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"Journalist tricked into using bad grammar by legalese" should be their next headline. I would assume that most journalists have a good English degree; it's incredible that they could be so poor at reading and writing as to read that "XYZ may be inferred" and translate that into their report as "this inferred that XYZ". Now if they'd written, "the inference was that XYZ", that would have made sense.

It's one common misuse that really gets on my balls. A professional reporter shouldn't be doing it.

I think it speaks more to the removal of sub editors and a checking process on most papers. Knowing the Tele, and the reporter, that story will most likely have been filed up against a deadline down the phone to a copy taker who then types it out and puts it through to the paper. In the past it would be read at the Newsdesk, perhaps modified, then put on a page by a sub who would have edited it further. Now it just gets slapped in with barely a check. Dangerous.

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Sturdy Sheila's you've got over there, here there'd be a facebook petition to have all kangaroos put down.



"I'm scared and I'm not ready for the pain on top of the cracked ribs, because they're actually right behind that area, but at the end of the day you've just got to keep going."

Ms Heinrich urged anyone wanting to do the Riesling Trail not to be put off by the attack.
"Please don't let anybody be scared of that Riesling Trail, because it was a beautiful, beautiful ride before 'Skip' played," she said.
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Flying microwave in Dundee


"Dawn Glen, 40, who lives in a block of flats directly across the road from where the microwave fell, said: “It’s not very surprising to be honest.

“I have a photograph from two Christmases ago when a toilet was thrown out of a window in the same block."


I've been to Dundee. Could have been me it landed on. Be a wear x 

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