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The Star Wars thread (includes spoilers for IX)

Quentin Taranbino

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Saw it tonight. A distinct "meh" from me. 

The Finn/Rose story line could literally have been cut out completely and the outcome wouldn't have been any different. Boring and utterly pointless. 

Adam Driver remains hideously miscast in my opinion. He's about as threatening as a wet blanket. 

The scene with Leia floating through space made me laugh out loud and not in a good way. 

There were some cool moments - almost everything with Luke, and some gorgeous visuals during the space battles in particular but the whole thing was just too bloated and directionless. Such a letdown. 

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Agree with everyone that the Leia scene was dreadful.

Rose is a shit character and that new storyline is going to be shit.

Didn’t mind the comedy. All Star Wars films have an element of comedy - why would this be any different. Luke chucking the lightsaber was surprising and funny. People need to dry their eyes over that. Porgs are fine as well. I liked the creatures getting milked - real life models and they looked authentic.

Throne room scene is up their with the best scenes in any Star Wars film. Sensational.

Don’t give a shite about Rey’s parentage. It’s irrelevant.

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10 hours ago, Uncle Psychosis said:


The Finn/Rose story line could literally have been cut out completely and the outcome wouldn't have been any different. Boring and utterly pointless. 


think on reflection that their actions in the casino bit, the escape, her giving her ring away etc, will be the spark of the rebellion that the films will show

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31 minutes ago, 54_and_counting said:

think on reflection that their actions in the casino bit, the escape, her giving her ring away etc, will be the spark of the rebellion that the films will show

Williams GIF

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I think the final shot was about cementing two of the things the movie tried to do: the power of a symbol and the idea that the force can be powerful in anyone no matter how humble their origins are. It's an explicit rejection of the fanboy nonsense about working out how everyone is potentially tied to the original cast or trilogies in some way. It also touched upon the lesson that Finn was supposed to learn, that he can't be selfish and has to consider other people if he wants to be a good person and do good.

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18 hours ago, Hedgecutter said:

For me it's more about how Rey is capable of suddenly 'picking up' the Force in a way others didn't, especially without any teaching. With the characters DA mentioned, I just presumed they'd have showed some ability before spending a while sussing it out / being taught.


Luke for example spent ages in a swamp trying to lift a single rock (with much difficulty), whereas Rey can miraculously do all sorts a few days after spending a lifetime dragging giant scraps of metal through the scorching desert for quarter portions, which must really suck knowing you could have done the same with your mind whilst on a dune with a cool box full of gin and tonic all this time btw.

Maaaary Suuuuue!

The shite explanation i got from the film was that the force has made her get better as Kylo gets better. Which is shite.

"Darkness rises, and light to meet it"

So theres no point in Rey actually bothering to train. She can sit on her arse and just let him do all the training. Shes a crap character. She dosent fail at anything and therefor people dont see her needing to improve. All too easy.

Shes a good swimmer for someone whos lived on Tatoo - i mean Jakku all her days.

And Daisy Ridley was worse in this film than the last. She does angry crying and over enthusiasm and thats about it.


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...and why would it be Rey that rises so spectacularly to meet Kylo if there are lots of force sensitive people kicking about like the wee guy at the end, and why would she so conveniently run into BB8 and Finn in TFA and know how to fly the Millennium Falcon. You don't need to be a plastic light sabre waving fanboy to expect some sort of explanation for that before the end of the trilogy.

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1 minute ago, LongTimeLurker said:

...and why would it be Rey that rises so spectacularly to meet Kylo if there are lots of force sensitive people kicking about like the wee guy at the end, and why would she so conveniently run into BB8 and Finn in TFA and know how to fly the Millennium Falcon. You don't need to be a plastic light sabre waving fanboy to expect some sort of explanation for that before the end of the trilogy.


Maybe shes a force baby Jesus like Anakin was? And the force has willed it? How are we supposed to know?

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12 minutes ago, Mark Connolly said:

Kylo Ren clearly murdered Rey's parents, and tried to murder her, but she was protected by her mother's love.

A piece of him attached itself onto the nearest living thing, ie her, and now they are connected.








Although that might be another film...

Reminds me of TLOTR two towers, especially with the big door at the end that was knocked in, the hero riding out to meet the enemy one last time, and them being saved by the others coming from the east blah blah blah :lol:

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Adam Driver remains hideously miscast in my opinion. He's about as threatening as a wet blanket. 

Granted the nose could make a rather good star destroyer prop, but I think the lack of threat is exactly what they're trying to get across with him being scared of not being as strong / feared as the bad-ass Darth Vader and an easy target for conversion in the eyes of Rey.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally got round to seeing it yesterday.  Visually it was brillaint at times and the Luke/Rey/Kylo plotline was superb, particularly liked how vulnerable Kylo comes across as and practically begs Rey to join him. Hopefully they expand on that in the 3rd movie. Plus the whole Snoke chamber scene was superb.

Thought there were too many plots and main characters though and it felt too all over the place,  didn't like the fact that the First Order were reduced to an incompetent clown show  either. The Finn/Rose plot was painfully boring, thought Finn was a great character in TFA but just really dull in this one. Not sure how Rose can claim to love him already when they've know each other for literally a day.

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Whilst I agree she was little miss perfect in TFA didn't Rey pretty much fail in everything major she tried to do minus lifting rocks at the end in this one? 



*Get proper Training from Luke. = Fail.

*Beat Snoke = Fail.

*Get Kylo Ren to return to the light side = Fail. 



Edited by Sir Peh McBridie
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6 hours ago, Sir Peh McBridie said:

Whilst I agree she was little miss perfect in TFA didn't Rey pretty much fail in everything major she tried to do minus lifting rocks at the end in this one? 

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*Get proper Training from Luke. = Fail.

*Beat Snoke = Fail.

*Get Kylo Ren to return to the light side = Fail. 



has any jedi ever trained properly in the star wars saga as we know it, not the ones already trained, yoda etc, i mean anakin (failed), ahsoka (failed), luke (failed first time), rey (failed), ren (failed, got bitch slapped by rey in TFA)

honestly the force really does need to rewrite it training guidelines, maybe have a conference where it can instruct a new batch of trainers etc lol

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1 hour ago, 54_and_counting said:


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has any jedi ever trained properly in the star wars saga as we know it, not the ones already trained, yoda etc, i mean anakin (failed), ahsoka (failed), luke (failed first time), rey (failed), ren (failed, got bitch slapped by rey in TFA)

honestly the force really does need to rewrite it training guidelines, maybe have a conference where it can instruct a new batch of trainers etc lol


Spoilers ahead. Tags not working for me.






How did Rey actually fail atall? She found Luke. (Why did the newbie who nobody knew get sent to convince the most powerful Jedi in the galaxy to help? Why didnt Leia go? Or Leia's general Poe? A minor gripe admittedly.) 

He didnt want to train her so she convinces him to do so for a day tops. And he dosent even teach her all 3 lessons. Then she leaves and is somehow good enough to help Kylo kill and brutalize all Snokes top notch, highly kitted out guards.

Anakin trained for years under Obi Wan. Was turned and Palpatine trained him. Ahsoka left and did her own thing as she disagreed with all of it but was trained for years. Ren was trained by Luke for years and was turned and Snoke was allegedly training him.

Rey thought Luke Skywalker was a fucking MYTH less than a week before this film is set. 

Importantly, Luke didnt train properly, got the shit beaten out of him and got his hand cut off, thrown down a garbage tunnel thing and shat out of Bespin. Then got his shit together for a couple of years before the Emperor whooped his ass and needed his dad to sneak attack Palpatine.


Apologies, ive gone off on one. But i really dislike Rey and this film :lol:

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I thought it was great

apart from the Leia scene. I expected them to kill her off due to Carrie dying so when she Force Jesused her way back in to the ship it took me by surprise.

Calling it just now - Ren to turn good in Episode IX and Disney to retcon the Skywalker Prophecy to have been about him all along, and not Anakin.

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has any jedi ever trained properly in the star wars saga as we know it, not the ones already trained, yoda etc, i mean anakin (failed), ahsoka (failed), luke (failed first time), rey (failed), ren (failed, got bitch slapped by rey in TFA)
honestly the force really does need to rewrite it training guidelines, maybe have a conference where it can instruct a new batch of trainers etc lol

Great opportunity now since that wee rascal Yoda burnt all the books.
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