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The Star Wars thread (includes spoilers for IX)

Quentin Taranbino

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Was the senator being the Sith lord ever meant to be a surprise? Im assuming for most people it was clear as day the very first time you meet the senator in TPM. Or were we genuinally 'not meant to know'

We were supposed to believe he was a good guy at first. I think he is revealed to be a bit of a b*****d in AOTC.

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Another plot hole;

In ANH, Leia, in her message to Obi Wan that she records in R2, says that Obi Wan served in the war with her father. She clearly means Bail Organa, her adoptive father, but when did he serve in the Clone Wars? He was a senator for Alderaan in the prequels. In fact when is faced with danger, during the deployment of Order 66, he shits it and bolts.

In regards as to what order to watch the films in;

Watch the originals first.

Then watch them again.

That's it.

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With regards to the newer ones, I quite like AotC and RotS. Some of the dialogue makes my head burst, but I can stand both movies. Episode I though... HATE that movie.

ROTS has some redeeming features. TPM has a couple, and it was a new Star Wars film, something that was eagerly waiting on for years. Both are unquestionably rotten mind.

However, AOTC is a fucking abomination. It's a shitstorm of massively proportions. You know how the red spot of Jupiter is a massive storm? Imagine said storm was literally all shit. That's not even close.

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Was the senator being the Sith lord ever meant to be a surprise? Im assuming for most people it was clear as day the very first time you meet the senator in TPM. Or were we genuinally 'not meant to know'

I said that as a joke. However if no one knew the story of IV-VI I think it would be a big plot twist. Likewise Vader being Luke's father is only a twist if you do not have knowledge of I-III.

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The new shit they added in 1997 should have been a massive warning to us all. It looked silly and out of place and seemed to be used just to show that they could. The most glaring example is in ROTJ when the alien, green, female singer with the long mouth turns to the camera. It's just utterly superfluous.

least they done the right thing and made jabba the hutt an actual alien in the updates

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Another plot hole;

In ANH, Leia, in her message to Obi Wan that she records in R2, says that Obi Wan served in the war with her father. She clearly means Bail Organa, her adoptive father, but when did he serve in the Clone Wars? He was a senator for Alderaan in the prequels. In fact when is faced with danger, during the deployment of Order 66, he shits it and bolts.

maybe the organa's told her that her father was in the army or whatever, maybe she knew she was adopted

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Maybe its because by the time of ANH obi wan is actually dead and its his force ghost thingy that meets luke and the droids

The reason he'll remember luke is because that's why he has returned, mind how there was no body when vader struck him down in the lightsaber fight

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But when he returns in ESB and ROTJ why is he transparent and not solid if that's the case?

Perhaps he just didn't want Luke to be aware that his father built C3-PO?

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You would have thought that Yoda and the Jedi council would have some sort of census or database that lists all their Jedi. Then surely after order 66 they would have known that they actually had hundreds of Jedi scattered across the universe rather than pinning all their hopes on one boy that they decided to hide in one of the worst hiding spots in the galaxy (with his aunt and uncle in a sparse desert). To be fair their gamble paid off but it was risky....

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Someone mentioned before about why doesn't Obi-Wan remember C-3PO and R2D2, he either pretends not to or has dementia, because R2D2 remembers him, that's why he goes after him on Tatooine.

R2D2 doesn't remember him. R2 and 3PO had their minds wiped before Captain Antilles took ownership.

I dare say Obi-Wan doesn't remember him as he would have seen 1000s of R2 droids. They all look the same.

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You would have thought that Yoda and the Jedi council would have some sort of census or database that lists all their Jedi. Then surely after order 66 they would have known that they actually had hundreds of Jedi scattered across the universe rather than pinning all their hopes on one boy that they decided to hide in one of the worst hiding spots in the galaxy (with his aunt and uncle in a sparse desert). To be fair their gamble paid off but it was risky....

Apparently it didn't get completely executed all at once. I can't remember specifically where I read it but there was a story about Vader hunting the remaining outcast Jedi's in between the 3 to 4 film gap.

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Apparently it didn't get completely executed all at once. I can't remember specifically where I read it but there was a story about Vader hunting the remaining outcast Jedi's in between the 3 to 4 film gap.

Yeah this happened, plus the jedi temple had a holocron with all the force sensitive children known in the galaxy, and the jedi temple archives were destroyed

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I love Star Wars and now my wee boy (he's 5) loves Star Wars too. Only things is, if you ask him what his favourite Star Wars is he says AOTC and a little part of me dies inside. He loves Anakin Skywalker for some reason. It wrecks my head when he has his Anakin action figure battling his Darth Vader and it totally stressed me out when he changed round all the bodies of his little lego Star Wars figures. His favourite in the original films is probably ROTJ as well.

I'm hoping he'll see the error of his ways when he is older......

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R2D2 doesn't remember him. R2 and 3PO had their minds wiped before Captain Antilles took ownership.

I dare say Obi-Wan doesn't remember him as he would have seen 1000s of R2 droids. They all look the same.

Doesn't only c3p0 get a memory wipe

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I love Star Wars and now my wee boy (he's 5) loves Star Wars too. Only things is, if you ask him what his favourite Star Wars is he says AOTC and a little part of me dies inside. He loves Anakin Skywalker for some reason. It wrecks my head when he has his Anakin action figure battling his Darth Vader and it totally stressed me out when he changed round all the bodies of his little lego Star Wars figures. His favourite in the original films is probably ROTJ as well.

I'm hoping he'll see the error of his ways when he is older......

He is clearly a highly intelligent 5 year old, playing out Anakin's internal battle between the dark and the light. A highly paid career as a psychologist is ahead of him!

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R2D2 doesn't remember him. R2 and 3PO had their minds wiped before Captain Antilles took ownership.

I dare say Obi-Wan doesn't remember him as he would have seen 1000s of R2 droids. They all look the same.

So why was R2 searching for his master on Tatooine then?

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