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Shot in the dark here, but as this was on the east coast line, this wasn't by any chance a little fifty-something guy with longish curly white hair, glasses, a broad north-east accent and a ticket punch that leaves a little cut-out of a cat on your ticket, was it? If it was, then the guy is a total, utter c**t whose cat ticket punch is almost certainly a sign of some unspeakable sexual proclivity.

The best on the other hand is 'Iain' who's a middle aged, slightly rotund & Scottish East Coast guy who's frequently on the Aberdeen line. Great sense of humour, takes no shite from the minks etc etc and is well in the "I'll be nice to you if you're nice to me" camp.

That sounds a tad dodgy reading back on it but I can't be arsed rewriting.

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It's clearly a shite attempt at trying to fleece people by setting such a lazy rule in the first place though. You could easily say that the handheld machines are just for people getting on at stations without facilities, yet they're happy enough to use them to charge full price when they could easily chuck them off at the next station. That wouldn't be much of a revenue earner of course.

You seem to be suspiciously defensive of the train companies though. If I remember correctly, haven't you previously defended the price of train fares by saying you can get them for £X if you book in advance, so basically why the big song and dance?

Are you complaining that not enough passengers get thrown off trains? Or that it's cheaper to buy advance tickets? Don't understand.

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Are you complaining that not enough passengers get thrown off trains? Or that it's cheaper to buy advance tickets? Don't understand.

I was attempting to say that staff with ticket machines are happy enough to use them when charging full fare but when it comes to hitting a 'YP railcard' button then it's too much effort and they invent a shitey rule which conveniently makes them more money.

If they were that serious about stopping people getting on without tickets then they should chuck them off rather than taking full fare. I'm not saying I want to see more of that though, instead saying the fore mentioned rule should be relaxed.

The advance fare part was simply my thought that VT seems to have a love-in with Scotrail as he previously stated that you can't complain about stupidly expensive train fares when you can buy advance tickets for much less, hence it didn't surprise me to see him defending Scotrail on this issue. If it wasn't him then I apologise, but I'm pretty sure it was a while back.

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I was attempting to say that staff with ticket machines are happy enough to use them when charging full fare but when it comes to hitting a 'YP railcard' button then it's too much effort and they invent a shitey rule which conveniently makes them more money.

rule number 5 and 6 from the T&C of the YP railcard site

  1. Tickets for your journey should be purchased before boarding the train and when buying tickets you must show the Railcard.

  2. You must carry your Railcard with you on your journey and when asked by rail staff, you must show a valid ticket and valid Railcard. If you fail to do so, you will be required to pay the full price Standard Single fare for your journey as if no ticket was purchased before starting the journey and in some cases a Penalty Fare. This does not apply if there was no ticket office at the station at which you began your journey or if the ticket office was closed and there was no ticket machine from which you could buy a discounted ticket.

So when you get to use it on trains after boarding at stations that are manned or have a working ticket machine the conductor is being kind to you. These rules are not made by Scotrail but by ATOC (Association of Train Operating Companies) who manage and set the rules for all the national railcards.

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FWIW, I do think it's a pointless rule. But it's clearly laid out, so if you get stung by it you can't really complain.

I've never had that problem, but I did once book YP tickets and lose the card before the return back to Aberdeen. I'd (stupidly) booked the 9.15am train on the Sunday morning after a big night out in Edinburgh. Instead of charging me for a new ticket, the condutor let it slide. I was the only person in the carriage so maybe that's why she did it. Either that or she took pity of me cause I looked like death.

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The reason it's there is to try and make people buy tickets before they get on the train and not give them license to try and fare dodge.

I don't get people's reactions to this. Try it and get away with it well done, but why the hostility when you are caught out? It is you after all that is in the wrong.

I had a spell of making some very long journey's without paying, or only paying part of the way, until I was eventually caught and stung for a lot of cash. I would reckon it was running into thousands the amount I had dodged, and a lot of it was to do with luck. But hey the guy was only doing his job, and I was in the wrong. I now tend to buy a ticket, although that does depend on where I am going. The one rule I had, I always had the means for paying when I get on the train. Anyone who doesn't is just crazy.

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It's clearly a shite attempt at trying to fleece people by setting such a lazy rule in the first place though. You could easily say that the handheld machines are just for people getting on at stations without facilities, yet they're happy enough to use them to charge full price when they could easily chuck them off at the next station. That wouldn't be much of a revenue earner of course.

You seem to be suspiciously defensive of the train companies though. If I remember correctly, haven't you previously defended the price of train fares by saying you can get them for £X if you book in advance, so basically why the big song and dance?

I'm 'defensive' of perfectly straightforward policies and staff against the charge of morons. Feel free to outline why you consider this to be 'suspicious' though.

I was attempting to say that staff with ticket machines are happy enough to use them when charging full fare but when it comes to hitting a 'YP railcard' button then it's too much effort and they invent a shitey rule which conveniently makes them more money.

No member of staff has "invented" a rule, and it has been enforced for years. You're simply talking shite, again.

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FWIW, I do think it's a pointless rule. But it's clearly laid out, so if you get stung by it you can't really complain.

For the record, this is actually my thought on the matter. The 'pointless rule' just happens to provide the situation that makes the rail companies the most profit. Make of that what you will. It's a bit dodgy and 'suspicious' imo.

I'm 'defensive' of perfectly straightforward policies and staff against the charge of morons. Feel free to outline why you consider this to be 'suspicious' though.

No member of staff has "invented" a rule, and it has been enforced for years. You're simply talking shite, again.

First line of that: See above

Bottom line: By 'they', I actually meant the rail company rather than the member of staff. That could have been made a lot clearer, sorry!

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Right so I was getting the train from Haymarket to Dundee and the ticket conductor comes over. We haven't bought tickets. My friend flashes his railcard and the conductor seemingly takes notice and types it away into his machine. My friend pays and then it's my turn, I say "I have a rail card as well" and conductor says "okay". I've just put my pin in the machine when I notice the cost of my mates ticket. It's really expensive for a mere single. I look closer and to my horror there is no "Y-P" on the ticket to signify this is a young persons ticket. The theiving conductor has ignored his rail card! And he was now doing the same to me! I bring the fact up and the conductor quietly apologises, but it was clear to see this mug had been caught out. He must have thought he was going to get away with the lot of it. We were refunded and our new tickets were 5 quid cheaper each with a railcard. I was later told by my mate that the conductors colleague was watching over him as he charged us more than he should. His colleague actually said in his ear "superb." Those absolute fucking b*****ds. Make no mistake people, these slimy, theiving arseholes are out to rob you. Some say that you're a theif for skipping a train fare - but I say Scotrail know exactly what they're doing too. They have an agenda. I think they will do as much as they can to try swindle us all. Keep your eyes open, my friends.

Given that you have to use a ticket to get through the barrier at Haymarket, how did you even manage to get on the train in the first place?

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c**t that looks like doc out of back to the future? Absolute and complete roaster.

Can confirm this rocket is a grade A weapon.

I remember one time I was on the train just after the fancy revolving door toilets were first installed. Said weapon was making his rounds down the aisle, and when passing the toilet area suddenly burst out with "if you're going to do THAT in there you could at least make sure it's locked!".

To this day I wonder what THAT was, and bearing in mind this was the Dundee train the possibilities are pretty much endless.

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Once saw him threaten to phone the police on three middle aged men in suits on a deserted train on a saturday evening for having the temerity to ask some questions. He then refused to give them him employee number/surname or anything like that when one of the blokes said they were going to make a complaint, on the basis that 'If he did that, they could come round to his house and beat him up.'.

Strange, strange interaction.

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He then refused to give them him employee number/surname or anything like that when one of the blokes said they were going to make a complaint, on the basis that 'If he did that, they could come round to his house and beat him up.'.

Would be much funnier to just massively inconvenience him by ordering a multitude of pizzas,curries etc to his gaff that needed to be paid for at the door. Also signed up for amusing catalogues and such.

On that note, I have a motorcycle clothing catalogue that once came through my door addressed to "Mr John F**k".....

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I hate c***s who.put bags on the free seat next to them especially when the train is full.

I just ask them to move their bag, Seats are for sitting on, Don't give me that seething look.

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  • 7 months later...

Just read that barriers are going to be installed in Perth for mid July. Knew it was coming but not as soon as that. Looks like the end of my fare dodging days. Means I won't be able to hop on a train without a ticket either. Shite. f**k Scotrail.

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