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Worst Ever Sitcom

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Sitting with a few Staropramen watching late night telly and posting away here, arguing about the merits of the Irish League and PM'ing a few pals.

It has happened again!!!! I took my eye off the ball and The Wright Way is on again. It truly is gash!

Who writes this shite?

Even the canned laughter isn't laughing.

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Sitting with a few Staropramen watching late night telly and posting away here, arguing about the merits of the Irish League and PM'ing a few pals.

It has happened again!!!! I took my eye off the ball and The Wright Way is on again. It truly is gash!

Who writes this shite?

Even the canned laughter isn't laughing.

I sadly caught a bit of this last night whilst flicking through the channels. Utter, utter, utter, utter, utter, utter pish.

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So bad I've never even heard of it, but surely it can't be worse than "Heil Honey, I'm Home"?

That is just not possible........

I watched about 2 mins and had to give up. That programme makes every single other one listed here look more than half-decent in comparison

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Some good shouts in this thread.

Ever Decreasing Circles, Solo and Butterflies are particularly deserving of consideration for the title.

The clear winner however is Mrs Brown's Boys, the very worst TV programme in the history of the medium.

By the way, I know it's not often said in these parts, but I actually really like Miranda - it's original, daft and funny.

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Forgot about two Jim Davidson 'vehicles' starring the afore mentioned BEAST as cheeky cockney wide-o Jim London(!)

Up the elephant and round the castle

and spin off

Home James.

Both Itv shite, as bad as you would expect. Also agree with only fools and horses. I could never see why it was held in such high regard.

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There's a difference between not liking something and rating it worse than any sitcom you've ever seen surely?

Shows like Big Bang Theory (which got the most award nominations at a recent big TV Award show in the US) might not be everyone's cup of tea, but you can't say it's the worst and mean it.

Personally I love it. Out of all the sitcoms I watch regularly (BBT, How I Met Your Mother, Modern Family, Parks & Rec, Happy Endings and Community) it's by some margin the most consistent.

How I Met Your Mother has turned to shit but was in its prime exceptional.

To me, the hands down winner - and it's only been mentioned once in this thread as far as I can see - is Coming of Age. It's so bad. So, so bad.

I wrote a piece on how bad it was a couple of years ago - http://stuartreviewsstuff.wordpress.com/2011/03/03/the-worst-tv-show-you-will-ever-see/

It's not my best piece as I wrote it while watching, but it gives you all the "jokes" from it

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There's a difference between not liking something and rating it worse than any sitcom you've ever seen surely?

Shows like Big Bang Theory (which got the most award nominations at a recent big TV Award show in the US) might not be everyone's cup of tea, but you can't say it's the worst and mean it.

Personally I love it. Out of all the sitcoms I watch regularly (BBT, How I Met Your Mother, Modern Family, Parks & Rec, Happy Endings and Community) it's by some margin the most consistent.

How I Met Your Mother has turned to shit but was in its prime exceptional.

To me, the hands down winner - and it's only been mentioned once in this thread as far as I can see - is Coming of Age. It's so bad. So, so bad.

I wrote a piece on how bad it was a couple of years ago - http://stuartreviewsstuff.wordpress.com/2011/03/03/the-worst-tv-show-you-will-ever-see/

It's not my best piece as I wrote it while watching, but it gives you all the "jokes" from it

Awards, and indeed lack of, mean nothing to an opinion. Well that's certainly true for me. If I think something is shit, then no number of awards is going to change that. Likewise if I like something, no amount of it being trashed will change that. Personally I despise The Big Bang Theory and would certainly rate it as one of the worst.

This isn't a 'I like or dislike things because they are or are not popular' type of pish that so many internet fannies peddle. For example I really like How I Met Your Mother. I think it's quality, even the newer episodes.

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Awards, and indeed lack of, mean nothing to an opinion. Well that's certainly true for me. If I think something is shit, then no number of awards is going to change that. Likewise if I like something, no amount of it being trashed will change that. Personally I despise The Big Bang Theory and would certainly rate it as one of the worst.

This isn't a 'I like or dislike things because they are or are not popular' type of pish that so many internet fannies peddle. For example I really like How I Met Your Mother. I think it's quality, even the newer episodes.

It's better to say "I dislike" something if you don't like it because that's a valid opinion to have. But it's just silly season to look at a show like BBT and say it's a contender for worst sitcom ever shown on TV if you want to try to de-construct what makes a good or bad comedy.

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It's better to say "I dislike" something if you don't like it because that's a valid opinion to have. But it's just silly season to look at a show like BBT and say it's a contender for worst sitcom ever shown on TV if you want to try to de-construct what makes a good or bad comedy.

Can't agree at all. By this logic, shite like Westlife are brilliant.

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