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Reasons to be Cheerful

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Your bank will have a PPI claims section. Tell them you have have concerns about loans/credit cards you had and they'll send you the forms. You'll need to do a bit of digging and get account numbers but once you get it all they seem to just throw money at you to go away.

Don't go with any of these companies that do it for you and take half your cash

PPI might soon be finished as maybe most folk with a claim will have done so.

There is a new kid on the block though. I heard the other day there that back in the day a few years back, when I had a fair few quid in the bank, they upgraded my account to gold level, then platinum level (think it was just the colour of the cards and the credit limit available) without me asking them to do it. Apparently I had to pay a fee every month for the privilege. It never bothered me at the time but it is now said that the upgrade was miss sold. Seemingly I can now claim back all the fees that I paid over the years. Don't know how much it could be but might as well give it a go seeing as I never got any PPI due to a small error in judgement.

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I bet Mrs M deliberately placed the curry sauce so Adam would get it all over his jacket. And then she'll say that the dry cleaner couldn't get the stain out so she gave it to charity

I wasn't even there! He's just a clumsy sod.

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Aye, alright. :lol:

Their first album is a true thing of beauty, an absolute classic. One of my top ten albums I think. Room on Fire was a bit meh, First Impressions of Earth even more so. Any of their new stuff has been pretty shite tbh.

Unless they plan on playing the decent, early stuff, I wouldn't bother.

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Their first album is a true thing of beauty, an absolute classic. One of my top ten albums I think. Room on Fire was a bit meh, First Impressions of Earth even more so. Any of their new stuff has been pretty shite tbh.

Unless they plan on playing the decent, early stuff, I wouldn't bother.

Their last album was awful, but that's only because they didn't want to stick with their record label; so in a true GIRUY fashion they just didn't bother trying.

I'd say their albums before their last are all great; you mention This Is It which is probably the best debut album I've ever heard, however Room on Fire and FIOE have a few cracking songs on them, they just didn't flow as well as Is This It. Angles get's a bit of a bad rep but I don't know why, it's a tad experimental but it has its moments.

I just want them to write a new album. :(

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After realising that I was slowly becoming a fat b*****d I decided to go on a diet last Monday. Weighed myself and was 12st 6lb. Have eaten healthily all week and weighed myself tonight and I've lost 5lb in a week.

My wife is fucking raging :D

I always try and eat healthily plus exercise loads now I'm older, just feel better for it all round. I genuinely don't know how I've never been a huge fat b*****d before however. Was a programme on about child obesity the other day and I watched it thinking to myself they were hardly eating anything. :lol:

In secondary school my diet would consist of;

Biscuits for breakfast. Chocolate digestives.

Break I would have: a pound mixture/chocolate bar/can of cream soda/bag of mccoys

Lunch: one of a half battered pizza supper/chips and cheese/bridie/pie. Another bag of mccoys, more sweets and a can of full fat juice.

Tea: something out the freezer like pizza and chips/fish and chips/chicken nuggets and chips.

Snacks consisted of sweets, biscuits and crisps.

I must of done that for a good 2-3 year in secondary, as did my mates, none of us were ever fat and the only exercise we really done was football training 2 nights a week and a game at the weekend. Thankfully I stopped eating so much shite when I wanted rid of spots etc as I had taken a more keen interest in girls.

If I ate like that nowadays I can't even imagine just how fat I would get and how quickly it would happen. :lol:

Well done on the weight loss though. :P

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I always try and eat healthily plus exercise loads now I'm older, just feel better for it all round. I genuinely don't know how I've never been a huge fat b*****d before however. Was a programme on about child obesity the other day and I watched it thinking to myself they were hardly eating anything. :lol:

In secondary school my diet would consist of;

Biscuits for breakfast. Chocolate digestives.

Break I would have: a pound mixture/chocolate bar/can of cream soda/bag of mccoys

Lunch: one of a half battered pizza supper/chips and cheese/bridie/pie. Another bag of mccoys, more sweets and a can of full fat juice.

Tea: something out the freezer like pizza and chips/fish and chips/chicken nuggets and chips.

Snacks consisted of sweets, biscuits and crisps.

I must of done that for a good 2-3 year in secondary, as did my mates, none of us were ever fat and the only exercise we really done was football training 2 nights a week and a game at the weekend. Thankfully I stopped eating so much shite when I wanted rid of spots etc as I had taken a more keen interest in girls.

If I ate like that nowadays I can't even imagine just how fat I would get and how quickly it would happen. :lol:

Well done on the weight loss though. :P

I don't think I've ever eaten that amount of shite, even when i'm hungover.

Edited by Bobby Skidmarks
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I don't think I've ever eaten that amount of shite, even when i'm hungover.

It truly is shocking looking back. Today I've had 2 apples, a tin of vegetable soup and a small bowl of quorn mince and veg. That's the norm these days...

I wish I could still get away with it. :(

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Blimey Lichters, how you didn't vomit in class or develop diabetes I have no idea!

It is mental the volume of junk and just food in general you can put away in your youth. Keep up the exercise though. A while for you yet but wait until you get to 30. That's when it's starts getting harder to lose or control your weight. Lot of hard work and discipline needed. Or heroin.

One of my mates still eats like that, he gets paid £50 a week plus bonuses to play football. I have no idea how he manages to keep so fit and thin when he is regularly throwing back the crisps and Donner pizzas.

I hope he turns into a right fat b*****d when he's older. :P

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I have always struggled with my weight, it goes up, down up down etc.

Lost a bomb last year, then put it all back on slowly, trying to lose it again now.

My big problem is drunken eating. I eat too much shit when drunk. And I ain't giving up my drink

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Went out a run this afternoon, expected to struggle but managed a slow paced 5k with absolutely no problem and could have kept going if I had the time. Happy my fitness isn't as bad as I thought it was.

^^^^ rubbing 1320Lichtie's nose in it
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^^^^ rubbing 1320Lichtie's nose in it

Haha my fitness is very good. I'd manage 5k no bother. I've never been a fat b*****d even with eating shite when younger. I was actually skinnier when I was younger and doing that. My weights perfect just now.

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After realising that I was slowly becoming a fat b*****d I decided to go on a diet last Monday. Weighed myself and was 12st 6lb. Have eaten healthily all week and weighed myself tonight and I've lost 5lb in a week.

My wife is fucking raging :D

How's that even possible without walking 10 miles every day on a 1000 calorie per day diet? :huh:

I've noticed that I can lose 3lb within 30 secs using electronic scales btw. Not just a problem with mine I've noticed.

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