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Reasons to be Cheerful

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Not eating shite :P

Cutting out bread has been a big help. I've started alternating between weetabix and fruit and yoghurt for breakfast. Lunch I've been eating ryvitas and houmous and then making sure dinner is something healthy. I've turned into one of these twats that checks the amount of calories in everything on my My Fitness Pal app.

That app is good too as you know roughly what you've eaten calorie wise and how many you have left for the day.

Been trying to exercise too.

Its amazing how much the weight falls off from just cutting out certain things. I never had a problem with my weight or wasn't conscious about it or what i ate but about a year ago i ended up getting fat, it was a combination of adjusting to student life as i was always out working and fit and active and eating and drinking shite - i had gone from something like 10:10 to 12:9 within a year! I was actually pretty disgusted in myself but when i figured out what i needed to cut out it was pretty easy - before i would start most days with 2 or 3 slices of toast with butter then if i went to college i would more than likely consume a red bull before i started class then probably eat something with chips for lunch or have a bread roll and often eat crisps as we'll then when i would go home i would have dinner with either rice or chips, most often chips sadly. And often have wine and beer

From cutting out bread red bull chips crisps and all other general shit and eating eggs for breakfast, salad with lunch and things like rivita for snacks like you said i was down to about 11:10 within 2 weeks and i have been about that mark ever since from just eating well, don't exercise as much as i should probably but its a good feeling not being fat!

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I had a job interview 10 days ago. They offered me the job there and then. We had a chat about references and the PVG and she told me that these things normally take about 4 weeks and she'd be in touch. My disclosure came in this morning, my references are in, my registration with the NMC is live. Just one more week to go and I can finally start work and the last five years will have meant something!

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My wife is feeling much better after operation last week :thumsup2

I still get the bed to myself as well ^_^

Glad to hear that she's on the mend keith. My wife had major surgery on her foot a year and a half ago, had her tendons re-aligned and her arch rebuilt. Enjoy the butler duties mate, it'll keep you fit!!

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So what is the cause?

Not sure yet. Still awaiting liver/kidney function results but my red cell counts et al are all within range......it surely can't just be down to giving up crisps & chocolate can it?

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