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The Last of Us


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On phone so can't set a spoiler tag. I ditched the game in January after being stuck in one part thinking I had to do more than I had to do. Figured it out in a drunken haze last weekend and haven't looked back.

All I'll say to budding players is look around you.

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Just picked up a copy the other day and gave it a go last night. Only played about an hour but it is really decent so far. I had thought it might have been a bit more open world (but that might just be the start?) and a bit more of a Fallout type feel to it but it has been good so far.

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Just picked up a copy the other day and gave it a go last night. Only played about an hour but it is really decent so far. I had thought it might have been a bit more open world (but that might just be the start?) and a bit more of a Fallout type feel to it but it has been good so far.

It opens up a little later. You're too engrossed to notice though!

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Just picked up a copy the other day and gave it a go last night. Only played about an hour but it is really decent so far. I had thought it might have been a bit more open world (but that might just be the start?) and a bit more of a Fallout type feel to it but it has been good so far.

For the main part, even though it's really pretty to look at, it's a very linear game. There isn't anywhere near the level of exploration in an open world like Fallout or Skyrim, but that doesn't detract from it in any way.

It's no less a game than Fallout or Skyrim (my two favourite games, btw) for that, but open world it's not.

It's still a fucking incredible piece of work.

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I hadn't quite got into the game much when I first got it, but got a bit of time to play yesterday, and got into it a bit more. Still to be totally gripped by it like I thought I'd be though.

Have you made the jump to PS4 as well?

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I'm guessing it's a short affair. Is there extra missions on the ps4 edition

I'd say about 10-12 hours which is really not that bad for a game nowadays, there is extra content called left behind which was dlc for the ps3 that is included, make sure to play that too.
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It would be a very very harsh person to call TLOU a short affair. Especially considering it's a linear game. I can't off the top of my head think what other linear game comes close to matching it for length.

I suppose it all depends on the type of player you are. I enjoy the stealth aspect of games and like to scout and plan what I'm going to do. I also go into every room and search for crafting material. And in this particular game I find myself stopping to look at the scenery! I can see some people shaving an hour or two off the length if they don't hunt for materials as thoroughly and if they just go into 'battles' all guns blazing.

I just purchased this today for PS4. I rarely play a game through twice never mind BUY a game twice! This really is a masterpiece though and it deserved to be given a stronger console to show it's beauty. I've been dead impressed so far. I've only just left Tess and headed off with Ellie, but the movement and graphics are easily the biggest things to receive improvement. I've got to that stage after 3hours (3mins) FWIW. Still a long way to go from what I recall. Will need to call it a night for now though and will likely wire through a good 5/6 hours tomorrow night when the Mrs goes to work :-)

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