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The Star Wars thread (includes spoilers for IX)

Quentin Taranbino

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Since many of us ended up having a long discussion about the fall of Anakin Skywalker and him becoming Darth Vader in that other thread, I thought it was time to have a Star Wars thread for all Star Wars related things.

Just how gay is C3P0? He's probably the gayest robot ever. Although he is responsible for one of my favourite lines in any Star Wars film ("No, I don't like you either" to R2D2 in ANH).

This has potential to be my favourite thread on here - and to celebrate I may watch the original trilogy.

R2D2 is easily the best character in Star Wars. None of yer Boba Fett, Han Solo nonsense.

I dislike R2D2. Ignorant b*****d. If droids can be b*****ds that is..

Original films are good, new ones absolutely terrible. The phantom menace is one of the worst films I've seen.

Pretty much agree. Although I quite enjoy Revenge of the Sith (Ep 3) because of the way it sets up the original trilogy.

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I find Revenge of the sith difficult to watch because its so busy all the time with camera angles etc. It's like a film for kids with ADHD.

Genuinely never noticed. If you ruin this film for me I wont be happy.

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the clone wars cartoons (2008 ones) were the best thing about star wars, they bridged the gap between ep2 and 3 and explains a lot of the plot holes that appear in ep3, especially anakins descent into the dark side which ep3 makes look like a quick decision

a lot of the cartoons show anakin getting close to his padawan to the point where he is scared to lose her, he shows a lot of anger throughout the wars and it is a lot easier to accept his choice of the dark side after watching them

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agreed, pointless character considering dooku was in charge and he had ventress as his apprentice

Dooku was brilliant, though I'm not sure how much of that is me being blinded by the fact he was played by Christopher Lee, who is always brilliant as baddies. Or as anything else really.

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Dooku was brilliant, though I'm not sure how much of that is me being blinded by the fact he was played by Christopher Lee, who is always brilliant as baddies. Or as anything else really.

wasnt used enough in the 3 prequels, much better in the cartoons and is exactly the same in them, brilliantly written character

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I intend to pitch a sitcom where Billy Dee Williams and Denis Lawson share an apartment with Nien Nunb, a bit like ALF but more Star Wars-y. Admiral Ackbar and Salacious Crumb would be enlisted for cameos.

That's about as far as I've got so far.

Edited by Colin M
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I HATE grevious. Rubbish character.

This. That character sums up just how much Lucas had lost it in the prequels. In the episode that should be focusing on Anakin Skywalker's fall to the dark side, Lucas decides to bring in an all new villain with little to no explanation as to who he is or what he wants. He's also a pretty piss poor character whose only noticable character trait is that he coughs a bit. I imagine what love does come his way stems from the fact that "OMGZ! He can hold 4 lightsabers at once!!!"

I imagine that the clone wars tv series may well flesh him out a bit as a character, but in terms of his role in episode III then he's a complete waste of space and a waste of time that should have been spent thinking out a better reason for Anakin to turn to the dark side other than "Oh I had a bad dream, better go slaughter some children now"

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"I killed them, they're all dead, every last one of them, and not just the men but the women and children too, THEY'RE LIKE ANIMALS....and i slaughtered them like animals, I HATE THEM" Some of the worst acting during that scene. Makes me cringe everytime i see it.

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Anakin kills the children of Tusken Raiders and nobody cares. Anakin kills some Jedi children and it becomes an atrocity beyond imagining. Hmmm. I guess Sand People aren't people?

R2D2 was ruined by the prequels. Seriously how many plot devices does he fulfil? He and C3PO shouldn't have been in prequels at all. They're just a couple of standard droids whose basic functions come in handy on a few occasions. They are not heroes or even sentient beings, any more than the Millennium Falcon or Luke's X-Wing are.

I agree that Grievous was an unnecessary addition to episode 3. I just spent all his scenes asking "Who the heck is this guy again?". He doesn't have any Force sensitivity as he's basically a cyborg, so why can't Obi Wan just use the Force to rip him apart or shut down his processors or whatever? He can do it to battle droids. Why can't he just rip the lightsabers out of Grievous' clamps? Grievous has no Force powers and no defence against that. Same with the 'droidekas' or whatever they're called from episode 1. The prequels are full of things posing a challenge to Jedi when they really shouldn't.

I actually watched bits of episodes 2 and 3 on ITV2 recently and realised I remembered almost none of the scenes from seeing them at the cinema. That's how bad they were.

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The main story arc problem with the prequel trilogy is that they should have focused on Obi-Wan - nobody gives a shit about how Darth Vader becomes Darth Vader. Ignoring the obvious racist undertones with the Gungans and the Trade Federation, there was so many needless characters:

Jango Fett (sure he looks cool but he was utterly pointless and his character ruined Boba Fett)

The Gungans in general

General Grievous (yeah, we get it George, he's a man who is now robot with a lightsaber but it isn't comparable to Darth Vader)

Watto (if he can resist the Force why don't the Sith hire a shit load of those guys?)

This guy would have made a good prequel trilogy:

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