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The 50 Best Posters in P&B History


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It's not really a particularly difficult concept, is it? When I read this site there are particular posters whose contributions I enjoy and who make threads more interesting. As such, if these posters were no longer involved they would be a big loss from my point of view.

On the other hand, if some nonentity like AberdeenBud or KeeperDee was banned, it wouldn't affect my enjoyment in the slightest. In fact, I probably wouldn't even notice that their bland contributions were gone.

A nonentity in your view, fair enough. But that's a rather selfish take on it, as I'm sure people on this site appreciate both AberdeenBud and my views on issues.

Regardless though, I'm sure you have a reason for you view. Care to explain it?

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It's not really a particularly difficult concept, is it? When I read this site there are particular posters whose contributions I enjoy and who make threads more interesting. As such, if these posters were no longer involved they would be a big loss from my point of view.

On the other hand, if some nonentity like AberdeenBud or KeeperDee was banned, it wouldn't affect my enjoyment in the slightest. In fact, I probably wouldn't even notice that their bland contributions were gone.

Are you honestly saying that you look out for VikingTon's posts when viewing the board? I'd estimate that at least 75% of his posts are mundane efforts at winding someone up, using tired catchphrases from years ago. It's astonishing that anyone gets wound up by his efforts anymore.

But yeah, I agree with Swampy, who I doubt many would argue is a decent poster.

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Guest The Phoenix

It's not really a particularly difficult concept, is it? When I read this site there are particular posters whose contributions I enjoy and who make threads more interesting. As such, if these posters were no longer involved they would be a big loss from my point of view.

On the other hand, if some nonentity like AberdeenBud or KeeperDee was banned, it wouldn't affect my enjoyment in the slightest. In fact, I probably wouldn't even notice that their bland contributions were gone.

Your point is valid now you've clarified it is a personal opinion that your enjoyment of P&B would be diminished be their demise.

Roverthemoon's point is that you seemed to be saying that P&B in general would be the poorer without them.

Personally I'd miss Swampy because he's far more than a one trick pony and he entertains in addition to deriding others, whereas VT only does the latter.

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Guest The Phoenix

All this poses the question. Should the very best posters on here get paid ?

Nah, I need to stay below the super tax bracket, so I'm fine with voluntary work.

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Swampy is an outstanding poster IMO, although he is prone to bizarre fits of pique for no apparent reason. He also rips the pish out of people with infinitely more style and panache than VT, who has just become a monotonous parody of himself.

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I'm always surprised when I see vikingTON actually having a normal conversation with someone and not a barrage of his scripted retorts. It makes me believe there is a shred of a nice guy in there somewhere. I reckon he would be useless if someone physically confronted him. His keyboard is his AK-47.

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I'm always surprised when I see vikingTON actually having a normal conversation with someone and not a barrage of his scripted retorts. It makes me believe there is a shred of a nice guy in there somewhere. I reckon he would be useless if someone physically confronted him. His keyboard is his AK-47.


Although obviously a very intelligent individual, his online etiquette / conversational manner is sorely lacking.

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Are you honestly saying that you look out for VikingTon's posts when viewing the board? I'd estimate that at least 75% of his posts are mundane efforts at winding someone up, using tired catchphrases from years ago. It's astonishing that anyone gets wound up by his efforts anymore.

But yeah, I agree with Swampy, who I doubt many would argue is a decent poster.

While it's certainly true that he can be tedious at times, I like the fact that VikingTON can so effortlessly weed out the idiots on this site. When he posts sincerely he's generally very good value too.

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Guest The Phoenix

Athena, now those were the days!

I had that very poster up on my wall in my office and some bitch complained about it.

It was the beginning of the end for male domination. :(

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KeeperDee wrote:

A nonentity in your view, fair enough. But that's a rather selfish take on it, as I'm sure people on this site appreciate both AberdeenBud and my views on issues.

Regardless though, I'm sure you have a reason for you view. Care to explain it?

Expressing my own opinion is selfish now, aye?

There are loads of people who I think are completely worthless posters who wouldn't be missed. I just picked you two guys out because you've posted recently on this thread.

When I read a post, I'm looking for it to be intelligent, insightful or funny. Generally yours are none of those things. When people consistently post stuff which fits none of those criteria, I feel they can be safely placed in the "non entity" category.

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KeeperDee wrote: Expressing my own opinion is selfish now, aye?

There are loads of people who I think are completely worthless posters who wouldn't be missed. I just picked you two guys out because you've posted recently on this thread.

When I read a post, I'm looking for it to be intelligent, insightful or funny. Generally yours are none of those things. When people consistently post stuff which fits none of those criteria, I feel they can be safely placed in the "non entity" category.

Aye, in your opinion.

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