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The Star Wars thread (includes spoilers for IX)

Quentin Taranbino

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Just back from seeing it, I thought it was alright. It definitely wasn't as bad as the prequels.

I was mainly annoyed at the how the movie seemed to drag on after that throne scene. The throne scene was easily one of the best parts to the new movies so far and I quite surprised with what happened in it. Though I feel they should have ended the film just after that scene.  


Also that Leia scene was just odd and made me cringe more than anything. While the appearance of a certain character was surprising, but the design looked weird and almost hilarious (my phone doesn't like the spoiler tag so not going to go into any detail about it). 


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I don't remember folk crying about the laughs in The Force Awakens. Seems like a bandwagon has picked a few folk up..

FWIW, I said the same about TFA. Though there didn't seem to be as many instances in that and they at least seemed in the right places. This one started out that way, in the opening scenes, which I thought set the wrong tone for the whole movie.

Plus, as above, I don't like Poe, which didn't help.

Just my opinion, I know folk will disagree, I'm not trying to convince anyone.
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Just home from watching with the boy. It was good but I am undecided where to rank it. Too many loose ends leave me feeling frustrated. What was the fucking point of Snoke? Didn't like Poe in TFA but thought he was much better here. Adam Driver totally deserves all the plaudits. Leia=WTF, Holdo also a pointless character, Benecio could be good if he's lined up for IX. Would like to see Anakin in the next one bringing balance to Rey/Kylo



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are people putting RotJ above Rogue One? Return of the Jedi was fucking rotten, from the piss poor way they tied up the jabba storyline to they fucking stupid ewoks taking out helmeted stormtroopers with sticks and rocks and C-3PO being a fucking god, the saving grace for RotJ was the space battles and the lightsaber fight scene, but nowhere near as good as Rogue One imo


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For me it's got to be 



A New Hope


Rogue One




Clones / TPM


Really didnt like The Last Jedi. For me, far too many plot holes, stupid unnecessary scenes and characters. The story was all over the place.  I also felt Luke was badly written.

Two or three totally wasted characters. Some really cringe moments. The comedy in TFA worked better as, imo, they were more in keeping with the originals and timing was better. 

Then there's the Leia scene...oooft.

Saying all that, the action scenes are really good. The space battles are great. That hyperdrive scene was amazing. A great visual movie.

All in all i think this is a total Marmite film that left me frustrated. I now care less about the main characters and not really looking forward to the next one.

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30 minutes ago, DublinMagyar said:

Just home from watching with the boy. It was good but I am undecided where to rank it. Too many loose ends leave me feeling frustrated. What was the fucking point of Snoke? Didn't like Poe in TFA but thought he was much better here. Adam Driver totally deserves all the plaudits. Leia=WTF, Holdo also a pointless character, Benecio could be good if he's lined up for IX. Would like to see Anakin in the next one bringing balance to Rey/Kylo



Anakin's dead

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11 minutes ago, 54_and_counting said:

are people putting RotJ above Rogue One? Return of the Jedi was fucking rotten, from the piss poor way they tied up the jabba storyline to they fucking stupid ewoks taking out helmeted stormtroopers with sticks and rocks and C-3PO being a fucking god, the saving grace for RotJ was the space battles and the lightsaber fight scene, but nowhere near as good as Rogue One imo


I put ROTJ above Rogue one mainly because i loved the scenes with Luke, Vader and Palpatine. The lightsaber fights and the Force stuff is where its at for me. Its the final battle and the peak of the Anakin / Vader struggle and where we see Luke finally become the Jedi Master.

Rogue One, while a really good film, dosent really need to exist. But yes, its much much better than the new films and the prequels.

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Also, it’s pretty much a throwaway line, and a minor spoiler so don’t read if you haven’t seen it yet.....(can’t put spoilers on my phone I don’t think)

Minor spoiler..........

Admiral Ackbar! [emoji22]

End of minor spoiler.

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45 minutes ago, DublinMagyar said:
1 hour ago, DA Baracus said:
Anakin's dead

And why would that stop him?

What purpose would it serve? Why would Anakin help Kylo anyway, unless it was to convince him to turn to the light? Anakin died a good guy.

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2 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

Talking of wanky moron theories, the following did not happen and never were going to happen;

- Snoke being Palpatine

- Snoke being Anakin

- Snoke being Rey's dad

- Obi Wan being Rey's dad

Im not convinced that kylo ren was being truthful to rey about her parents, but yeah the theories above were very general and pretty pish, the best one i liked was snoke being mace windu, obviously a lot of shite but a good left field suggestion to discuss

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I loved it. I can appreciate some of the criticism it's getting but to say the prequels were better is absolute pish (and I'm someone who enjoys the prequels more than most). Personally this was exactly what I was hoping for after TFA. I didn't want

Luke to die

walking in but walking out I felt it was absolutely perfect. An iconic scene that will go down as one of my favourites of the entire Star Wars series.

I love George Lucas for creating SW, but anyone that thinks he'd have done a better job than JJ and Rian Johnson have done so far at a sequel trilogy is stuck in the 80s.

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Saw it today and really enjoyed it.

It didn't really feel like a film in itself though, more like a TV series. Obviously it's the middle of a trilogy but, The Empire Strikes Back and the Two Towers in LOTR both stand up as individual films far better than this.

I think a lot of that was the fault of The Force Awakens though. It did a good job introducing new characters but then went off and did another blow up the Death Star story line which left this film a hell of a lot of work to do in story telling terms.

Having said that, I didn't like Rey at all in the last film and wasn't sure on Kylo Ren but both were simply superb this time round.

I thought the opening space battle was potentially the best in any of the Star Wars films, just in how it was shot more than anything. Really keen to see it again for comparison.

As mentioned there were some simply horrid moments (Leia scene and lightsaber over the shoulder) but they certainly didn't ruin the film for me.

One odd thing. When Captain Phasma seemed to (quite clearly) knock Finn off a ledge he then seemed to rise back up as though on a floating platform or something but it never zoomed out to show you. I know the ship was falling apart at that point but it seemed both unnatural and unexplained unless I missed something.

Edited by Jaggy Snake
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