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Bananarama were originally formed as a tribute band to Swedish sensation Electric Banana Band, themselves formed as a response to the success of Trazan & Banarne, a highly acclaimed Swedish children's television programme.

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The 5th amendment, where you can keep your trap shut so as not to implicate yourself, obviously went thru 4 previous amendments, I'll talk you through them.

1st amendment, jabber yer cock off & hope for the best.

2nd amendment, sing for your innocence.

3rd amendment, only say the last 3 words of a sentence & if the jury can't guess what you done you get to walk free.

4th amendment you get 5 minutes to talk to the jury if you can make over 1/2 of them laugh you get off scot free.


ETA forgot to mention in Ammy 2 it had to be an Bananarama song

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Although Sir Edmund Hilary received great acclaim as the first man to climb Mount Everest, the details of his descent are far less publicised, probably because he didn't actually make the descent. He was airlifted off the peak by helicopter suffering from altitude sickness and inflamed piles aggravated by wiping his arse with yellow snow. Through a sense of loyalty and a big bung of cash the other members of the climbing party agreed not to divulge this information which has only recently come to light under the freedom of information act.

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Although Sir Edmund Hilary received great acclaim as the first man to climb Mount Everest, the details of his descent are far less publicised, probably because he didn't actually make the descent. He was airlifted off the peak by helicopter suffering from altitude sickness and inflamed piles aggravated by wiping his arse with yellow snow. Through a sense of loyalty and a big bung of cash the other members of the climbing party agreed not to divulge this information which has only recently come to light under the freedom of information act.

I remember the 1st time I saw the YouTube of Sir EH tobogganing down Everest, when he jumped off at the bottom, I just assumed that he had his fake fur trimmed hood of his parka zipped up to the snorkel to keep out the cold now it's revealed it wasn't actually him.

It does explain how when he set off he was nearly 6' but when he jumps off the toboggan he appears to be a foot shorter. It was just a Nepalese Sherpa in his parka eh? Cheating c**t.

That's the posters coming down off my bedroom wall now. Anyone want to buy my 1953 collection of Kendal mint cake?

Briggso please tell me you haven't asked for a FOI on Roger Bannister, no more shattered dreams.


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Anyone want to buy my 1953 collection of Kendal mint cake?


If anyone is on the fence about whether to start the bidding here, I grew up in Kendal and can assure you, it won't taste any worse than a batch made fresh yesterday.

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Pontefract cakes were invented by a Roman pedant and pastry chef who introduced the manufacturing process to Yorkshire on April 3rd, 67 AD. Although welcomed by the natives initially for his tasty treats, they quickly got annoyed by his know it all attitude of contradicting them on every occasion by starting every sentence with "Point of fact...."

Although the cake made everyone in Yorkshire rich they were ungrateful sods and forever took the pish out of the inventor, Flabio, by naming the sweet by his nickname. Through the evolution of the language by Angle, Saxon, Norman, Huguenot and Estuary invasions Pointoffact became Pontefract. Fact.

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Felicity Kendal, she of the pert bottom and past winner of Rear of the Year, (ah wid) is heiress to the Kendal Mint Cake empire. The cake company was actually one of EH's sponsors on his Everest climb but withheld a large part of their money when Eccles Cake wrappers were found at base camp.

These type of wrappers are not to be confused with the latest Eccles Cake advertisement which features lyrics sung by Eminem.

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Sam Janus Womack's father was the owner of a firm that hired out fancy dress and sold toys. He had to abandon his early marketing slogan "HUGH JANUS FOR HIRE, TOY AND FANCY DRESS SPECIALIST, DISCOUNTS FOR GROUPS" when he was inundated with time-wasting calls from the Houses of Parliament and parts of Brighton.

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Wilkinson Sword became a widespread known brand when they were commissioned to design the guillotine which beheaded Charles I, allowing them to diversify away from quality swords produced for the high classes.

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Since records began, the Scottish harvest season of 2015 has seen an all time low in the number of recorded mice deaths caused by tractors/combines. (21).

Experts are bamboozled as to the exact reasons for this significant reduction, although softer tyres and less sharp blades probably help.

Edited by dee_62
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Since records began, the Scottish harvest season of 2015 has seen an all time low in the number of recorded mice deaths caused by tractors/combines. (21).

Experts are bamboozled as to the exact reasons for this significant reduction, although softer tyres and less sharp blades probably help.

Mexican mice coming over here and taking Scottish jobs IMHO



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Kirkpatrick Macmillan the blacksmith's youngest child had epilepsy & had to wear one of those protective head guards, so his child wouldn't look out of place round the streets of Keir D&G he had to invent the bicycle.


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