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Still Game quotes


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1) Ya b*****din' dumplin ye!

2) Don't call me an arsehole Betty

3) She is still here, in my heart. "BIRTHDAY CAIRD PISH!"

4) Whit ye gonny do next? Cut aff yer baws and come back as yer sister?

5) A scone and tea at half past three makes the day a little brighter, so take yer cakes and fancy tarts and shove them up yer shiter

Edited by YOGI IS GOD
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1. "Table for one at the Indian Star tonight, Bobby?"

2. "Well, it'll be history when it's flying out my pisser in about an hour."

3. "Attack of the Lazy b*****d Barman"

4. "You're a dick, you're a dick, you're under the thumb, and you're a p***k!"

5. "Naw, get yersel a Bacardi and diet lemonade, ya arsehole ye."

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"theres two types of people in life, those who use the front door and those who use the back"........"can we use the back door boaby, the shutters doon"

"we even...kicked a giraffe tae death one time"

Edited by wellfan09
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Not really a quote but this had me in stitches when I saw it. Boaby gets called away from the pub and Eric stands in behind the bar. Next thing you know, the entire pub is behind the bar helping themselves to a free shot and then they down them with a toast "TO BOABY!".

A greenie for anyone who can find the clip (or the episode) on Youtube.

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1. Navid - "Who'd you think you're talking to eh ya ginger bitch. "

2. Jack "Mibbe if ye huv a jobbie, Martin, yer maw cin wipe yer arse fir ye, Martin."


4. Boaby "Oft here they come Abott n Costello you're puttin the beef on Jack"....." aye thats right, everytime i shag your wife she makes me a sandwich"

5. Navid "yer Dain ....ma box in....ya dobber"

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1) "Aye, well, ye'll have a bloody job ringing his neck he's in a million bits"

2) "Away an take a flyin focus tae yersel"

3) "I'll be in on Friday at doo doo....hauf two"

4) "Nobody will be getting battered up the arse on my shift"

5) "It's deid. He musta died, then they cut aff his phone, cause he didny pay his bill, cause he couldny, cause he wis deid"

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1) "I run a tight ship, not a shite tip!"

2) "Two pints ya p***k!"

3) "A scone and tea at half past 3 makes the day a little brighter. Keep yer cakes and fancy tarts, and stick them up yer shiter!"

4) "I don't mean to speak ill of the dead, but he was a p***k!"

5) "Is there anything heavy in my bag? Aye, the bloody electricity bill!"

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"Navid how come you don't have whisky tastin's in here? I'd certainly come" : "Good idea Pete, what time's good for you? What about 5 o'clock in the morning before I take the rolls in ya jaakey baastard"

Edited by YOGI IS GOD
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Boaby - Oh look it's the Two Ronnies.

Jack - And it's geeus a pint ya p***k from me

Victor- and it's geeus a pint ya p***k from him

Don't mean to piss on your chips, Celtic boi, but it's actually "Shut up ya p***k fae me."

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Not really a quote but this had me in stitches when I saw it. Boaby gets called away from the pub and Eric stands in behind the bar. Next thing you know, the entire pub is behind the bar helping themselves to a free shot and then they down them with a toast "TO BOABY!".

A greenie for anyone who can find the clip (or the episode) on Youtube.



Edited by YOGI IS GOD
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"Mibbe if ye huv a jobbie, Martin, yer maw cin wipe yer arse fir ye, Martin."

4. "You're a dick, you're a dick, you're under the thumb, and you're a p***k!"

5. Navid "yer Dain ....ma box in....ya dobber"

"Back aff, yaaaa spooky bitch!"

"Lager please...ya big lantern-jawed, bug-eyed junkie-faced bone-idle dimwitted basterd ye!"

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