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You're a silly fucker that finds it hard to hide your hate, typical SDL.

^ ^ ^ ^

Beat in a discussion.

I thought you were better than this.

You don't even know me. Show me one quote I have made that is racist. Show me one quote that I have made that is homophobic.

I'll wait, for a wee while.

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^ ^ ^ ^

Beat in a discussion.

I thought you were better than this.

You don't even know me. Show me one quote I have made that is racist. Show me one quote that I have made that is homophobic.

I'll wait, for a wee while.

Shouting racist, homophobe, islamaphobe or whatever a phobe is the latest lefty shite and how these spangles attempt to close down discussion. Stick a label on someone and shout a lot. It can be fairly effective at times, but the impact of these words is gradually being eroded through inappropriate use by these fools. Its the boy that cried wolf scenario and they are too thick to realise.

Edited by Reynard
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Shouting racist, homophobe, islamaphobe or whatever a phobe is the latest lefty shite and how these spangles attempt to close down discussion. Stick a label on someone and shout a lot. It can be fairly effective at times, but the impact of these words is gradually being eroded through inappropriate use by these fools. Its the boy that cried wolf scenario and they are too thick to realise.

What's the purpose of your signature Foxy?

You'll be one of them, then you won't be an AGEIST BASTARD will you!!!!!

Edited by Drooper
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Shouting racist, homophobe, islamaphobe or whatever a phobe is the latest lefty shite and how these spangles attempt to close down discussion. Stick a label on someone and shout a lot. It can be fairly effective at times, but the impact of these words is gradually being eroded through inappropriate use by these fools. Its the boy that cried wolf scenario and they are too thick to realise.

Calling an old woman a "bigot" cost Gordon Brown his high ranking job. She only asked him a question and he spent the next 6 hours grovelling to her and 10 days grovelling to the press, so yeah, you're right. Misclaiming folk and dishing out unsavoury names can and will come back to haunt you, especially when those names were uncalled for in the first place. You could say it was "PC" gone wrong in Brown's case.

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Shouting racist, homophobe, islamaphobe or whatever a phobe is the latest lefty shite and how these spangles attempt to close down discussion. Stick a label on someone and shout a lot. It can be fairly effective at times, but the impact of these words is gradually being eroded through inappropriate use by these fools. Its the boy that cried wolf scenario and they are too thick to realise.

Wolfaphobic post, IMO

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has the op dipped back in? Nah , he's canvassng

his team have a strong edl support. As evident on their hosting the last two visits. c***s in Cambridge

fukin hate cats . put a melon helmet on the c.unt will just make it easier with the sledgehammer swing.

Edited by Assasinach
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Erm, I think the right-wingers who are having a frenzy on this thread will find there are lots of "leftards" (© Reynard) who have no time for religion, such as myself. Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens are two well known examples, and indeed the majority of well-known scientific figures are atheists with left-wing political views.

As for the EDL, who are the main topic of this thread, they are and always will be cretinous f**ktards, regardless of your political or religious views.

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You're a silly fucker that finds it hard to hide your hate, typical SDL.


^ ^ ^ ^


Beat in a discussion.



I thought you were better than this. 


You don't even know me. Show me one quote I have made that is racist. Show me one quote that I have made that is homophobic.


I'll wait, for a wee while.

What discussion? Limp-wristed has been a homophobic slur for as long as i can remember. Were you not aware of that?

That's the problem with arguing with right-wingers, most of them are pig-ignorant.

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What discussion? Limp-wristed has been a homophobic slur for as long as i can remember. Were you not aware of that?

That's the problem with arguing with right-wingers, most of them are pig-ignorant.

That would still make ALL of them smarter than you all the same. <_<

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What discussion? Limp-wristed has been a homophobic slur for as long as i can remember. Were you not aware of that?

That's the problem with arguing with right-wingers, most of them are pig-ignorant.

Oh dear.

Away and get the heid doon. School starts in 11 hours son.

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Just had a wee read at this topic ----

Let me input what I see and is happening across the UK and not as much in Scotland as in the rest of the Uk

94 kids aged 4-11 moved to a primary school 6 miles from there original school

Reason - the Muslim Community needed a mosque

Cost - school 3 years old knocked down at an estimated cost of £3.2m

Land sold - £1 to Muslim community under regeneration program

Local government statement:

This is a step forward in building our relations with the Muslim community.

Local Businessman tries to buy a waste land under the regeneration program similar size to the plot of land sold for a £1 after demolition costs

£600,000 was the cost quoted

Look deeper and the cracks are there to see

Everybody is that scared of being labelled a racist a bigot that these people get away with absolute robbery.

Wake up Britain

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