there are plenty of other professions out there who provide just as important or even more important jobs - should doctors, nurses, teachers, police, fire service all get discounts.

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1 hour ago, StanDrew said:

An excellent post but there's a part where you say
'The cost of running the club must be increasing '

This cost will be decreasing as the club will soon have no pitch maintenance & the club is also hooked up to a renewable energy scheme which cuts its overheads.
You hit the nail on the head when you spoke about the poor communication from the club

You are right in the fact there will be less pitch maintainenece required once the AstroTurf pitch goes down. They won't have to buy grass seed and paint for the pitch markings but in terms of the pitch maintainence, was this not done by unpaid volunteers so the savings will not be substantial. They may have initial purchase of the equipment required to brush the AstroTurf to regenerate the rubber crumb. Savings will be made on training facilities if the Club use Bayview for training although this may deter some players especially from the west signing for the Club. 

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Can only agree re: concessions. I rarely go to home games but often go to away games, Queens Park concessions are £2 which for a student is incredible value. If they had increased the adult tickets but made cuts to the concessions then I'd be all for it. The younger the average age of the gate is the better for the future of the club.

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A 15% increase on the adult pay at the gate price is not unreasonable and despite a few protests on here there will probably be a minimal effect on the crowd at a game this season and next season if all other things are equal.

What needs some explanation is an increase of 35% and 44% respectively on the adult and concession season tickets.

Brucelee wrote about the increase in adult + child tickets which is actually 37%. This is surely one group which needs encouraged not discouraged. If the increase in adult tickets had been promoted as subsidising a freeze in family tickets it would have been more palatable.

As with pay at the gate there will probably not be any significant fall in the number of sales but will maybe leave season ticket buyers with a bit of a sour taste.

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We can expect a statement in relation to the club's admission prices for next season, which incidentally are the first increases since 2008.

In response to the comments about the communication from club to supporters, I agree that continuous improvement should always be a priority but where we are now compared to where we were a decade ago is deserving of acknowledgement:

Social Media:

Match previews

Live matchday updates

Match highlights with commentary (most Championship clubs and some Premiership clubs do not provide this)

Commentary for visually impaired supporters

Televised post match interviews

On this day features

Thursday Teaser

Updates on new signings

Our match programme has been awarded the SPFL1 programme of the year once again


In short. We are getting a lot right, any suggestions about how we can improve are welcome... 

Edited by Angusfifer
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25 minutes ago, King Kebab said:


Angus, check your PM's!!!


Oops. A timely reminder to add to the above list from KK:

Recognising the contribution of former players of the club and inviting them as guests. I think upwards of 50 ex-Fifers have been made welcome in re-unions of some shape or form in recent years...

Edited by Angusfifer
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39 minutes ago, Angusfifer said:

We can expect a statement in relation to the club's admission prices for next season, which incidentally are the first increases since 2008.

In response to the comments about the communication from club to supporters, I agree that continuous improvement should always be a priority but where we are now compared to where we were a decade ago is deserving of acknowledgement:

Social Media:

Match previews

Live matchday updates

Match highlights with commentary (most Championship clubs and some Premiership clubs do not provide this)

Commentary for visually impaired supporters

Televised post match interviews

On this day features

Thursday Teaser

Updates on new signings

Our match programme has been awarded the SPFL1 programme of the year once again


In short. We are getting a lot right, any suggestions about how we can improve are welcome... 

I totally  agree that the differing forms of communication  used by the volunteers  on behalf of the club are first class and should be recognised as such. Surely any statement should have come out alongside the proposed  15% to 44% price increases, not as an afterthought.

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1 minute ago, Mon_The_Fife said:

The social media run by the supporters is a fantastic service and everyone should be commended for it. Angus, would filming games live for exiles ever happen or does the SPFL have some rule against it?


RaithTV Live is our matchday video (outside the UK and Ireland) and audio streaming service.


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