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The Star Wars thread (includes spoilers for IX)

Quentin Taranbino

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Thought it was great tbh. Some bits fell utterly flat but it was good to see Johnson taking a lot of risks and it was natural not everything would work. When big Adam said "let the past go, kill it if you must" it was as blatant a shot at a section of the audience as anything you'll see.

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So did "Ghost" Yoda put the Jedi books/sacred texts in Rey's drawer on the Falcon or did she pinch them just before she fucked off from Craggy Island???

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5 hours ago, King Kebab said:

So did "Ghost" Yoda put the Jedi books/sacred texts in Rey's drawer on the Falcon or did she pinch them just before she fucked off from Craggy Island???

My guess is yoda did it, he'll have wanted rey to have some form of training but knew that luke had to believe the old jedi ways were consigned to history and supposedly burning the books will have done that 

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A day later and the more I'm convinced I love it. It captured the futility of the rebellion and it was especially satisfying to watch the heroes plans get foiled and actively worsen the situation for everyone which I never really felt existed in the same way in the originals or TFA. Another thing I enjoyed was the way Driver suggested that Snoke had suddenly gained his powers and  just attempted to copy the Empire before him and it played well with the caricature that the First Order feel like. With the comedy I can understand the criticisms but I think it was necessary for what was quite a somber film which was heavy on the futility  and insignificance of the players. The franchise is in really good hands and I'm looking forward to Rian's trilogy. At the very least it'll at least be gorgeous to look at (seriously Snoke's chamber was just brilliantly designed) and explore themes in a more satisfying way than I think other major blockbuster series like Avengers fails to do.

Edited by NotThePars
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Luke is the Obi Wan sacrifice.  He is coming back.  He will be the 'Rey, use the force' voice.


At the end of the next film with the Kylo Ren funeral pyre you will see Rey looking affectionately at force ghosts of:

Anakin Skywalker (both Hayden and original Sebastian Shaw ghosts to fcuk with you)

Yoda (Both CGI and Puppet)

Luke Skywalker

Obi Wan Kenobi (Alec Guiness, Ewen McGregor and whichever actor will play him in the Stand Alone)

Qui-gon Jinn (Who apparently taught Yoda and Obi Wan how to become Force Ghosts) but that was never brought up again.


Going to be crowded.


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Thought it was OK, some decent and some bad parts.

The space battle at the start was great but General Hux quickly lost any credibility. Tarkin he ain't. The Leia superman seen was awful and Ackbar should have had the heroic death given to that other random leader. The shot of star destroyers being ripped to pieces by the rebel ship was stunning.

Most of the scenes involving Luke, Rey or Ren were all great. Although Luke and Ren went on for too long on the island and there was too many lame jokes during those scenes - Luke throwing away the lightsaber, the caretakers, milking that creature. The porgs were fine.

The whole casino sub-plot was awful. I was expecting something like the catania scene or jabba's Palace instead it was populated largely by humans. The lack of other alien species in these films has been disappointing. Fin and Rose are crap characters and Captain Phasam was pointless.

The throne scene with Snoke was great but surprised he was killed off so quickly.

Repeating so much of the original trilogy is disappointing - training Rey, Rey and Ren trying to turn each other to their side, the ice planet etc. It also makes the original trilogy largely pointless they killed the Emperor only to quickly end up as rebels against the First Order.

The whole spark to ignite the rebellion stuff as well surely that would have made more sense at the end of TFA after they blew up Starkiller base? Not when they've just had their arse handed to them and there is barely any of them left.

There film is far too long as well. Get rid of the casino scenes and trim down the island scenes. It's too long for a kids film.

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6 hours ago, Jack Burton said:

Thought it was OK, some decent and some bad parts.

The space battle at the start was great but General Hux quickly lost any credibility. Tarkin he ain't. The Leia superman seen was awful and Ackbar should have had the heroic death given to that other random leader. The shot of star destroyers being ripped to pieces by the rebel ship was stunning.

Most of the scenes involving Luke, Rey or Ren were all great. Although Luke and Ren went on for too long on the island and there was too many lame jokes during those scenes - Luke throwing away the lightsaber, the caretakers, milking that creature. The porgs were fine.

The whole casino sub-plot was awful. I was expecting something like the catania scene or jabba's Palace instead it was populated largely by humans. The lack of other alien species in these films has been disappointing. Fin and Rose are crap characters and Captain Phasam was pointless.

The throne scene with Snoke was great but surprised he was killed off so quickly.

Repeating so much of the original trilogy is disappointing - training Rey, Rey and Ren trying to turn each other to their side, the ice planet etc. It also makes the original trilogy largely pointless they killed the Emperor only to quickly end up as rebels against the First Order.

The whole spark to ignite the rebellion stuff as well surely that would have made more sense at the end of TFA after they blew up Starkiller base? Not when they've just had their arse handed to them and there is barely any of them left.

There film is far too long as well. Get rid of the casino scenes and trim down the island scenes. It's too long for a kids film.

Tbf the last jedi is set pretty much right after the force awakens, so the spark to ignite the rebellion could still be classed as beginning with the starkiller base destruction 

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Rogue One is probably my favourite Star Wars film since the original trilogy. Is there something wrong with me there? It seems to be dismissed a lot.

Its my favourite of all of them, behind Empire. I thought it was a fantastic film.
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9 hours ago, Jack Burton said:

Thought it was OK, some decent and some bad parts.

The space battle at the start was great but General Hux quickly lost any credibility. Tarkin he ain't. The Leia superman seen was awful and Ackbar should have had the heroic death given to that other random leader. The shot of star destroyers being ripped to pieces by the rebel ship was stunning.

Most of the scenes involving Luke, Rey or Ren were all great. Although Luke and Ren went on for too long on the island and there was too many lame jokes during those scenes - Luke throwing away the lightsaber, the caretakers, milking that creature. The porgs were fine.

The whole casino sub-plot was awful. I was expecting something like the catania scene or jabba's Palace instead it was populated largely by humans. The lack of other alien species in these films has been disappointing. Fin and Rose are crap characters and Captain Phasam was pointless.

The throne scene with Snoke was great but surprised he was killed off so quickly.

Repeating so much of the original trilogy is disappointing - training Rey, Rey and Ren trying to turn each other to their side, the ice planet etc. It also makes the original trilogy largely pointless they killed the Emperor only to quickly end up as rebels against the First Order.

The whole spark to ignite the rebellion stuff as well surely that would have made more sense at the end of TFA after they blew up Starkiller base? Not when they've just had their arse handed to them and there is barely any of them left.

There film is far too long as well. Get rid of the casino scenes and trim down the island scenes. It's too long for a kids film.

The milking scene is a call back to the milk Luke drinks on tattooine in A New Hope. I agree that Ackbar should maybe have had the grand death but that scene was still spectacular. The Finn and Rose storyline at the casino had to happen to further Poe's character. It was a mistake he had to make to make himself aware of his shortcomings as a leader, something I think will be explored more in the next film. One of the big gripes I'm hearing from people is the lack of significant parentage for Rey...personally I'm glad her parents were nobodies as it moves the Star Wars story away from the old "it's just one family's domestic argument" plus Anakin came from a line of slaves. As for the Leia scene, I do remember squirming slightly when watching it...thought it would have been more poignant if Kylo Ren had seen her dying in space and used his own powers to guide her to safety which would have shown the internal struggle he's facing. All in all I was really impressed with the movie and my standout character was DJ the thief and codebreaker. Really infectious character and I genuinely felt shocked when he betrayed them....still think there's more to come from him...might be wishful thinking though.

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2 hours ago, Ludo*1 said:

Rogue One is probably my favourite Star Wars film since the original trilogy. Is there something wrong with me there? It seems to be dismissed a lot.


1 hour ago, gaz5 said:


Its my favourite of all of them, behind Empire. I thought it was a fantastic film.


I liked it a lot, thought it showed the desperation of the rebels to deal with the death star and getting the plans, the fact that they all died to get the plans, the vader scene at the end when the guy passed the plans through the door knowing he was surely going to die

Sounds a bit morbid but i like the fact that while in the end they were successful, the cost to the rebels was enormous, same for the last jedi and the devastating losses they suffered, sounds daft but its good to see the good guys take an absolute pasting from the bigger, stronger bad guys, yeah we know they'll win in the end but suffering losses makes it feel more realistic


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Tbf the last jedi is set pretty much right after the force awakens, so the spark to ignite the rebellion could still be classed as beginning with the starkiller base destruction 

That's a fair point.

I do think it would have been better to make the First Order and Resistance/ Galactic Senate more evenly matched. From what I remember, the Thrawn trilogy is more along those lines. Rather than retreading the same plot as the original trilogy.
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So Finn and rose had to go all that way to find the ‘master code breaker’ yet by coincidence some random jake ball in a prison cell could do the same job? Not only that, he was hanging around in a jail cell he could escape from on a whim. That whole storyline was reeking of shit imo.

The leia bit was pish too and some of the ‘comedy’ scenes like Luke casually tossing the lightsaber away and the sad eye creatures with chewie were cringey.

Why did the shuttles not try any sort of evasive manoeuvres as they were being swatted down like flies? Just keep ploughing on in a straight line to make it nice and easy to be shot down [emoji90]

Didn’t really get the significance of the hundred Reys in the cave part and i didn’t think Ren’s story about her parents being nobodies is necessarily true.

Despite all this I did enjoy it overall. The throne room scene was quality and luke, Rey, Ren were all good. There was a feeling of having seen it all before though due to the close parallels to the originals. The last planet was basically just Hoth, the whole master / trainee with Luke and Rey, the Snoke & Ren relationship mirroring Vader & Palpatine, even Rey in the cave was just like Luke’s swamp vision in Empire. Enjoyable sure but original definitely not.

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The milking scene is a call back to the milk Luke drinks on tattooine in A New Hope. I agree that Ackbar should maybe have had the grand death but that scene was still spectacular. The Finn and Rose storyline at the casino had to happen to further Poe's character. It was a mistake he had to make to make himself aware of his shortcomings as a leader, something I think will be explored more in the next film.

They could have just had the blue milk on the table like Rogue One. Poe makes a mistake in the opening of the film by refusing to listen Leia's orders and getting the bombers and x-wings wiped out taking out the dreadnought.

How did the First Order find out about the rebel escape plan? I'm sure that they learn from Del Toro's character? How does he know? Leia didn't even tell Poe. Would have to watch that bit again.

I would agree with some of the other comments that Rogue One was the best Disney Star Wars film. Partly because it was original and didn't cover the same plot points of the original trilogy.
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How did the First Order find out about the rebel escape plan? I'm sure that they learn from Del Toro's character? How does he know? Leia didn't even tell Poe. Would have to watch that bit again.

As they are traveling back to the fleet they get a transmission from Poe telling them about the abandoning ship in transports plan which Del Toro hears.
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10 hours ago, Clyde01 said:

So Finn and rose had to go all that way to find the ‘master code breaker’ yet by coincidence some random jake ball in a prison cell could do the same job? Not only that, he was hanging around in a jail cell he could escape from on a whim. That whole storyline was reeking of shit imo.


I suspect it's more likely that the "random jake ball" was the master code breaker. It was a casino planet, he had probably lost everything, including his red badge thing.

1 hour ago, Jack Burton said:


They could have just had the blue milk on the table like Rogue One. Poe makes a mistake in the opening of the film by refusing to listen Leia's orders and getting the bombers and x-wings wiped out taking out the dreadnought.



The point was that he hadn't learned from this mistake - he was still arguing that the loss was worth it.

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