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Aliases of banned posters



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Should be a ban-worthy offence if you constantly accuse someone of being an alias.

Should be a ban worthy offence being an attention seeking child

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Link to resignation please.


The good guys?

That would be No8, Bennett, Bendarroch, Bearwithme, Youngsy and of course Kincardine.

The wanks?

That would be a long list, but a good place for you to start looking would be a mirror.

Adiós to the BRALT, this thread has had its time from me, its been a laugh but all good things must come to an end.

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AsWeRiseAgain Newest Member :lol::lol::lol:

He's clearly not bitter at all

Only atmosphere you'll get at shittodrie is when Rangers are in town.
Yes fiction. That is Abhergreens "imaginary" rivalry with us.
Saw the entrance for their game against Barca and the atmosphere was rank rotten
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This thread is phenomenal reading.

Like a big old congregation place for the biggest roasters in P&B history. The metaphorical equivalent of a bunch of neds trying to get into a respectable nightclub on a Saturday night, only to encounter Keith on the doors with a big banhammer going 'NUP!'

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Truth be told I have attended more national games than club games over the past ten years or so, WHY ?, because it's fucking brilliant singing in unison with many other clubs supporters and fixated on one agenda !. Our team pumps another team from another country altogether and none of this bigoted shite you get at club level. My wee nephews love the atmosphere and that suits me just fine because they support other clubs in the league but we all join in together loudly singing "We'll be coming doon the road" you obviously haven't been to a national game ever :( .

I support my country first and Celtic second, but buy Celtic merchandise and attend the odd fixture as well and my ever growing Scotland scarf collection. The Croatia scarf is my top scarf at the moment next to the official Celtic scarf my proddy neighbour resented buying me in the Celtic shop because Celtic won the title and she lost her bet who would win the title recently just when a certain club went tits up :):lol: God bless her she died last year :bairn

Yet you spend 98% of your time on here ranting about another club?

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in all seriousness the bralt is a shambles of a thread. the same discussion are repeated every day and the same old stinking patter aswell .

I agree it is time for BRALT to be closed, no longer anything new on it, but not sure about this thread though, anybody can "grass" anybody on a whim, don't like what they say, accuse them of being an alias of a banned poster, job done

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Naw the knob end is you for actually creating a non posting rep giving fud alias account in the first place and you still didn't deny it in your post above.

Yip I did rep a few of your old posts to annoy you but they showed up on this account !, you on the other hand about a week after this created a non posting rep giving fud alias and then proceeded to negatively rep my account and did nothing else other than dish out red dots in my past post history that night on an account created that night.

I immediately noticed within a few minutes of receiving 4 red dots and did a rep search and found out an account called HBQC gave me two reddies in my past post history as well as yourself and this continued at the same time for three nights. Coincidence or what Tedi that two accounts for three nights around the same time neg repped me just after 2am !.

It takes a sad pathetic man to go to the levels you did to protect your false rep and then proceed to destroy other posters rep just because you had a run in with them or they dispensed all their red dots to you for days.

He's also frank de bear.

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