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Worst Ever Sitcom

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Loads of good shouts on here especially Mrs. Brown's Boys which is truly unfunny.

A lot of the others I wouldn't go out of my way to watch but wouldn't care too much if they were on, Big Bang, According To Jim and a few other American bland 'comedies' for example, the same goes for Miranda, Bad Education etc. from Britain but the thread title is your "worst ever sitcom".

There can be only one.

Waiting For God.

The biggest pile of unfunny shite. Ever.

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That episode of Mrs Brown's Boys where she finds a jar of 'acid pills' (?) in someone's jacket and ends up mistaking them for her medication in what would normally be a catastrophic mix-up - cue wacky costumes, leaping about, general hilarity etc...personally I'd have thought a pensioner who took a load of LSD would have been sitting terrified in a corner thinking the world was coming to an end but hey, there you go

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  • 2 weeks later...

After watching Badults and how fcuking woeful it is (even getting a 2nd series!) I feel tempted to suggest an "office style" version of a construction job........I know we've had auf verdersan pet (sp) but that was 30years ago!

Anyone that's ever worked on a site could tell you numerous stories about people they've worked with.......I know I have! :P

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don't know if it has been mentioned before

but I nominate 'The Upper Hand' about an ex footballer turned house keeper

it was pure shit that went on for years and years in the 90s :yucky

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After watching Badults and how fcuking woeful it is (even getting a 2nd series!) I feel tempted to suggest an "office style" version of a construction job........I know we've had auf verdersan pet (sp) but that was 30years ago!

Anyone that's ever worked on a site could tell you numerous stories about people they've worked with.......I know I have! :P

You know it would work, some of the people I've worked with on sites were genuinely unstable, and could pass as a character on a sitcom

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You know it would work, some of the people I've worked with on sites were genuinely unstable, and could pass as a character on a sitcom

Definitely.......through in the business/corporate bullshit speak from the management & we've got a winner!

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There are a good few which I absolutely hate. I actually quite enjoy some that have been mentioned. Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother etc...

If I had to pick some that I hate.... Friends, Mrs Browns Boys, Two and a Half Men, Anger Management (anything with Charlie Sheen tbh), Citizen Khan, Miranda to name a few.

Although right now the absolute worst is Dads. It was being shown on ITV2 for a while. I'm not sure if it has been mentioned here, I hope I'm not the only person that has had to suffer through one of those episodes. It is just total unfunny shite and I can imagine that it is quite offensive to a few people. Pretty sure it hasn't been commissioned for a second season. Thank the lord for that.

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Aye Dads was pretty poor - which was a shame as the first episode seemed quite decent. A bit racist and you knew they were struggling when the fourth or fifth episode revolved around the main characters getting high with *hilarious* consequences.

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